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Halo 5 multiplayer ideas for greatness (READ IT)


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Please note that I'd like to start this off by saying this is a discussion about what I believe Halo 5 should be all about as far as the multiplayer goes.

I want ideas and discussion not trolling and name calling PLEASE! These are my ideas and opinions as a former halo 1-3 competitive player. ( and yes rank 50 all the way baby)


IMO here's a list of things I believe do not belong in the next halo game.

1. NO AA's   why? they created "oh no" buttons people could press to survive or escape situations in which otherwise they wouldn't and I would say AA's have no relation to skill.

2. No loadout's......Cmon this isn't call of duty and they just don't belong

3. No instant respawn where you could just press a button to spawn. One main reason why is because halo was a competitive game even in Halo Reach, but the instant respawn took away a lot of the team and individual based tactics because all people have to do is press a button to instantly spawn. It's a bad idea because there were so many time's, in halo 4, where I just got done out DMRing or out BRing someone and they insta-spawned behind me and killed me. Me winning that battle almost had no bearing on the outcome of my game score because people were rewarded with an insta-spawn to come back and kill me and there's just no skill related aspects behind it in my opinion.

4. No call of duty style weapons drops --- that just made the game so random and when anyone got to 5 kills they could spawn in a horrible and useless weapon or upgrade or get something completely unexpected and very powerful.


5. Maybe or maybe no DAMAGE BOOST OR SPEED BOOST. One example is in Halo 4 I got a damage boost and so I just whipped out my OVERPOWERED Assault Rifle and just tore people to pieces like it was seriously Call of Duty! it just did not belong and not to mention it totally sucks being 2 shot or 3 shot by someone who has damage boost. There no skill surrounding a damage boost --- UNLESS there was perhaps a power up perk to pick up on the map ( such as the invisibility or overshield) that could actually add tactics to the game and the same goes with speed boost. Just getting a damage boost from a random drop just wasn't fun whereas I believe fighting over one that lasted maybe 15-30 seconds max could actually add tactics to the game.


6. No random weapon drops from kill streaks -- The reason why I say none of these is there is just no way to tell what people will be getting and as a player they can receive something totally useless or a promethean sniper rifle or rocket launcher.

Having weapons on the map actually allowed for game tactics surrounded around getting to that area of the map, controlling it, and controlling the power weapon for kills. Just being rewarded for getting 5 kills and receiving, potentially, one of the most power weapons in game was rewarding players for not really doing anything but playing the game.

Not to mention there aren't many tactics around random drops and the only way to find out what they got is to go find out yourself or have them bring it to you ( metaphorically speaking )


Now these are just a few things to start but I feel without these the game alone will be TON's better IMO.


Now here's a list of Ideas that I believe SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AND MAYBE EVEN BELONG IN HALO 5.

1. Map control - adds a lot to the tactics of halo and how the previous game were.

2. weapon control - something, add's tactics and make areas of the map more precious to hold onto or in other words camp.

3. A decent respawn time -- 10-20 seconds was good for halo because it made it harder for teams to win or lose battles over map control, weapon control, or spawn control if members of the opposing team were alive or dead. Having that time allowed for victorious players to re-coop and enjoy the spoils of victory rather than getting insta spawned on and dying because of it.

4. Height advantage -- from halo reach on height advantage I feel for the most part has been removed from the halo multiplayer experience. Old school maps like H3's cold storage, guardian, construct, the pit, were just a few examples of height control. ( and believe me there are plenty more but I just can't remember name for name right now ) 

5. Jump tactics and jump spots -- there were plenty in the old halos, some spots were purposefully put there, others were just in game spots that people found that the creators didn't necessarily want in the game but still were there. If there were actually jump spots or high spots in the game were people could jump to skillfully or not and use to their advantage that made the game that much better for me.

6. balanced weapons -- Halo 4 had a wide range of weapons and some of them just had way to much power while others lacked...easy enough

7. balanced grenades -- My favorite nade till today was the halo 3 nade. I realize realistic grenades might not bounce off of multiple walls but there was a lot of skill towards the nade throw in H3, but this is not real life! this is Halo in a universe that doesn't even exist outside of our imaginations and consoles!

8. Ranked playlists -- these gave the competitive players and outlet to play and beat other competitive players. When the ranked play lists were removed, as a better than most player, I stomped on a lot of people in social playlists because there was no fair match up and I rarely got placed with guys around my skill level which is all I ever wanted. A 1-50 ranking system would be awesome but to just have a ranked play list that kept track of K/D, and W/L would be so AWESOME!!

9. here for anyone to comment on what they think should also be in the new halo's

Halo from the start was a competitive game meant for competitive players and I don't mind having non-competitive players play halo! halo is awesome! and they deserve to play just as much as the competitive folks but the halo's as of late have had NO thought about the competitive aspects and the competitive community and have all been about level playing fields.

THERE NEEDS TO BE COMPETITIVE PLAY LISTS! Social play lists were meant for those who didn't wanna play the guy's who committed hours into the halo universe to perfect their gameplay. Social was meant for those who purely just wanna have a fun time and to mess around. Both types of players deserve their play lists and their halo games because I for one have been removed from the halo universe as a whole because of how lacking the games are in skill related aspects.

I want halo to return to it's former MLG glory day's where competitive players and teams dreamed of that title, but I also want new players to enjoy the game as well.


things such as AA's and randomized Call of Duty style weapon drops were part of what made halo terrible probably for both types of players, but if you were new to halo, they might of actually made it pretty fun and I don't blame any one for believing that.  

I removed myself from the halo universe because halo reach was competitive but outside of MLG I felt like it wasn't. Halo 4 continued on this path and introduced plenty of elements from a game I really don't like ( call of duty ) and made the game worse IMO. I want to include myself back into the halo universe because I AM A COMPETITIVE PLAYER and competitive players got the shaft with halo reach and halo 4 BIG TIME

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. I totally agree with you


2. I think loadouts could work as long as we stuck with what halo is. People complained about assault rifle or br starts in the past and this fixes that problem. As long as we have Percision/Assault for primary, Percision(Pistols)/Assault(SMGS) for secondary, and grenades I think we would be ok.


3. Instant respawn I agree should be removed, but I think the respawns should be a bit faster than they were is past halo's to speed up the game a bit.


4. Agree the ordanance drops should go. No reason to have them in halo as they don't fit what this game is.


5. Damage boost and Speed boost are just like the power ups we have seen in the past (OS, Invis). I think as long as there classified as power ups and have to be picked up on the map they would work fine.


6. This is the same thing as 4.


I would also add to this list that sprint needs to be removed but I think that has been talked about enough as well as the return of descope. 



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