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Mafia Returns

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if you guys really want to prove innocent why not have a skype video call? Everyone here I know has a skype minus Delpen and SD and Frank since I dont have them added. You can't fake live video and if the person declines without a good reason(and the mod is the only person who would have a good reason to decline) then they are obviously Mafian. 

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if you guys really want to prove innocent why not have a skype video call? Everyone here I know has a skype minus Delpen and SD and Frank since I dont have them added. You can't fake live video and if the person declines without a good reason(and the mod is the only person who would have a good reason to decline) then they are obviously Mafian. 


Ohyea I had a Skype, but I deleted it. I'll get it back.


I'll send you a PM or something about my Username.

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I don't have a webcam, and I don't have my laptop readily available. Guess that makes me Mafia. Oh wait no it doesn't. I'll have to miss this Skype, and ask Ed, I'm rarely on Skype and we attempted chat before which didn't work out.

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I don't have a webcam, and I don't have my laptop readily available. Guess that makes me Mafia. Oh wait no it doesn't. I'll have to miss this Skype, and ask Ed, I'm rarely on Skype and we attempted chat before which didn't work out.

Sharing your screen on skype doesnt require a webcam. But if you have personal information that could be on your browser screen then thats fine I was merely suggesting an alternate way that is fool proof

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Ah okay, maybe tomorrow when I have computer access then.


So what would we be doing exactly?

Talk to anyone who suspects you're mafia not me. You both show each others screens to prove one of each others innocent.


I dont know why people think I am going to conduct this test for them I merely offered this as a solution to proving your innocent since live video cannot be manipulated 

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Oh, no.


I'm not sharing MY computer with a bunch of people on the internet.




I don't even care if you lynch me because of it.

you dont actually share you just share screens. You cant actually hack someone via skype and you can adjust the screensize to only show certain portions 


but thats fine if you dont want too.

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Execution 2


Ledgend spat dirt out of his mouth, struggling to lift his face off the ground. His arms and legs were firmly held down, his head about to follow suit. Pain shot upward through his face starting at his nose when it was forced down.


"Tie him!"


Despite his efforts to resist, his arms were violently jerked back, evidently with little regard for the condition of his shoulder joints. It didn't matter, after all. He was about to be executed. It didn't take a genius to figure out that ropes were what kept him from pulling his arms back apart. They released his legs, and a hand pulled him to his feet by the neck.


He had voted for his own execution, but this was still really uncomfortable.


The familiar sight of the execution area soon met his eyes. Standing there as scheduled was Axilus Prime. The executioner never gave his opinion on the executed. No one really knew why he did his job. And that was why this would be very interesting. Unsurprisingly, Ledgend was thrown at Axilus' feet. The rough treatment was so typical at this point.


"Ledgend1221." Axilus looked down at the man before him. "On charges of misspelling your own name and being suspected Mafia, you are hereby sentenced to death..." He pulled out an M6G, Army variant. "...by headshot." He clicked the safety off...and that was when something rather unsafe happened.


Ledgend's foot had swept across Prime's view, removing the Magnum from his hands. He caught it in his mouth while standing up, and from the crowd came a knife, the source of which was indeterminable. The blade severed his bonds, and he grabbed the Magnum from his mouth.


Axilus lunged forward, knocking Ledgend back with a hard punch, then grabbed the gun and twisted it, trying to wrest it from his grip. A strange turn of Ledgend's whole body followed, resulting in the barrel facing Axilus' palm. A bullet followed, knocking it off the gun and creating a yellow glow around the Spartan. "I don't get paid enough for this."


Ledgend took aim at his head and fired off three more rounds, each one making the shield grow brighter. Axilus ran behind the post Twinreaper had previously been tied to and stood horizontally, shielding himself from the bullets. When his energy shield recharged, he came out, only to find that Ledgend was not there.


"Where did he go?!" the executioner demanded. Before anyone could speak up, a shotgun blast took his shield down entirely. "Who the hell decided to give him that?!" Axilus threw a plasma grenade at the shotgun, forcing Ledgend to drop it while they both dashed away. This certainly explained why he voted for himself! He drew his Energy Sword, wishing he had brought his DMR. That was an important note to remember next time.


Ledgend pulled out his Magnum, only to roll his eyes when Axilus went into Armor Lock. Of course... Knowing his shield would be regenerated when he came out of it, he once again moved out of sight. "I was expecting a better executioner."


Axilus checked his radar. Still jammed. A Mafian in the crowd had evidently placed the jammer somewhere. "Damn it..." He threw a frag grenade to the left, then turned around and threw another one. After that, he threw a plasma grenade to what had been the area behind him before his first frag. When the three explosions went off, the grunt of pain revealed Ledgend's position. Evidently he hadn't been close enough to be killed, but that had blocked him off. He ran into the building the grunt had come from and was met with a stream of fire. Counting on his shield to withstand the shots, he charged in a zigzag motion, counting each hit. One. Two. Three. Four. Before another shot could be fired, he swung the Energy Sword at Ledgend. As expected, he backed up...resulting in the Magnum being bisected.


Ledgend growled in frustration, then threw a knife with shocking accuracy between Axilus' fingers. It penetrated the Energy Sword's handle, destabilizing it and causing it to explode. Following that, he produced another knife from up his sleeve, caught it in his hand, and lunged.


Axilus jumped back to get enough time to pull his own knife. Normally it was for assassinations. This time, it was to block Ledgend's slash. He kept his knife pressed against Ledgend's, pushing the entirety of his opponent against the wall. Taking advantage of his helmet, he slammed his head against Ledgend's face.


"ARGH!" Ledgend ducked after being hit, then slashed at Axilus. The blade was stopped from penetrating by the energy shield, so he came in for a second strike.


"Screw this!" Axilus dropped his knife while bringing his arms off, taking off his helmet while backing up to avoid the slash. He knocked the knife out of the way with his helmet, then stuffed it on Ledgend's head...backwards. While he stumbled blindly, Axilus ran straight up to him and activated Armor Lock...bringing his fist down through his head. A ghost rose out of the skull fragments and blood, blackened with hate for the city. There was no mistake.


Axilus walked back to the crowd, leaving his shattered helmet. "I need a raise for this crap."


Ledgend1221, Mafia, Lynched.


Mafia, choose your next target.

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Woohoo!! great job everyone!


You had me fooled Ledgend but I didn't say a thing because you were acting a lot like how you acted in Mafia 2.0


Well thats one Mafia down and Frank is next. Do you mind making him a suspect again Prime :troll:

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