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Making halo 5

Halo fan 117

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Hey this is halo fan117 aka darkblade6206 i know people are excited for halo 5 just as i am but all i ask of 343 industies is that can the please make halo 5 graphics like halo4 and try to make the campian better than 4 and if possible make the multiplayer better than reach becuse reach is one of the most popular halo's of all time and thts not just my opinion its alot of peoples opinion and another thing can u make it so theres not that much power weapons that was one of the let downs in halo4 i seriously hopes 343 industries takes the time needed to make a an amazing halo5 i know you can do it guys and if you need help dont be afraid to team up with some one like bungie but not from cod what ever you do dont make it like cod please you dont need to compeat money wise with them please do your best and thank you for the time to read this

But can you keep running and the armor ability together plz that was really good

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