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Do you even quickscope, bruv?


Why is it always Mountain Dew and Doritos?

Used to in MW2, but I haven't played much CoD since then. Tried to quickscope in BF3 but it was a hit or miss thing. ;D


Mountain Dew and Doritos did market research and realized they were the beverage of choice for the majority of gamers. When they found this out they sought partnership with publishers. The publishers agreed to their terms, and that's why it's always MD and Doritos.

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What's the best gaming computer to buy that isn't so expensive?

If you want cheap, you're going to have to build your own. Any computers that are sold premanufactured are sold for a price that includes labor, parts, and shipping costs. That on top of profits. Which means if you find a cheap computer that you don't have to put together, then it's probably nowhere near 'the best' computer available.


If you are looking for quality but without taking a huge hit to your wallet, you should look into building your own. Check this out.

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Used to in MW2, but I haven't played much CoD since then. Tried to quickscope in BF3 but it was a hit or miss thing. ;D


Mountain Dew and Doritos did market research and realized they were the beverage of choice for the majority of gamers. When they found this out they sought partnership with publishers. The publishers agreed to their terms, and that's why it's always MD and Doritos.


They didnt do seperate research. Frito Lay (Doritos) is sub company of Pepsi Co which makes Mountain Dew. That is why they are paired together. It isnt a seperate group of companies partnering together.

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They didnt do seperate research. Frito Lay (Doritos) is sub company of Pepsi Co which makes Mountain Dew. That is why they are paired together. It isnt a seperate group of companies partnering together.

I didn't* say they did separate* research or that they were different companies lol But I realize how you came to that conclusion. I wrote it while subconsciously assuming that the reader would know that Mountain Dew and Doritos were produced and sold by Pepsico by their subsidiary* Frito Lay, which I now realize may lead the reader to come to the conclusion that they are separate* entities. To anyone who read the above message and came to that conclusion, your conclusion isn't* correct.







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Does anybody know how to get to the lake?

Okay, first you're going to want to get in your car. Then, you're gonna want to start your car. A lot of people get halfway to the lake and they realize they forgot to start their car.


What's the password? :D



I've always had this secret fear of cockroaches. I don't see them as often as I did after we moved, but every time I see one I freak out. I can't seem to conquer that particular fear. 

Frankenzer... That's not a question... lol


But anyways if you're trying to ask how to conquer your katsaridaphobia there are a couple of ways to go about doing so.


The most common and effective way is Exposure Therapy. Start off by looking at pictures of cockroaches and keep looking at them until you don't feel anxious by seeing them. Then, begin watching videos with cockroaches (start with animated ones and work your way to real life ones). Once you stop feeling anxious by watching videos of them, try being around dead cockroaches. After a while you won't feel anxious about that either, and you can try to touch the dead ones. Every time you feel anxious by touching the dead ones, that just means you need to touch it again. Eventually, you'll no longer feel anxious around dead cockroaches and will be ready to be in the same room as them without jumping on a chair and screaming like a little girl. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMEONE WITH YOU WHILE YOU DO THIS. 


There is also Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Hypnotherapy but those you will have to discuss with a mental health professional.


Is the statement 'You're not as green as you're cabbage looking' a good or bad one?

It's slang, and it could be used as a compliment or insult. Usually it's used to say that you aren't as intelligent as you look, but it can also be used to say that you aren't as dumb as you look, mean as you look, spoiled as you look, or rude as you look. It depends entirely on the context in which it's used.

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How many stacks of 1,000 sheets of paper are there in the world, right now?


Of exactly 1000 sheets of paper? Only about 736,183 as of this post.


How does a person overcome the fear of fear? :)

With the help of a well trained mental health professional, as well as anti-anxiety medications.

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What if the patient doesn't want to take anti-anxiety medications?

Then the patient doesn't want to get better. The anti-anxiety medications are to keep the patient from experiencing a fatal reaction to their anxiety, so that they can 'face their fears' without having to worry about dying.

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.. Yeah, that I don't understand. My first instinct is to say I don't agree, but you seem like someone that can explain/elaborate better than that.

