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Could Sergeant Forge Take Thel 'Vadam?

Ranger Intel

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Hey everyone.


Now judging by the Topic Title, you may all be thinking "Spartan, what are you talking about? There's no way he can beat the Arbiter!", but we've seen him do it to Ripa 'Moramee in Halo Wars. I was flicking through some things about Ripa 'Moramee and a few results showed Thel 'Vadam vs Ripa 'Moramee. Many people voted Ripa 'Moramee because of his height, strength, and armour. He's taller than most Sangheili, including Thel. He's clearly incredibly strong, especially how he was still standing after being stabbed in the throat. He only really died when being stabbed with the Energy Sword, and even then he held up a bit. His armour, given to him by the San 'Shyuum, is far more advanced than the ones given to Thel. Although they don't have shields, he can still stay in active camouflage for as long as he wants, and it's also bullet-proof...like really bullet-proof. It's more advanced than the down-graded version given to Thel.


So it seems like Ripa < Sgt. Forge. What about Sergeant Forge and Thel? Only judge Thel 'Vadam at around Halo 2/Halo 3 because during Halo 4 he is much older. Do you think that Sergeant Forge, can take take Thel, like how he took Ripa? Even though Ripa is supposedly better than Thel? (Some may disagree by saying that Thel is better because he's ego isn't as big and he's more intelligent and less psychotic, but he is not as strong and as big as Ripa)


Thanks for reading.



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If Forge didn't have his combat knife on his armor, he would've been done for. He might have fought a little longer: wriggling around, and dodging Ripa's attacks... but he eventually would have died. He's resourceful, but horribly outmatched.


Same thing with Thel. I'm thinking Thel is supposedly smarter than Ripa (that's up for debate), and more agile. Even though he's not as big as Ripa, he's still huge regardless. Fully standing he would be nearly 2 feet taller than John (in his Mjolnir armor). So he would pretty much dwarf Forge anyway.


And if Forge were caught in the same situation as before, but with Thel (and without his combat knife) he would die. The same can't be said if they were brought together fully armed.

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Forge would have died. Shirley was the kind of elite that would've played with his prey, which got him killed in the end.


Thel' would've went through with his actions and just have killed him. Noticed how fast Thel killed Truth? If that was Shirley, he would've played with Truth.

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The only reason Ripa died was because he likes to torture and draw out his prey's suffering.  If he was serious and right to the point in dealing with his adversaries, Forge would have been dead in seconds...


Vadam has a weakness of being long winded, so unless he's gonna start talking his enemies to death after fighting with them...I'm gonna say no this one.

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Great points guys.


Arby would just kill Forge outright the only reason Forge killed Ripa was because Ripa was prolonging Forges death so he could torture him. :)



The only reason Ripa died was because he likes to torture and draw out his prey's suffering.  If he was serious and right to the point in dealing with his adversaries, Forge would have been dead in seconds...


Vadam has a weakness of being long winded, so unless he's gonna start talking his enemies to death after fighting with them...I'm gonna say no this one.



Forge would have died. Shirley was the kind of elite that would've played with his prey, which got him killed in the end.


Thel' would've went through with his actions and just have killed him. Noticed how fast Thel killed Truth? If that was Shirley, he would've played with Truth.


I see what you all mean by how Ripa's foolishness and ego helped get him killed. How he likes to toy with his enemy. Sergeant Forge was focused. He is also a great soldier.



If Forge didn't have his combat knife on his armor, he would've been done for. He might have fought a little longer: wriggling around, and dodging Ripa's attacks... but he eventually would have died. He's resourceful, but horribly outmatched.


Same thing with Thel. I'm thinking Thel is supposedly smarter than Ripa (that's up for debate), and more agile. Even though he's not as big as Ripa, he's still huge regardless. Fully standing he would be nearly 2 feet taller than John (in his Mjolnir armor). So he would pretty much dwarf Forge anyway.


And if Forge were caught in the same situation as before, but with Thel (and without his combat knife) he would die. The same can't be said if they were brought together fully armed.


That's a pretty good point. I still always thought that no matter how good of a soldier he is, he's still human. In this is situation though, he would have his Combat Knife.




So how about now we discuss who would win between Thel and Ripa?


Situation: Both have two Energy Swords but do not have to use them both. They can use both, one, or none. They are in a plain flat landscape with no weather or obstacles or anything.

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Ripa because of this better physical ability, armour and better knowledge of Energy swords due to it being a daily part of Elites culture. :)


Also he uses them daily while Forge this is most likely his first time.




Oh... between Thel and Ripa ! :o



Well my answer for that is Thel mainly because Ripa has shown to be very arrogant while Thel is the exact opposite and it very calculative and Thel has also been in the Covenant military longer so... more experience. 

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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Shirley would win. Thel' may be one of the best, but Shirley wouldn't hesitate to kill his own.


As shown in a couple of the episodes in the Halo Wars Theater, Shirley killed a couple of elites without a problem.

Shirley also has something Thel' doesn't have, Rage Mode.

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