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Ask The Director 2.0

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  On 6/11/2014 at 10:35 PM, Edward Kenway said:

Yay first to ask the awesome mysterious Director! :D


Who do you think won E3? (Microsoft v Sony v Ubisoft v EA v Nintendo)

Oh definitely Microsoft this time around. The reason being that companies such as Ubisoft and EA count towards the platforms they release on (X-box One, PS4, Wii U), and Microsoft hit this E3 hard with nothing but games. No "smartglass", no tech stuff, just pure and simple games. Microsoft REALLY didn't mess around this time. Sony and Nintendo weren't far behind though. E3 this year is amazing.

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If I were to make a board 1 Light-year long (saying that I had the technology to do so), to press a button that was 1 Light-year away, how long would it be before the button would be pressed by the board?


(I got this from a Vsauce video, and I don't remember if he stated it specifically. He only said that it wouldn't be instantaneous. I just want to know how long it would take to activate the button.)

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  On 6/11/2014 at 11:10 PM, Total Mayh3m said:

Can you explain why the word Palindrome is not in fact a Palindrome?

It doesn't read the same way forward and backward. If you mean why didn't the people who created the word make it one, probably because it was coined from the greek "Palin" and "Dromos". 



  On 6/11/2014 at 11:14 PM, Self Destruct said:

If I were to make a board 1 Light-year long (saying that I had the technology to do so), to press a button that was 1 Light-year away, how long would it be before the button would be pressed by the board?


(I got this from a Vsauce video, and I don't remember if he stated it specifically. He only said that it wouldn't be instantaneous. I just want to know how long it would take to activate the button.)

Depends on how fast the board is swung and how far away from the button the end of the board is. If the board is at a 90 degree angle from the button and then swung at the speed of light (impossible, but let's say hypothetically), it would take one Earth year.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 12:10 AM, Buns said:

If you could design your own Halo game what would it be about?

It would be a massive game.


Imagine Halo Wars, except with all aspects of Halo.


It would have an FPS mode, where you can play as any type of soldier you want.


It would have an RTS mode, which would allow you to set objectives for the FPS players to capture/destroy/protect as well as control the NPC forces.


It would have multiple worlds, each controlled by whichever faction has the most "points" on the planet. Points are given for kills and objectives.


There would be both MMO and Single Player elements to the game.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 1:26 AM, BeckoningZebra1 said:

What's the best part about being The Director?

The godlike powers mostly.



  On 6/12/2014 at 1:35 AM, Drizzy_Dan said:

Why isn't this in Offbeat? :lol:

Because the first one wasn't. Heck, the first one was pinned until I locked it.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 2:14 AM, Anarchy said:

If tomorrow was the last day of your life would you do what you did today?




  On 6/12/2014 at 2:18 AM, Ardy said:

What do you think was the best part of the Microsoft Press Conference this year at E3 other than the Halo segment?

You mean there was something other than the Halo segment? :o


But I kid. For me it was the glimpse at Fable Legends. I love the Fable series (well, kind of like Fable III) and can't wait to hear more on it.

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  On 6/12/2014 at 6:01 AM, Caboose the Ace said:

If price and worth mean the same thing, why priceless and worthless are opposites? :D

Actually, in the way Priceless and Worthless are used price and worth don't mean the same thing. Having worth, in this case, indicates that whatever the subject is it has value to it, while not being specific to what that value is. Price, on the other hand, means that the value of that object is specific. So, for instance:


Object A is desirable, therefor it has worth. After finding out what that object is worth, a price is set for Object A.


Object B is desirable, and therefor has worth. However, it is so desirable that one cannot find something of equal worth to set a price for Object B and cannot set a price. Therefor, the object is priceless but not worthless.


Object C is not desirable, and therefor has no worth. Since it has no worth, it is worthless. Technically, this makes it priceless as well, however one could say that the price is $0.00, making it not priceless but still worthless.



  On 6/12/2014 at 6:28 AM, Unease P34nut said:

How did you become a C-mod?

After two years of quality posting and abiding by the rules of the forum, I was asked to be a community moderator when a slot on the team opened up. Simple as that. Openings are very rare, however.



  On 6/12/2014 at 1:07 PM, BeckoningZebra1 said:

How, where, and when did Twam post 20 times within 24 hours? :o



It appears the "when" is 6/12/2014, the "how" is by typing something and pressing "post", and the where would be a secret. Somewhere on the site you don't have access to. :)

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Okay here it goes.


In my theory Cortana is still alive, she has been "jacked"by the Librarian. I imagine the Librarian being able to copy or clone cortana, herself there being a digital representation of what she once was.


What if the Cortana which sacrifices herself in the end, was the the small sane part left in all her rampancies, what if the Librarian took the most sane part of her and hid it away, transfered it to another place or data storage (much like a share on a network these days.)


It also explains the theoretically going rogue state of the chief, in the first trailer his visor is cracked, him grasping the empty data chip which once held his best friend, his partner.


In the MCC trailer we see spartan Locke who is being explained that to find him, you need to step in his shoes.


What if the Chief got a small glimpse of hope, a message, a sign?


My question to you is, what is your stand on Cortana's passing, is there still a glimmer of hope left?

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