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If you get owned in Halo CE.....

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For those that are planning on playing Halo CE and wind up losing 50-5 or something ridiculous due to the game having the highest skill curve out of any console game in the history of gaming, are you going to want to improve your game or are you just simply not going to play it?  I see so many new players to Halo CE get frustrated because they cannot keep up against seasoned vets.  They have no understanding of the 3 main concepts of this game which are absolutely necessary in order to hold your own.


These are weapon respawn times, nade points, and spawn locations. 


When playing Halo CE 2v2 at the highest level, one of the most common strategies is the spawn trap.   If you kill one of the players, and the other player is still alive, more often than not it is best to leave the living player alive and kill the respawning player as soon as he spawns.  This is done by knowing where the spawn points are.  The counter to this tactic, is to stand on a location that will cause your partner to spawn in a random location, and flank the opponent.  The worst thing you can do as a teammate is stand on a force spawn when you are getting shot at from a lesser vantage point and get your partner killed along with you.  If I see you alive and your not on a random, I already have a nade waiting at your partners respawn location or sniper zoomed in.  Of courseif both players die at the same time, the spawn for both of them is a random.    I know that this sounds cheap, but it really makes the game much more fun when both teams are pulling randoms left and right, and not doing so is considered a major error.  Here is the spawn system explained:




The maps where spawns are most important are Chillout, Hang em High, prisoner, Damnation, Derelect, and Battle Creek.


Example of random spawns on HH http://i13.tinypic.com/5y2i8fl.jpg


Note that the spawn system doesn't apply to 3v3 and 4v4. 


Next is weapon respawn times.  On all maps, the weapons respawn at the same exact time, every time from the second the game starts.  So if you are on a map where the RL is respawning every 2 min, you will want to ensure that you are in position to get it.  This is where a timer comes into play.




Next is nade points.  Learn them.  Master them.  The rocket/camo combo in this game is key.  The game is like chess, one team tries to guess where the other team will be positioned to have the best possible chance of securing the power-ups during respawn.  Not all nade tricks in the following video are useful as they take way to long to pull off.  While they will work against noobs, good players will exploit your every attempt.




By mastering these tactics, (in addition to becoming proficient with all the weapons and which weapons to use and when) over time you will be able to enjoy the game much more, and come to realize why it's the greatest FPS console game ever made.

Edited by Total Mayh3m
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I never got to experience the Halo CE LAN parties of old... so I want to get out there and play it! Sure, I may suck at first, but that is what makes gaming fun... you learn to get better as you go.




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