Popular Post Is not JL Posted June 2, 2014 Popular Post Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 (edited) There's quite a few reasons why I'm leaving; if you want it all, sorry but you'll have to read through all of this ____________________________Before I begin an exodus of text flying out of my mind and into this thread in an abrupt, opinionated, biased and unruly sort of way, let me tell you a story.Over a year ago, I met a person named 'American Muscle'. He was a custom game host, and he had a messed up sleep schedule so it was usually possible for me to hop into his lobbies when I got home from school. His customs were ok; however, as a host there was an obvious room for improvement. I didn't really care; he was the only host whose time i could 'fit' and until then he seemed like a cool guy.One day, somebody whom I, and I'm sure some of you guys respected (twas a mom), gave some constructive criticism. American Muscle immediately went into close-minded ###### mode, and that was a jarring event for me. Because all of a sudden he was a toxic player, basically telling me to go **** off and stuff.Until then, my judge of character had been wrong. This guy went into an outburst; on another site where I was a member of, he spammed creating accounts and was basically.....not a nice person, so to speak.In a way, my reaction now is similar to my reaction then. A nice thing for me has been corrupted, whether it was by my own opinions, impression, or anything else. And now I just want to distance myself from this place.____________________________Time, and time again, I see a bunch of quotes saying stuff like 'Speak your mind, even if other people don't like it' and stuff. Yet, I've always tried to hold my mouth. Now that I think about it, it might be because of the above story; I'm afraid that something I like is going to suddenly lash out. But I feel like I can't leave this place without at the very least voicing my true opinions. Some of it will be good. Some of it will be negative. All of it should sound subjective and opinionated. Whether you listen to what I have to say and think about my words, or you toss them out the window and say 'Gtfo JL you're a little ****' I have no control over, but I'd prefer it if you did the former.Furthermore, before I begin, keep in mind that I might end up sound like I'm talking specifically about one reader. If it does, I apologize in advance, but I'll be saying it nonetheless. What I say will probably sounds condescending, conceited, arrogant and self-centered, and that's inherently going to be the consequence. The very reason I'm typing this out is because as hard as I've tried to be open minded, I think I've failed. I just don't like some things, and I can't bring myself to change that opinion. If a situation I describe is an event that sounds like it was involving you, sorry. I guess that you just left a jarring impression from that--Kinda like getting quickscoped in CoD. It happens very little if at all, snipers are already at a disadvantage. but dying from a quickscope is such a jarring experience that I remember it very clearly, and for that reason I QQ all day.____________________________I feel like this site's members has gotten a bit close minded. And yeah, before you say it, I know. Me saying that is a very close-minded thing to do. But......well, I'll just go on, because the more I pander about how I've tried to be open minded, the more of a **** i'm gonna seem to be.There's been many times where I feel like I'm talking a person who is 100% Prideful and 0% Humble. I say anything negative about what you guys do and you seem to become a passive aggressive person in your words all of a sudden. And while I get that you can be prideful of your work, your achievements, I can't stand it when you go around revelling in the praise, reacting arrogantly to criticism, and it makes me dislike you. Period. Furthermore, I feel sometimes as though the thing that you are highly prideful for isn't exactly high in quality either.>"OMG JL ER YOU INSINUTATING DAT I EM BAD AT ENGLISH?"> Cannot string a sentence together.>"Hey, bubby, I think you haven't gotten here because you still haven't reached that level yet.">"JL you're a downie"And basically I simply don't like to be around people like you. I'm sorry that I feel that way around some of you, because ALL of you are some pretty cool people, it's just that sometimes I wanna slap you in the face, but I don't want to be a violent monkey either. The only thing I can do is walk away.____________________________Events are no longer fun around here. You might think it's dumb that I bring it up, but events were a big reason I signed up here. That mom I was talking about above? He used to host custom games every single friday/saturday, and that was pretty much one of the reasons I got on here. He was the game night king; within his lobbies there was an atmosphere that I simply liked. Here, nothing is true; everything is permitted.Even when this person left hosting lobbies, there were still people who could pick up the slack. This is when I met Drizzy_Dan who hosted some unforgettable lobbies (3 man Reach campaign, remembir gaiz?) and I remember always getting on at 9PM saturday just for that.I feel like lobby quality nowadays has fallen. The atmosphere itself is something I no longer enjoy; most of the lobbies here lack a certain fluency, and much of the talk within the lobbies themselves I no longer find fun. While I can put off the fact that everybody is gonna go 'oooh oooh aaah aaah' because they haven't played some of the maps that have been tested and glorified years ago, I can't stand it when:1. We're playing untested maps and gametypes that have problems within and generally could be - AND WERE - done better.2. We're playing maps and gametypes that were modified and for some reason made worse. I'm gonna draw an example here: Playing Jump Rope on reach, the gametype was modified by some random guy and it made the gameplay a bit worse because now we could kill ourselves by shooting, and the map had been 'resaved' by somebody else and for some reasons the spawns were broken. Not very nice for me, especially when I'm friends with the creator but other people are taking credit for it.Also, rules are waaaaay too constricting. In other lobbies, such as the many, many lobbies hosted daily on Halocustoms, at it's core, the thing is to 'have fun'. Everything goes. Here, though, it seems like I'm being forced to have fun. All the chat restrictions don't help - no talking about this! no talking about that! Even though it's a very menial thing being restricted, I simply can't enjoy a game if the host is gonna limit what I can or cannot say.