Well, let's go over the reasons that someone who doesn't take medication prescribed to them by doctors and mental health professionals give.


1. They do not trust the doctor/mhp. Now, if this person truly wanted to get better then they would seek help from a different doctor/mhp instead of simply not taking their medication and continuing to see the same doctor/mhp. Even if that person is a minor and is seeing the doctor/mhp at their parents behest, most of them do not broach the subject of changing health care providers with their parents and instead flush the medication. This indicates that them not trusting their doctor is simply an excuse they are using to not take their medication and thereby continue to suffer their issues instead of getting better, or in other words, they do not want to get better. Now mind you, this is usually buried in LAYERS of psychological mugumbo and so very often the person doesn't even realize this is their true motive.


2. They do not believe the medication will solve their issue. When this is the case, if the person TRULY believed this to be correct they would tell their doctor/mhp how they feel about it. If they did this and their doctor disregarded their concerns, they would seek an alternate doctor/mhp. Those that claim to believe the meds won't solve their issues and simply don't take the meds and tell their doctor they are are not trying to get better. Meaning that they do not want to get better.


3. The person doesn't believe anything is wrong with them, which is why they do not take the medication. If you don't believe anything is wrong with you, then how could you possibly want to get 'better'?


4. The pills cause an adverse reaction that they dislike. Now this one is a bit odd. You see, someone who truly wanted to get better would have a conversation with their doctor about possible alternate treatments, and would likely be prescribed something else. If they aren't prescribed something else because there isn't anything else that can treat them, then they'd make a mental tally of pros and cons. If the cons of the medication (the adverse reactions) outweighed their desire to get better, then they would choose to not get better rather than take the medication. Meaning that they no longer want to get better. Of course, if they didn't ask their doctor in the first place this means that that conversation wasn't worth trying to get better. Meaning that they didn't want to get better in the first place.


There are a few more, but the pattern is still there. Simply going to a doctor doesn't show the desire to get better, it just shows the desire to see a doctor.

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Frankenzer... That's not a question... lol


But anyways if you're trying to ask how to conquer your katsaridaphobia there are a couple of ways to go about doing so.


The most common and effective way is Exposure Therapy. Start off by looking at pictures of cockroaches and keep looking at them until you don't feel anxious by seeing them. Then, begin watching videos with cockroaches (start with animated ones and work your way to real life ones). Once you stop feeling anxious by watching videos of them, try being around dead cockroaches. After a while you won't feel anxious about that either, and you can try to touch the dead ones. Every time you feel anxious by touching the dead ones, that just means you need to touch it again. Eventually, you'll no longer feel anxious around dead cockroaches and will be ready to be in the same room as them without jumping on a chair and screaming like a little girl. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMEONE WITH YOU WHILE YOU DO THIS. 


There is also Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Hypnotherapy but those you will have to discuss with a mental health professional.


Whoops, I got so excited that I forgot to type the part where I say: "How can I overcome this fear". :D 


Anyway, thanks, I'll try doing that :) 


New question: I have this friend who isn't exactly a tall person. He gets conscious about his height every now and then. How can I help him?

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So how many joke questions have you received in this thread?

Oh probably around 200 or so. I don't mind though, because a lot of them are hilarious.


Whoops, I got so excited that I forgot to type the part where I say: "How can I overcome this fear". :D


Anyway, thanks, I'll try doing that :)


New question: I have this friend who isn't exactly a tall person. He gets conscious about his height every now and then. How can I help him?

Well, 'not exactly a tall person' implies that he's actually quite short. The best thing you can do for a short person is not point out how short they are. 


The only other thing you could possibly do for them is put aside some money for some cosmetic surgery and hope that he won't be mad when you broach the subject with him.



How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? :troll:


How many gallons of water would it take to stop the sun from burning?


1. A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

2. Well, the sun isn't exactly on fire, as you can probably tell due to it 'burning' in the vacuum of space. It's a nuclear fusion reaction that converts hydrogen into helium. Now, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, meaning that water would only be fuel for the sun. Now, if you had millions of years to spare this would work out.


Who lurks more? You or Azaxx?

He speaks in the shoutbox a ton more than I do. So I'd have to say me.

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