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We're in a 'like' famine.


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Over the last few days I've noticed fewer and fewer likes. Even if you spend a decent amount of time making ludicrously large topic or generous post-- if someone doesn't laugh or like the person-- they won't get as many likes. That's criminal... even more so than you mafia scum! Likes should reward community involvement, and stray away from idiosyncrasies of social networking and life where everything becomes a popularity contest. (Just not here guiyse) 


Ehhh... I'm bored. 

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I usually am pretty generous with the likes, but I have been a bit stingy lately like others. Why? No idea what so ever, there isn't a drop in content or quality I guess people are just not taking the time. If we slow down and enjoy everything and take it in we would probably be hitting that button a bit more.

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It's not really a bad habit though. I'll like something when I like it and not because I have an obligation to like it; otherwise, likes would be even less meaningful than it is.

It's not that, the problem is when we do like something and then don't hit the button. I'm definitely guilty of that on several levels.

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Would you think this place would be a bit better


If we didn't have a number showing how many times each of us got liked? And also if we could 'like' a post, but it could be anonymous instead of showing X liked your post :o

why would that be better? It helps you know who is interested in your content.

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why would that be better? It helps you know who is interested in your content.

I'll address your second bit first. Just because you know who is interested, doesn't mean it's helpful. Somebody could like my post, but this isn't a marketing technique; we aren't trying to look for people who we can sell goods or services to. Apart from knowing who liked it - which is somewhat of useless trivia - what other pros do you think come from people knowing who it was that liked a post of theirs? 


As to why removing visibility of a person's likes would be better, there's a bunch of reasons.


1. Removing visibility of a person's likes prevents it from being a competition. Like a win/loss ratio or a kill/death ratio, likes are a number that can be used to measure a person, and so too can a like/post ratio. A person who doesn't get a lot of likes could very well feel pressured by the others around them because they see that others have more likes than they do. 


2. Removing visibility of a person's likes also becomes a way for people to ignore likes that aren't meaningful - for example, liking a post because 'a staffie/legendary member/mod made the post', or 'this is news' or 'i like the guy who makes this post'. Yes, it'd still happen, but this goes back towards point 1 in that it can create a pressure on others. I think if a post is to be liked, it should be due to the quality, the contents of the post - for example, a well thought out staff idea, or something featuring good creative arts, or a well worded news article, or simply a meaningful post.


3. It blocks out the need to follow the status quo; preventing a fear of posting because your opinions and ideas go against that of the general populace.


Some of the reasons why people who like a post should remain anonymous could also be explained.


1. "I liked your post, you should be nice to me. Eh? How about that man? <--- It shows down any possible likes that arise due to that ideal. If you want favors or niceties from someone, ask them to their face, not by liking their posts a bunch to make you show up like a good guy who supports them, and takes their side.


2. The converse of the above is true. Many discussions on these forums can create sides against each other - a group of opinions supporting one idea and a group of opinions supporting another. This prevents a 'backing' by a bunch of people into a single post that targets the opinions of the opposing side of a discussion. When the opposing side sees that the post was liked, they don't see a bunch of people saying 'this post, which goes against username's opinion, is great - and therefore username's opinion is bad', they simply see 'this is a good post that people support' and they would therefore face a bit less pressure and discuss a bit more freely without fear that, secretly, the groupie of people who liked that post now hate him for his opinion or something.


3. It forces a reply out of the people who actually want to voice their opinions. If somebody sees art which they like? They are encouraged not just to leave a like and have it say "Username likes this", but they can actually speak and say why they like it in a post. 


4. People just like anonymity. This happens everywhere in everyday life. If somebody wants to like something, they might not want others to see it. Anonymity prevents a response bias from coming up which prevents 'social degradation' in the community's eyes. This might be a weird, really messed up post. Maybe the general status quo of the community is that the post is bad. If that is so, a person who likes said post may not click the like button, because he or she doesn't want the post to show that they liked it.


5. The opposite is also true to 4. Maybe the general status quo is that this post is good! Anonymity prevents a response bias that entices the liker to like, not because of the post itself, but because the action of liking the post is socially appealling.


Obviously, quite a few of these are extremes, but these things can still happen, and more often than you think they do. These are just some of the pros I could think up.

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