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Boss' Back in Action Event

D-38 Boss

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I've been on a bit of an event-hiatus while I figured out some life stuff, but it seems, like it or not, it's being figured out for me.


SO! To combat the ever looming stress of major change, I'll be hosting a friendly, free form Halo 4 lobby.


9:00 A.M. EST, Saturday the 21st of June, bring your custom games, maps, and anything you want to play.


We'll go by a Democratic system; everyone in the lobby votes for what they want to play next. In event of a tie, I'll be the tie-breaker.


So, I hope to see ya'll there.


To recap; Saturday, June 21st at 9:00 A.M. EST on Halo 4. Grab your guns, and we'll have some fun :3


RSVP below.

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Nice to see you back in action Boss.


I'll be there, good timing for GMT. Just remembered my Karate starts at 2PM GMT and ends at 3PM GMT (9AM EST - 10AM EST). How long will the Event last for? If it's well over an hour, I'll be there.


GT: Spartan 343ICF


I'll have nothing to do that day, so I'll be on pretty much all day.


But officially, let's say... 9 A.M. EST till about 3-4 P.M. EST.

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Okay, so since I went to Onso's event and it had late notice, I haven't gotten to

bed until just now.. So that means I won't be up that early in the morning. However,

I will be attending your event as soon as I do get up. I will be a couple hours late,

but I will still be there, if you will still have me...

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