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UNSC Warlord Chapter 10


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~Chapter 10: Showdown~


“Hmph.” Lan Chorus taunted Alex. His jaws spread wide open in the shape of a smile. He lunged.

Alex blocked the attack, kicked the elite and swung. Things were about to get hot.


Alex and Lan kept at a steady pace fight. Alex would swing, Lan would block. Lan would swing, Alex would block. It seemed as if this duel was never going to end.


Meanwhile, Sarge was gathering the others up. “Alright people. Let's get Zen and find a Covenant Seraph to get the hell off this damn ship.” Sarge gave up on the sealed engine room door, he walked away and started to wander around on the sight of a Seraph for them to escape.


“Hey Sarge. Any idea on which way we came in? If so, that would help.” Archangel walked up right beside him.


“We came from that way.” Sarge pointed down the left hallway. “May I ask why?”


Archangel smiled behind his helmet. “Because that's the way where all the Seraph's are destroyed. Maybe if we go the opposite way we can get the opposite board of the ship and run into a closer hangar?” Archangel lead off down the right hallway.


“I supposed that's common sense. Thanks, Arch.” Sarge lead everyone else down the right hallway in search of a Seraph while Alex was still battling Lan in the engine room.


“Come on demon. We both know you're not going to win. You're race is weak and undisciplined.” He shoved Alex, which threw him at a wall. A crack sound was made. Lan just walked up to him as he was to take the kill.


Alex just stared at the Elite as he grabbed him and lifted him off the ground. His visor was cracked, he couldn't see any of his vitals or anything on his suit from it. The crack went from side to side. “Let's face it, slip-jaw, you're going to die. Even if it's not now. My team will get you.” Lan just stared deeply into his visor. He raised his sword.


Weirdly, the Elite's COM's flicked on. It was saying something in a different language, Alex could not understand it. Lan just replied back with seldom talk to whomever the COM was sent from. The COM ended shortly after, Lan stared at Alex. “Stay here. I'll be back.” He tossed a flare at Alex then vanished.


Alex couldn't see, he had to take off his helmet and shield his eyes from the bright beam of the flare ball. He then reached for his magnum and shot where the flare was. It made a huge explosion shaking the ship.


No. That wasn't the flare that shook the ship, the ship was under attack! Alex got up as fast as he could and grabbed the spartan laser and put his helmet back on. He charged up the laser as quick as he could and shot down the sealed door. He started for it, then stopped. He turned around.




Alex just remembered, he was in the engine room. He charged up the spartan laser and fired at the core engine. It melted and exploded. Alex made a dash for it, he ran out of the room and down the right hallway.


The ship was exploding behind him with every blast almost hitting him. He was hoping to run into some sort of room where he could escape this ship. He found it, a hangar with three Seraph's and a Space Banshee. One of the Seraph's were leaving. No, that was Sarge's seraph. Alex pulled at his pistol and shot at the Seraph windshield. That got their attention.


Bek looked out the window, “Hey it's Alex! He made it just in time!” Paladin took over the controls and punched in the keys to open the hatch for him. Alex ran inside.


“Glad you could make it, sir.” Dumby just laid back with his arms behind his head and smiled at him. “Would've sucked explaining to ONI what the hell just happened back there. Anyways, so did you win?”


Alex just stared down at the ground. “I'd rather not talk about it.”


Dumby sat up straight. “Oh that's cool man, no problem.” He glanced at the other Spartan's and ODST's. He got up and walked over and sat by Paladin. “So, uh, how much time we got left until we're abandoned?”


Sarge contacted the UNSC Warlord. He got a response, then he stopped and went silent.


“What is it, Sarge? Fauz said.


“They were the one's attacking Consign to Oblivion as we left. We have 83 seconds. We need to make this quick. Let's go.” He took over the controls and headed straight for the ship. All the Hangars were closed. Pardon that, all Hangars except one were closed. He went towards it.


“Sarge to UNSC Warlord. We are approaching at approximately 2 miles from the right wing. We're headed straight for the only open bay. Do you copy?” Sarge contacted.


“I see you, Team Lord. Go ahead and make a landing. We'll cover you.” It was Moth.


“Thanks, Team Lord out.” Sarge ran straight for the hangar.






He barely made it with a second to spare. The Hangar shut and the ship entered slip space and was gone.


“Whew, that was close.” Cajun said as he approached the ship.


Doc ran up to see if everyone was alright. He helped Zen out and took him to the med bay. “Glad to see you all, but I have to do my part in this now.”


“Oh, glad to see you all could actually do it.” The Commander stood up on the railing. She was in a leaned position, nice bright smile on here face, and had a nice calm smoothing voice.


“Commander.” The team saluted her.


She smiled at them, “Just call me Sam for now. You're all on inactive duty for the next couple days until we arrive at the planet Reach. Take a few days off. Enjoy yourself.” Sam seemed a bit odd. But nobody was going to question her inactive duty appearance. They just kept to themselves.


“Well, I'm just glad to be back.” Paladin said.


They all headed for their dormitory to rest until the arrival of Reach.


~End of Chapter 10~

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