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Mafia Returns

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Its pretty obvious Delpen9 was a mafian. I know we dont have 100% confirmation but based on his actions and how close he is to Twin he must have known something. 


He is acting a lot like me when I was mafia last two games. It seems like he is trying to convince us to vote for someone much the same way I tried. With nonsensical evidence.

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But there's no evidence for anything... at all. There's absolutely nothing to go by, so this game is just luck. You're calling me a mafian, but the people who voted for Twin after me are just as suspicious. I couldn't have predicted that they'd change their voted over to Twin. If anyone should be lynched, It should be the people who voted for Twin after me. 





Dark Angel

Twin can tell you that I haven't talked to him in quite a while. If any of you want to ask him something, you should ask him to tell us everyone he PMd about this game. He even said that he hid is identity poorly. Whether this is because he was quiet or that he blurted something out that he shouldn't is yet to be known. He won't even tell us the person he got a lead on. This means he probably discovered a pro-town, not a mafian. 

Why Meteor Storm is NOT a mafian: This is a man of facts. If he were to be a pro-townian, he wouldn't instantly blame somebody. Earlier in the game he told us to send out PMs to him telling our role. I sent him a PM claiming I was a civvy. I believe that anyone who sent him that PM would be considered a mafian. Ledgend sent him that PM, and ergo is now on that list. If Meteor Storm were indeed a mafian, he wouldn't have gone to those lengths in speculation. Meteor is pro-town. End of story. 

Why SiberianHuskyY is a mafian: Siberian Husky used his photo-shopping skills then covered it up with the fact that he used Paint. Class A mafian right there. 


Dark Angel & Caboose: I just despise you. 

Edited by Delpen9
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Delpen, you really don't listen to a dang thing I say. Through every single mafia game I have not once used photoshop to fake a screenshot. Bnus can tell you that, so can anyone in the original PM. I have been 100% honest in each and every game. I am not a mafian. I showed you my evidence. You choose to ignore me and turn my words against me.


You sir are redirecting attention from yourself and you create a very large target on yourself to be a mafian.

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Delpen, you really don't listen to a dang thing I say. Through every single mafia game I have not once used photoshop to fake a screenshot. Bnus can tell you that, so can anyone in the original PM. I have been 100% honest in each and every game. I am not a mafian. I showed you my evidence. You choose to ignore me and turn my words against me.


You sir are redirecting attention from yourself and you create a very large target on yourself to be a mafian.

Meteor seems to agree with me. 

Mr. Husky, would you rather tell the truth and get your fellow mafians killed, or tell a lie while claiming you always say the truth? 

I do this every game... You're struggling to find clues which are nonexistent. 

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Meteor seems to agree with me. 

Mr. Husky, would you rather tell the truth and get your fellow mafians killed, or tell a lie while claiming you always say the truth? 

I do this every game... You're struggling to find clues which are nonexistent. 

And you're making clues that are nonexistent.


Delpen9 is mafia. 

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Meteor seems to agree with me. 

Mr. Husky, would you rather tell the truth and get your fellow mafians killed, or tell a lie while claiming you always say the truth? 

I do this every game... You're struggling to find clues which are nonexistent. 


I am telling the truth by saying that I am not mafian. Stop twisting words.


I have no connection to anyone but civilians. Meteor Storm didn't get a pm from me. You've not done a single thing to prove that you are innocent, instead you accuse everyone else that they are guilty. You twist their words and make it sound like they are the bad guys. That is what you have done every single time. So now, let me ask you: Show me the evidence that proves you are innocent.


You say that meteor seems to agree with you?

He also claimed you were mafian as well:


No. Husky, Self Destruct, Delpen, Peanut and Ledgend are Mafians.


no tell us the results



I have shown mine and others have shared theirs. Why bother with them when there are others who have yet to bother even trying to show they are innocent? Twin saw Frankenzer before he died. Lets go from there. If Frankenzer is the mafian from the group, then that means I am not mafian.

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We know based on Twins comments that Frankenzer is most likely Mafian.


We know Twin was Detective.

We don't know who Self Destruct is.

We don't know who SiberianHuskyY is.

(based on Delpens logic)


I show my evidence to support my innocence. The likelihood of me not being Mafian increases.

Self Destruct (I don't know if you have shown evidence, assuming not) does not post evidence. The likelihood of him being Mafian is greater than that of SiberianHuskyY.


While we don't know if there was a second mafian in the group or not, we can not say whether Self Destruct or SiberianHuskyY are guilty or innocent as there is not Story evidence to show. All assumptions are based off of word of mouth and pictures.


Best thing we as civilians can do right now is wait until the next crime scene, see what happens, and go from there.

The more we fight and argue against one another the more the Mafia wins. In my personal opinion, a Mafian would look to cause confusion and chaos between the civilians. I am not saying Delpen is mafia, but I am not saying he is a civilian either. I am saying the same thing about everyone here. We need to progress further in the game to figure out what we need to do next. 


I don't want to argue anymore whether I am mafian or not. I personally know that I am not.

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Due to upcoming events I won't have the time to dedicate to Mafia anymore. I ask them Axilius Prime write me a proper suicide scene with the next post and that he reveal my true role to everyone. 




Delpen9 is mafia



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Due to upcoming events I won't have the time to dedicate to Mafia anymore. I ask them Axilius Prime write me a proper suicide scene with the next post and that he reveal my true role to everyone. 




Delpen9 is mafia



This is more sad than both Twinreaper and Butch's deaths combined. You will be missed-- died so young. 

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This is more sad than both Twinreaper and Butch's deaths combined. You will be missed-- died so young. 

It was great serving as a fellow Mafian for once Delpenguin. It sucks it didn't last.

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