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Halo 4 Playlist Changes


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These are the things that I believe would make the playlists much more fun.


1.One Game Type Per Playlist- I don't really understand why there are two or more game types being crammed into one playlist but I think that there should only be one gametype per playlist. It just makes everything more simple as well as shorten the time it takes to play the game type that you want. I cant tell you how many times I have wanted to play infection but ended up playing hivemind or the other infection alternative were you cant jump. Also in the team slayer playlist 90 percent of the time infinity slayer in voted in regardless of the map. If infinity slayer is being voted in so much then why are the other two games types necessary as they are just taking up slots that could be used for infinity slayer so to give players more map choices. At least remove Legendary BR slayer because it is never voted in and is not as fun to play as team and infinity slayer.


2. Flood Rule Change- Flood in halo 4 was not nearly as fun as the halo reach variant. There are a number of reasons for this but the most relevant is the fact that the flood have armor abilities. In particular thruster pack as well as active camouflage. It just makes the game really unfair. In halo reach the time limit would almost run out before all the humans were killed which made the game way more fun and last way longer. But in halo 4 all the humans are dead in a minute because the flood are way to over powered. In my opinion the flood should have no armor abilities at all but they should be able to sprint. That way it will play more like alpha zombies from halo reach which was the most popular game type in the playlist. If you need to give the flood a armor ability then just give them promethean vision because there isn't anything unfair about that and to be honest it kinda fits into the whole them of infection with the infected hunting their victims down. An even better idea would be to have the first people to be infected have promethean vision. I know that in halo reach infection the infected had evade which was very similar to thruster packs but that was also unfair which is why whenever there was an infection game and an alpha zombies game the alpha zombies would always get voted in.


3. Make a DLC Playlist-Myself and many other people spent a lot of money to get the dlc for halo 4 but without a dlc playlist I never get to play on the maps I bought. The last time I played on a dlc map was literally months ago. There needs to be a playlist were all the people with the dlc can go to play the maps they bought cause right now im kinda feeling like I wasted my money as I haven't played on almost all of the maps I have bought.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Those are all good points you've made.


1.) I partially agree with this. In some playlist I think it's appropriate to have

multiple game types, just to keep things interesting. Playlists like this would

be Rumble Pit, Action Sack, etc. Some of them, like Flood and Swat, need

too back off a bit on how much diversity they have. It get's very annoying

when I come in to play Swat and we end up playing CTF. Don't get me wrong,

an occasional CTF is fun, but I don't think it should be in the voting everytime,

or even every other time for that matter.


2.) I noticed this as well! The flood shouldn't be able to have evade, especially

on some game types where the armor ability bar doesn't run out. It is unfair, it

makes them so much harder to hit (I know that's the point, but still!) and I find

myself low on points everytime when I start out as a human. Most of my points

now come from starting out as a flood.


3.) I've been hesitant to buy DLC maps because I don't see them very often and

like you said I'd rather not waste my money. I'm enjoying the game without them

anyway, so I don't think I'll bother buying them even if they get there own playlist.

I can see how this would be helpful to players like you who have already purchased

it though.

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