(I literally cannot say 'You suck' after I beat someone. No. Me. Gusta.)____________________________My sense of humour is way too different. It seems the slightest bit of sarcasm is gonna get taken as offensive; I've gotten reports about being condescending and for being a troll. I'm truly sorry if I offended you; but IMHO this is very, very mild behaviour in terms of what I actually say, and if you really, REALLY can't take me saying 'No. You are wrong.' without feeling like I'm your mortal enemy, then brace yourself, because your impact against the true body of the internet is coming and undoubtedly you will shatter,Also, everybody is laughing about Shrek and that annoys me to no end. Shrek is made a meme because everybody on 4chan is making pedophile stories of Shrek. You guys laugh about it so much.........(._. ")____________________________I can't seem to hold a debate on the shoutbox without somebody reporting me. I would love to know why you reported me. Really.But this is a Halo forum, right? It's about discussions, about debates, about viewpoints meeting, colliding, going together or conflicting each other. What's so wrong with that?____________________________I don't feel like this is the hub for Halo discussion anymore. There are threads on the front page of each subforum that are weeks old, and such activity doesn't bode well. It's too bad...........but I don't think of this place as the hub of discussing Halo anymore.____________________________I don't really have any other lingering feelings of malice, hate and anger remaining after I expressed all that, so I might say some good things before ending with an appendix of words dedicated and directed to all the people who I believe I should give some words with.This place is a really cool place. It still is. It's a community of people who find solace with each other. For me to have experienced something like this is really, really good. I'll miss this place; I'll probably stick around a whole lot, even, but I don't think I can ever enjoy 343i.org the same way I did as before.____________________________Now, I'm pretty sure I have quite a few people added from this site, including Yang, TDM, UNSC Spartan-II, Peanut, Biggles, and quite a few others. Might be wrong here. I'll do my fix up later. I'd love to add more people, but my list is limited and I probably don't play with you a whole bunch anyways due to my timezone. I HAVE sent some Xbox live friend requests to some of the people I want to still be able to see online. As I said, timezone is a factor. Console is as well; some of you guys migrate over to the PS4 and stuff - how can I add you? >>"If you still wanna talk to me, feel free to PM me. I'd still check that often. Otherwise you could always talk to me off-site. Halocustoms. I'm there. ____________________________Appendix.GSD: I'll beat you someday. I outscored you a few times the past few games :DDDDD the ladder shall be climbed. Also, you should totally get the MLG xbox live profile pictures that have a German Shepherd on them. I dunno which DLC pack it is in though.Azaxx: I agree. Physics > All. Clannad still sucks though. Really nice knowing you.Mayhem: In a way, your sig was what motivated me to type up this post. So yeah, thanks.RSR: Good luck running this place. Seriously.AD: Your mentality is beast - the wish to unite the community of Halo was daunting, yet you succeeded. Though you probably won't be reading this, you were certainly a role model to me. GL at life.Drizzy_Dan: I have your facebook <3BZ1: That one 1v1 we had was really enjoyable, even if I did completely stomp on you in a sense. Hope to play with you some more someday.EK/Omega: You're a pretty good person at chasing down news but I don't think it's apt for you to claim that you are 'better than people in the system'. You should also RP some more. Legit.JXZAW: You know that I don't think your artwork is all that great. But everybody has to start somewhere, and I'm sure you'll keep on improving. I await what's in store when I take a visit again.Yang/Fizm: It'd be nice if you discussed RWBY with me. Volume two premieres in RTX, which is just 30 days away!The Dumb Marine/Hyman: It'd be nice if you RP'd RWBY with me again. :/UNSC Spartan-II: You're pretty swag.Peanut: Play proving grounds with me.Boss: Batman has no parents. lololololGryffin/Austin: LoL > Dota 2. GG WP. If you host a TF2/GMod lobby i will playDelpen9: Saber looks cool in a suit.Axilus: I really don't know why I added you here. I can talk to you about Bionicles. When the day comes where you stop wit all dat god modding you should come back to the BZPRPG. They think you're a noob; but even noobs can improve.Bnus: "I don't care if people hate me" <-- Do you really think like that?Sikslik: I'd add you but I don't really know your gamertag, even though I'm pretty sure it's just 'Sikslik7'. I'll probably still host forum games around here, but restrict myself only to that and nothing else. If you need any help with any stuff just ask. Also yeah i'll play through Mafia 3.0 as well.Biggles: We need a better connection.Twinreaper: I would love to learn more about all that tech stuff you're a genius in, especially modding. Any tips and recommended tutorials? Baconshelf: How's your machinima right about now? HaloGeek: How's the astrophysics?People in the anime PM: Play the Attack on Titan Tribute game.