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So what are some of your preferences in gaming? Like, what motivates you and makes you feel good?


My personal preference is when I'm with another player or in a team of 3-4. We fight side by side until it's over. Operations are all coordinated and improvised. "We won't back down" implied.


I like the ability to have fun and relax while all at the same time doing something I enjoy.


I can't express through words my feelings for what I prefer. As long as you get the gist of it. Some of you will understand.


So, what's yours?

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If you count having a decent K/D as a motive, then that'd be the only one. But in most games I don't care about that, only really for Halo.
Other games I just do things by myself, so nothing is there to motivate me in the slightest.


The main preference for me is not playing with others that I know of, can't put it into words on how much I don't like it. Always play games by myself for a reason, because I find it more fun.

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Good and engaging gameplay is a big+ for me that would motivate me enough but also a decent amount of content and options works too. I tend to favor more the mechanics sides of games because if it feels good to play then I will no doubt be engaged for quite some time; a good load of content also helps with that because not only will the game be fun to play but I will have things to do.


Super Smash Bros Brawl is one game that does this very well imo. 

Games like Mario kart have good gameplay but not enough content. 

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If a game has a really good completionist side to it (like Arkham Origins, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and Dead Island; Riptide) then it's probable to drag me in.


I don't play games I don't feel like getting into. Even if the game looks good... if it has a monster of a completionist side I won't tackle it. Like Dark Souls 2, or Assassins Creed. They look interesting, but I could be spending my time on something I'll enjoy more, like Halo or drawing or something. That's not to say the other games I listed before this paragraph don't have gigantic completionist sides, but the argument is pretty much about this: I find that it's worth playing the game due to it's very catchy gameplay vs. Me not liking it, and adding more underachieved gamerscore. That's the conflict going on.


The only reason I play games much anymore is due to these reasons:


1. If there's at least 2 other people with me (or at least my Cousin) then I'll be motivated to play: since we jam out together playing video games, and talking about games. The same is for XBL. I like it better when I have people playing with me that I know of. Like the guys from here. I do go solo sometimes, but I enjoy team play better.


2. Around here there's not much to do. Drawing, sitting on the PC, or playing Xbox are pretty much my only core options (I do sometimes go places though.... hopefully I'll have a job in July).


3. No matter HOW pointless they are, the Achievements still drag me in. The completionist in me is always yelling for me to get the most gamerscore out of a game. And now that I'll soon be getting an Xbox One (and my 360 get's ever so closer to it's failure date), the haste to finish the games on the 360 (which in all likelihood won't be ported to One) is now greenlit.


Used to, I would spend a crapload of time trying to get the Achievements in my games; so severely that I would sacrifice personal hygiene, and sustenance to do so by staying up all night playing the game. I don't do that much anymore, but I do sometimes go on gaming binges from time to time. I find them pretty unhealthy, but It's still fun as hell.

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My preference is a setting that is interesting (to me) and does a great job of making you feel like you're actually there. At the top of my head I would say Halo, Bioshock, and Assassin's Creed are good examples for this. This is also the reason I love games set in the past, (Halo does not apply, obviously) because those games do an excellent job of making you feel the times the game is set in. Bioshock: Infinite exceeded with flying colors at this, and it seemed that most of the game was influenced by early 19th century American culture at every step I took. I wish that games nowadays were made with with more of a "Past" flavor than present or future.

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I like to play very immersive games that make you feel good if you're doing well in them. Games that actually make you feel like you're having some sort of an impact on the gameplay, like you're actually achieving something. One of my motives of playing games is if I haven't seen everything, especially with open-world games like Skyrim. It's like endless possibilities, pretty much. There's constantly new stuff going on around you. You just don't want to stop until you've done everything there is to do and seen everything there is to see, that's true completion. Why wouldn't you want to see everything, I mean you want to get your moneys worth don't you? And yes I am kind of an RPG Open-World genre fanboy!

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I always love customisation is my games.


Weapon customisation, armor customisation; Just overall player customisation. The more things I can personalise with my character, the more I'm motivated to keep playing and make my character look as awesome as possible. With this, I also really love player interaction - I have a much more enjoyable time in MMOs than singleplayer games.

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For me, it's atmosphere and tone. If a game can set a good mood, and have me invested in the game NOT JUST by story but by the music, environments, expressions, and interactions. Why do you think I like ODST so much? The music is stellar in setting a lonely mood, the environment and surrounding city is dark and quiet, setting a perfect tone, the character expressions to each other and the expression of the city itself is phenomenal, and the interaction with the world around me, and the characters and mood is breathtaking. If you're a game developer, and you want to please me personally, SET A GOOD THEME AND STICK WITH IT.

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