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Sarah Palmer Puns


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Sarah goes to Skyrim... meets some Snow Elves... Sarah Falmer.


She goes back to Skyrim... and meets the Dwarves... Sarah Dunmer.


Sarah wants to play a game... Sarah Sawmer.


Sarah seems taller than Lasky... Sarah Taller.


Sarah has fallen and can't get up! Sarah Faller.


Sarah went to go shopping... Sarah Mallmer.


Sarah steals a Covie ship... Sara-ph Plasmer


Sarah meets some Locust on some weird planet... Serra Palmer.


Sarah goes to the Country... Sarah Y'allmer.


Sarah has Patriotism... Sarah Pal'merica.


Sarah gets a disease... Sar-ebral Pal-sy

Edited by Self Destruct
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Sarah goes to the candy shop... Sarah Sweetmer


Sarah eats some toast... Sarah Toastmer


Sarah as a dinosaur... Sarah Topsmer


Sarah goes swimming... Sarah Watmer


Sarah as a Soda can... Sierah Mistmer


Sarah goes to the movies... Sarah Theatmer


Sarah smells flowers... Sarah Pollenmer


Sarah sells on e-Bay... Sellah Stuffmer


Sarah buys on e-Bay... Buyah Stuffmer


Sarah eats pizza... Sarah Crustmer


Sarah mows the lawn... Sarah Lawnmer


Sarah plays video games... Sarah Controlmer

Sarah drinks some Arrizona Tea... Sarah Palmer (look at the picture and you'l get it ;) )



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Sarah in Lord of the Rings... Sarah Hobbitmer 


Sarah follows a little child... Sarah Stalkmer


Sarah watches Jurassic Park II... Sarah Hardymer


Sarah looks at an Edvart Munch painting... Sarah Screamer!


Sarah goes for a ride... Sarah Drivesmer

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It's Dewmer damnit! DEWMER!


Dunmer are dark elves.





It's Dwemer, actually.

Edited by BaconShelf
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Sarah kills a brute. Sarah Mauler

Sarah joins Delta Team. Sarah Dommer (GoW)

Sarah wakes up. Sarah Dawner

Before Sarah-- Forward Unto Sarah Dawner. 

Sarah has currency. Sarah Dollar. 

Sarah doesn't kill Dr. Halsey. Sarah Staller. 

Sarah becomes an AI. Sarah RoMer 


Two palm trees diverge. Pair a' Palmer

Ornamental pears. Pear a' Palmer

Sarah goes to a fashion show. Flair a' Palmer

Sarah gets mauled. Bear a' Palmer

Sarah play Truth or Dare. Dare a' Palmer

Sarah volunteers. Care a' Palmer

Yeah baby... ;)

Edited by Delpen9
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