____________________________And while there are still some things I could say, I really don't know how to express them in words. With that, I'm out. It's been a nice run.Peace.-JL____________________________Things left unfinished:As I said, I'll probably still stick around for some of the forum games. I have things I want to host that haven't been unveiled; I would like to continue with Mafia as well. It's too bad Halofight died out.As for The Sniper of 343i.org, I'm debating two options. One of them is to continue the chapters. The other is to simply release a summary of everything that was going to happen throughout the entire story, which, as some of you already know, spans 3 arcs, the first of which we are only about halfway through. I'm pretty sure there's only 4 active readers right now - Axilus Prime, Caboose, Black Wolf and Twinreaper - but an unfinished story is still unfinished and I'd hate to do a disservice to those characters and that setting.No, this is not because of the name change rule. EDIT 1:What luck! EDIT 2: Added more to appendix. Edited June 2, 2014 by ♥ Yoko ♥ 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axilus Prime Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 I actually did read all that. I never really talked to you much on here, but oh well. I do remember that you were basically the only person who seemed to give a (bleep) about TF: Extinction, so thanks for that. I can honestly say I'm sad to see you leave the site. \( ' _ ' ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinreaper Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 my face is cute? OF COARSE IT IS, BUT WE ALREADY KNEW THAT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeckoningZebra1 Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 I've read this thread in it's entirety and have a few things to say. First of all, I'd like to say I enjoyed our 1v1 as well, you offered me some great advice and it was overall an enjoyable experience. JL, you were brutally honest in your post, so I feel that I may have the same honesty towards you. There are ways to treat people and there are ways not to treat people. Honesty is a good thing, it should be used to build trust though, not to attack people with their fallacies. I've seen you 'attack' people with honesty. It's not becoming of a member to literally ridicule other members both to their face and behind their back. The issue of Community Events being 'too restrictive and boring" is, in my opinion, not true at all. I think the Community Events have experienced a tremendous revival and I'm glad so many members are hosting them. I agree with you that Spades had some of the best CGN of all time, but I've had tons of fun, maybe even more than Spades' CGN, at events hosted by our everyday members! That being said, you offered a lot in terms of content in discussions. You were genuinely well-researched in your opinions and presented them very well. You gave the forum great discussions, most prominent being the Sniper of 343i.org. You're a good member JL, you can seemingly come off as a jerk at times, I know your can become a better member. We all have to grow up one day, you'll understand how to interact with people as you have more experiences with them, I have confidence in you. I appreciate the time that you've dedicated to this site and thank you for it. I hope that if you ever change your mind you'll return to your activity here, hopefully as a more mature member. Everyone has feelings 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unease Peanut Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 What a read... Anyway, here's my reaction throughout: Please don't go Please don't hate me I'll play some proving ground with you I hope to see you return some day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WonderWombat Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 I may not have known thee, but I may be able to offer advice. First I want to mention the attitude. The only time I remember talking to you was when I was confused about your sentence and stated that it seemed wrong. The attitude you had came off as very cynical even after I admitted it was my misunderstanding. Anyways the majority of people on the Internet get upset when you tell them they are wrong. This is not a revelation and I don't know why it upsets you. Some of these people can get offended when being so brutally honest. Even if you think your are using constructive criticism they may not perceive it as such. Now a problem here could be overestimating your own ability to communicate with people through the internet, it takes some time before you can engage people with criticism without angering them. I was similar on another forum I belong too, when I first joined I pissed a lot of people off. Now before I say anything more that you may or may not take with a grain of salt; I should mention that back in the far away year of 2011 when I joined Bethesda's forums I too was one of those people who perceived their communication skills to be too high and I spent too much time there. It got to the point where I had 10000 posts in 1.5 years time and there where a lot of people I didn't like. I took an extended break from there and over the past year have become far more open minded there. Even though I have had 3000 posts the during the last year I feel that I get along better with the people there now. Here is how I rectified those problems. First thing was hang out with my local friends more. Being a teenager, doing whatever with them took my mind off of problems and overall I enjoyed the time I spent with then. Second was get a hobby that