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If I was the Lead Creative Director at 343i

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If I was the creative director at 343, my goal would be to give Halo 5 more of an identity. Something that pops out to gamers when they think of Halo 5 multiplayer. First, I would fire the lead multiplayer level designer of Halo 4. Then I would work on making the lighting more realistic looking for Halo 5. Halo 4 had a muddy, gold glowy lighting. It looked awful. I would have the Halo 2 type dedicated Big Team Battle maps like Waterworks, Containment and Coagulation be made. These types of maps have sadly gone the way of the doo doo bird and proximty voice chat.


Cinematic battles:

This is just screams next gen. Look at the new Rainbow Six: Seige trailer and what titanfall touched on. How about at the end of a game, you board a drop ship, it then flies you to the next match, also giving the players a break, and all while new people can join.


My other idea was of having a game start on a large space craft. After the stage is complete, your team would then get on drop ships and fly down to a planet to meet the other team again. The match would then continue on a map on a planet. Of course regular Halo 2 and Halo 3 type maps are still present but this is anice change of pace. 


Just some ideas:


Walking should be faster and more of a light run. I don't think Halo needs a dedicated run button.


New added aiming feature that zooms area with no need to aim down sight. Kind of like the aiming for shotguns in bad company 2. Lense aiming would still work.




I'd take this to a whole new level with atleast 10 different reload animation, hundreds of randomized armours, 10 kinds of melee hits.

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This is the thing I majorly disagree with. :)

I'd take this to a whole new level with atleast 10 different reload animation, hundreds of randomized armors, 10 kinds of melee hits.





Well every single weapon should have one reload animation why does it need 10 ?!


Randomized armour... You know what randomized means right ?! Like a new world in Minecraft that world is 100 percent random with no idea what it will look like at all. Yep that will not work at in in a Halo game.


10 kinds of melee hits... every weapon has at least 2 or three melee hits anyway.

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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  On 6/17/2014 at 6:16 AM, Caboose the Ace said:

This is the thing I majorly disagree with. :)


I'd take this to a whole new level with atleast 10 different reload animation, hundreds of randomized armors, 10 kinds of melee hits.





Well every single weapon should have one reload animation why does it need 10 ?!


Randomized armour... You know what randomized means right ?! Like a new world in Minecraft that world is 100 percent random with no idea what it will look like at all. Yep that will not work at in in a Halo game.


10 kinds of melee hits... every weapon has at least 2 or three melee hits anyway.

Because it should be personalized and some variation in the reloading would look nice.


Ok, at least 100 full armour sets that can be mixed

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I have given about as much as I am willing to be bothered to give in this thread. This kind of idea has been hashed over so many times that I don't really care to do it again. Suffice to say, everybody thinks THEY KNOW what is best for Halo, when really it is them creating a game for themselves and themselves alone.

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  On 6/17/2014 at 6:02 PM, Vaulting♥Frog said:

I have given about as much as I am willing to be bothered to give in this thread. This kind of idea has been hashed over so many times that I don't really care to do it again. Suffice to say, everybody thinks THEY KNOW what is best for Halo, when really it is them creating a game for themselves and themselves alone.

That's because anything is better than that poor excuse for a game called Halo 4. To claify, I would still have all the Halo 2 and Halo 3 maps, but I would create at least 5 different cinematic gametypes with maps that are specificly build for them. My fly to another map and match at the end of a game, would have it's own playlist. So nothing would ruin Halo.


If you don't respond, it's clear that you agree.

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  On 6/17/2014 at 6:14 PM, Vaulting♥Frog said:

You realize that you are attempting to claim your opinion is my opinion... Which it is not.


The further along this thread goes, the more moronic you are sounding. Don't take it personal, I am just calling it as I see it.

Keep lovin Halo 4 until your cheetos infested joysticks withor down to plastic knobs. Halo 4 still sucks. While you may not like my ideas, I'm actually trying to pump this pathetic franchise with some fresh new ideas.

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OP, while I do enjoy your enthusiasm for keeping things fresh and new in Halo, I don't really agree that Halo needs a new Creative Director.  Please realize that the Creative Director is not responsible for what is going into the game, but is the overseer of the creative process for new assets and maps.  Anything engine side is handled by the Principle Engine Architect.


By default in every version of the Blam! enigine used, there is only 3 different available slots in the weapon tag for melees, and the melee responses.  As it is now, it is impossible to make a random melee animation with more than 3.  Even if they could add say 20 more melee assingments, those 20 melee assignment tags would need to be additionally loaded into memory permanently.  Animations are a cost expensive item when it comes to memory.  Which is also why reload animations don't need to be any more than one.  Having 100 of them means that you now need to load into memory, about 900-1000 animation sequences.  To put that into perspective, the average map itself, loading the bsp section (part you play in) (Binary Space Partition), takes anywhere from 500-1500mb's of memory.  Some or most tags used in a  game are offloaded or cleaned-up when not being used, but to have such a large amount of reserved pointer space in memory for these additional tags would not be a good thing. 


Armor on the other hand is quite different.  Armor is just a flair item for a base Spartan.  A permutation if you will.  Now I am unsure as to what limit they have on permutations or additional slots within the mainmenu.map file to contain these armors, but chances are, there is a limit, and for a good reason.


Lighting is something you can't fix straight away.  Lighting in the Blam! engine is done before a map is compiled.  It's a process called rasterizing, casting photons, and baking.  The Lightmaps we have in campaign and MM are done before hand.  That phony "generating Lighting" thing you see on custom maps...it's not really re-lighting the map.  It's simply adding shadow casting to the objects you placed, nothing more.


Unless they change the way lighting is handled and use a completely brand new engine from scratch, lighting isn't changing anytime soon that I can see.  I mean yes, it would be nice to see the lighting from Cryengine being used, but I don't think that's happening, nor do I think you could make it happen.


Sorry this is getting so long.  The reason why people are getting up in arms with this thread, is because you haven't shown any proof of concept of your programming abilities other than simply stating that you could do a better job.  That has the tendency to rub people the wrong way, and you cannot expect to not receive a harsh or negative response.  I did enjoy the read though, but I would offer one piece of advice.  Keep these kinds of things down to a minimum in the department of "I'm better than 343i", and try to focus more on wording things to convey what they are, YOUR opinions.

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