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Halo 5 will not have Armor Abilities

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Well the joke is legit.  Did you see the ground pounding thing the Spartan did in that brief trailer?  Straight up Crysis ability right there!  And the fact that they are talking about Armor Abilities becoming like sprint in the fact that it is a "Spartan Ability", just leads me to believe it wont be long before everyone has the cloak or super jumping the nanosuit has.

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No armor abilities to me is awesome!!! I can never decide on

which ones to choose, so seeing them all go for everyone is a

sigh of relief for me. I wasn't really fond of any except for the

active camo and promethean vision anyway.


Without promethean vision it would make it harder to play slender

man game types though... Well, for slender man anyway. For all

the other players the game will be easier. Hoping slender man

game types still make an appearance in Halo: Guardians custom


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Of course Halo 5 will have some sort of armor abilities, and here is why I think so.

1) It's better to have a game play option and exclude it from certain playlists, than it is to simply not have it and have people disappointed.

2) I think the armor abilities won't be loadouts, instead they'll be retrievable's (like snipers, rocker launchers, or other heavy weapons.)

3) Instead of calling them Armor abilities, they'll simply be referred to as power-ups. (Thus making them no exactly 'lying' about the lack of armor abilities)

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These could be rechargeable abilities with cool-down times, such as what you see in MMOs. I've heard that there is a possibility that they are cyclable abilities, which may make the game horrendously dynamic or give us a breath of fresh air. Ross said that they would be more like the ability to hijack or assassinate-- she said 'more like' and not identical. We can try to discern what she means by this, but chances are we'll get it wrong. 


The ability to hijack comes at a specific moment, is designated to a specific button press, and is an option on the screen. If these abilities are 'pick-ups', then we'll like be given options on the screen to get them, but not use them. Do we always have these features, or are they acquired? Well, if they were acquired, then our distinction between hijacking disappears (Instead he would have said 'pick-up items'). This is then something that we get from the start of the match, but wait!- wouldn't that make them armor abilities? It could be that our precious armor abilities are nerfed, but wouldn't that make them useless? Imagine a nerfed jet pack or thruster pack... you just can't see it can you? The answer isn't in nerfing the armor abilities, but how relatable they are to armor abilities. This means that they are either cyclable, oooor not so much the same at all (Though this doesn't exclude the option of cycling). Frank would have told us that we could have multiple armor abilities or nothing at all, instead of changing the name all together. (Which proves they won't be armor abilities) 


How would a cyclable option for these abilities work? Wouldn't this make the control scheme too difficult for the casual player? (Sadly... yes) This probably won't happen, though it's too soon to doubt it. 


The only feasible option for these set of abilities is to have it 'depend' on your surroundings. When you're in the air, you may be given an option to smack down on the ground to wreak havoc on your opponent (Using the RB button). This is situational, like hijacking, and designated to a specific button. With this, we could probably brainstorm what the other features are... 

Edited by Delpen9
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I'm glad armor abilities are going, it pisses me off when I'm owning someone in a dmr duel and they jetpack above me in the sun and I can't see **** then I die. Also, jetpack era can fly so far above you that you can't look up any further to kill them unless you back up 50 yards. Don't even get me started on armor lock -.-

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Delving into AA's, imho, I really found that they took away from personal skill in that certain ones such as armor lock (yes I know it's old) allowed for someone to essentially escape a death and just make themselves invulnerable. However, I did really see value to some of AA's like the jetpack which really gave players a lot more options especially snipers. Perhaps these spartan abilities will be like sprint, automatically built in and you can use it whenever you want. 

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Over shield was not a armour ability and my best guess is that it is coming back, it has been in most Halo games. ^


Camo will also return ( my best guess ) but not in the way you have come to expect... maybe a equipment drop ?


And the Jet pack... I hope it does not come back, personally it really destroys map control. :)

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am happy to hear armor abilities wont be making a return. I just hope these spartan abilities aren't the same cheap abilities with a different name and twist to them. A limited perk system would be better I believe. 

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Then have it where u can set it in forge or offline maps at least

Then itll still be available cus i make game modes based on abilities and it be a lot less interesting without them completely

Plz leave abilities in offline and campaign at least or custom online maps

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sprint is something that should be available all the time and unlimited. we are spartans with unbelievable physical ablilities, we should be able to sprint for a lot longer distances without having to stop and catch our breath, which was the most stupid thing from Reach and Halo 4.


There are so many things that the Spartans should be able to do that the games have not done justice to their abilities.  Read the books and you'll understand.

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they might not considering how many people complained against it.

Sprint is no longer an AA it became a permanent feature in the game (Halo 4) and into the control scheme so when Frankie said no AA's in Halo 5 it technically doesn't apply to sprint. But who knows what they will do with it at this point they still take it out along with the other AA's.

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I think Frankie mentioned boarding/hijacking when talking about Spartan abilities :)


So maybe boarding is a Spartan ability


Or maybe sprint


or maybe one of them is that ground smash thing we saw in the trailer

what about the thrust pack slide? does it mean we'll have a million buttons for different abilities 

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You can pick to have one Spartan ability at a time I would imagine. :)

Doesn't that make them technically armor abillities?


I think dear old franky reffered to them as dual wielding, boarding/hijacking because basically it are abilities everyone can do and abilities that fit with the spartans.


Sprint can be considered a spartan ability and assasinating as well.

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