really doesn't involve the internet. If people on the Internet are a problem then best thing to do is stay away from that. Over the years a good portion of my time was spent golfing, drawing, Lego making?, and making model airplane. Two of those things I'm not even that good at but I do it anyways. Anyways I took my work break time to read this and respond to it. It always sucks to see a more active memeber leave. One more thing I forgot. There isn't a lot of Halo discussion because nothing new has happened in over a year. It becomes boring talking about the same stuff over and over. So there will be the few who bicker about things continuously until the next game comes out. Come Halo 5 there will probably be a lot more discussion again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted June 2, 2014 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 On 6/2/2014 at 1:54 PM, WonderWombat said: The attitude you had came off as very cynical even after I admitted it was my misunderstanding. When was this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buns Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 It really sucks to see you go I enjoyed your opinion on things because they were vastly different from mine and it was nice having someone who didn't agree with me. Even if I was blunt to you at times(which I admit I was rude to you and I am sorry) I want you to know that I still appreciated your side of the coin even if we always disagreed. You never got the chance to be MoM Anyways I hope to see you around on HaloCustoms and hopefully you visit once in awhile. Manly for that summer event I've told you about I also read Sniper of 343i although I don't keep up with discussion since I just read and fly away. gg On 6/2/2014 at 7:43 AM, ♥ Yoko ♥ said: Bnus: "I don't care if people hate me" <-- Do you really think like that? Yes I don't actually care. I guess I should let all of you know why. I am just a harsh person a lot of people think of me as nice(or so I think so) but the truth is I am more of a breadhole then anything. I am rude and can be close minded at times and overly sarcastic. Although I do my best to at least respect others and their opinions. the following spoiler is mainly meant to give backstory on why I don't care if people hate me. Do not reply to this publically. This is JL's goodbye thread not Bnus story time(if you want to reply to me about this just send it in a PM please) I would PM this to JL but if JL is going to be honest I should too. Reveal hidden contents In elementary and middle school I was the odd kid. I was bullied(physically and mentally) ever since I started school at 4 years old all the way till 14. I never had much friends and I did awful during those years I nearly commited suicide back during 7th grade(Which means I was 13). I dealt with a lot of things(A lot more then getting bullied, my parents were struggling at the time and my dad had serious heart issues and things didn't look good at all and my older brother/sister were away at college and I never got to see them.). Luckly things eventually did get better and when I started highschool I was lucky enough to meet a good friend; who helped me through a lot of this and I started doing things afterschool like JROTC which made me meet more people and have something to look forward too with my life. Things progressed all those "bullies" luckly didn't go to the same Highschool or at least we didn't share the same class. I think it is easy to tell the rest from here. Things got better wayyy better. I grew up and matured. I met the amazing person who is now my girlfriend and I met the amazing group of people who are now my friends. People are still a-holes but I don't care anymore. After 10 years of going through hell you develop a thick skin. I no longer care what people think about me(unless I care about that person). I love the forum and I admire all of you as friends but I do keep my distance from you when it comes to letting any of you know me on a personal level. I hope that gave you some insight on why I dont care and I could have made this loads shorter but oh well~ P.S while writing this Azaxx said on skype that he hates bread. gg Az EDIT: Made it shorter and took out some redundancies On another note I seriously valued you some of your ideas. I know we always disagreed and heck I guess over the past few weeks we haven't gotten along that is entirely my fault. I was stressed with my last semester of school and you can even ask EK when I recently lashed out on him(badly). I am not 100% sure if we even are friends but I don't want to say goodbye on a bad foot. Sorry JL you were good guy. 10/10 Would friend again 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WonderWombat Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 On 6/2/2014 at 2:01 PM, ♥ Yoko ♥ said: When was this?A few days ago when I believe you said. 'The current leader of ONI was a Spartan'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akali Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 That read Well I guess I will see you around JL. You won't be forgotten here with your knowledge of anime (Azaxx's right hand man of anime) You know I am always happy to talk about RWBY, so pumped for the premier :D Hopefully I will see you around in the shoutbox or just around in general but when you want to then visit us all in the shoutbox because we will all miss you See you around buddy. *sadly waves* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I_Make_Big_Boom Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 Well even though we were on agrivated terms (Arguing is like our thing), I'd still like to wish you a happy journey to wherever you decide to go. Live long and prosper mayne. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caboose The Ace Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 ( This sums up what I want to say ) May the force be with you.... Always.