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question about custom gamemode creation

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It has been said countless times that maps loaded for Halo CE will run in Halo CE's original engine, maps for Halo 2 in Halo 2's original engine, etc. I'm curious about how creating custom gametypes will be done in the unified UI. Will we select with game engine a custom gametype is intended for, and it presents us with options suited to that game engine? or will we, for example, create a generic slayer variant, that can be loaded into any map and game engine?


I ask because while most Halo games introduced new game elements that its predecessor lacked, there were instances of features being removed. One recurring staple of my old Hale CE LANs were games of Team Race. the specific set of rules we used were something that simply could not be replicated in later titles, even with the help of Bungie employees I sent PM's back and forth with on their forums. Some of the options simply weren't there anymore.


And so, as I plan on using MCC partially as a way to bring back my old Halo CE buddies for online versions of our old LAN parties, I'm curious to know if custom gametype creation will preserve the game creation options exactly as they once were, or if the unified UI will attempt to unify the options available to us for maps that originated in the 4 different games.

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We aren't 343i and sadly we don't know the details yet. If you wish to contact 343i please headover to HaloWaypoint.com


Try to think of MCC as all the games on one disc but they all play individually. They just happen to be on one disc and no features crossover. It keeps thing logical and simple and doesn't get your hopes up. I highly doubt this custom gamemode creation would work the way you wish.

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