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted June 2, 2014 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 On 6/2/2014 at 2:30 PM, WonderWombat said: A few days ago when I believe you said. 'The current leader of ONI was a Spartan'. Oh that thing. What did I say next? On 6/2/2014 at 4:15 PM, Self Destruct said: Reveal hidden contents Did not know Spock was an Avenger. Very interesting. On 6/2/2014 at 3:47 PM, уαηg χιασ ℓσηg said: You know I am always happy to talk about RWBY, so pumped for the premier :D They'd better not muck it up. I want to watch sexy girls fighting, kicking butt and taking names, not a horrendously written bully arc about Jaune, who honestly didn't do anything at all because it was Pyrrah's semblance who did the work. Even from a scientific perspective most of the energy that was needed to deflect that Ursa's swipe came from the force of Pyrrah's magnetism, not that little alpha race maggot who wears jeans like a sissy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drizzy_Dan Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 JL you've been one of my Regulars for a long time and a good forum friend. If you're not going to participate in any more Events or threads or even the Shoutbox then come back for The Anime PM . Yes you have my Facebook lol and I'm glad you liked the lobbies I hosted weekly back in the day, actually a year this month. It's sad to see you go buddy. Quote come back for The Anime PM Just going to emphasize this here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinreaper Posted June 2, 2014 Report Share Posted June 2, 2014 Even though I PM'd you earlier today, I couldn't let you go before posting an official goodbye. No sappy words, just a simple video goodbye in a style and way that I KNOW you will appreciate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini Dragons Posted June 3, 2014 Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 I am not saying goodbye for reason explained in Fishy's goodbye thread. But I will say this, never forget those most important to you. All ways remember those who have impacted your life most. And most of all, don't forget to stay true to you. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShockGazm Posted June 3, 2014 Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) Can't say I've ever been good at saying goodbye to people whom I don't or have never spoken to. There are a lot of members here that I don't have a connection with, and when someone leaves sometimes I think why didn't I try to know that person or even play games with that person. It's sad to see you go, like me I was here for the game nights mainly, but I eventually stopped and now I just hang around the forums posting every now and again. Moving on, I understand what you're getting at, especially when it comes to humor. Over the internet I'm just a normal-ish guy responding to threads but in reality I'm someone who says the type of things Louis C K, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle would say at a comedy gig but not all at once of course just whenever I'm around my friends I make jokes and stuff. I guess you could say I have a devil-ish sense of humor in real life but over the internet I'm just the opposite, sorta. I don't know where I'm really going with this. I'll stop myself before it becomes 8 paragraphs, so I'll just say that I hope you achieve your goals in life! Good luck! Wish I could have known you just a little bit better. I would say something like "See you around" but I doubt I'll be here for much longer, though I've already made a goodbye thread I only really come back here because I just have more spare time than I originally though. I'm just not as into online communities like I was when I was a teenager. Edited June 3, 2014 by ShockGazm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unease Peanut Posted June 3, 2014 Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted June 3, 2014 Author Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 On 6/3/2014 at 1:16 PM, ShockGazm said: Over the internet I'm just a normal-ish guy responding to threads but in reality I'm someone who says the type of things Louis C K, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle would say at a comedy gig Knocking the sailors out of your mouth since 20XX 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joshyzburton Posted June 3, 2014 Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 Goodbye...i should have got to know you-you seem pretty cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eqwinoxe Posted June 3, 2014 Report Share Posted June 3, 2014 Well Yoko...Good-bye old friend. Rarely got to talk to you, but you are a really cool individual. Hate to see you go, and yes, that post was very fulfilling in my terms, and yes, I read the whole thing, and if I was more active, I believe we could of been great forum friends.I hate to see you leave, and good luck out there, you will need it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShockGazm Posted June 4, 2014 Report Share Posted June 4, 2014 On 6/3/2014 at 3:56 PM, ♥ Yoko ♥ said: Knocking the sailors out of your mouth since 20XX Haha, legend! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mothy Posted June 7, 2014 Report Share Posted June 7, 2014 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Connor Kenway Posted June 7, 2014 Report Share Posted June 7, 2014 wow, JL you're leaving? this was pretty unexpected man I'll miss you buddy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sadly Just AL Posted June 7, 2014 Report Share Posted June 7, 2014 (edited) It was a good ride, but all good things come to an end. See you in another life, perhaps... Or Halocustoms, since I'm There, too. :3 Edited June 7, 2014 by -Sparky- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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