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Mafia Returns

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Actually, I just did a recount and it's


Ruby's got only one vote because I just remembered that because JL is dead, his vote doesn't count. I should probably do the vote counting when I'm not multitasking...


I counted JL's vote too so it's ok lol

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No, I'm not like that at all, lol. I would have been laughing even if I was pro-town. It's because of how persistent he was.


First time - I was wondering when someone would do that.


Second time - Oh wow, he did it again.


Third time - AHAHAHAHAHA is he ever gonna stop?

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So now its

Frank: 4

Ruby: 3


I think it is fairly obvious Yoshi is Mafian. We may not be able to confirm this but he is trying awfully hard to keep one more Mafian in the game which can result in them getting close to winning or even winning.


If anything then this is a bad plan for Mafian because we now know all the Mafians. Very odd....

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No, Frank's alive. You can only vote for those on a suspect list.


Twin, I don't think you understand the game very well, and that's the only reason you think that.

You're using rules that never existed, nor were specified in the game description. In previous mafia games, no one was corrected for voting someone outside of the suspect list. You may think that's common sense, but some people think of the list as only a way to narrow down the mafia list. Being unable to vote outside the mafia list can be seen as hindering gameplay, and removing that option makes no difference because people are usually tempted to vote off of only the list anyways. 


Keeping track of who voted for whom shouldn't be anywhere near as difficult as writing those stories. 


Giving people the option to vote off the list gives us more depth to gameplay. You might call it broken, but I call it dynamic gameplay. 

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Giving people the option to vote off the list gives us more depth to gameplay. You might call it broken, but I call it dynamic gameplay. 

What are you talking about? No mafia game on 343i has ever allowed for voting out of the suspect list.


Why does that even matter anyways? Lets focus on the current game on hand with the current ruleset and be happy that it hasn't gone to shambles. if you dislike this so much then feel free to host a mafia game after this with your own rules. 

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In previous Mafia games we weren't allowed to vote outside of the suspect list. Believe me, I tried.

Also there wouldn't be much use for the suspect list if you could.

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Huh. Twin somehow deleted his post, or had it deleted. I should have quoted it when responding to it.


Anyway, Delpen, what these two have said. And I'm much better with language arts than with math, so what you said about difficulty may not be entirely true.


Also it's actually 4-2 because he was changing his vote, not simply adding a vote.

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What are you talking about? No mafia game on 343i has ever allowed for voting out of the suspect list.


Why does that even matter anyways? Lets focus on the current game on hand with the current ruleset and be happy that it hasn't gone to shambles. if you dislike this so much then feel free to host a mafia game after this with your own rules. 

So you decide to attack me: "Host a game with your own rules."

Good for you. 


Do you have some sort of ideology that 'constructive criticism' can't exist (even if they are bad suggestions), and should be replaced with someone 1-upping another person? If you wanted me to put these types of comments in a PM or suggestion thread then you should of said so, because you're coming off nastily.  


My thoughts shouldn't be in the way of anything. He's letting us customize our deaths bru. You're not the executioner/mod so naaah. *rubs garlic butter on you and licks you* You're just angry that I didn't stay in the party with you.   




If the suspect list were removed (or doesn't limit who can be lynched) the only difference would be that anyone can get lynched based on who's the most suspicious. Luck wouldn't partially decide a person's fate anymore. I personally think that players will still be compelled to vote off the suspect list. It's that boost in confidence you get from seeing your targets show up on the list. It's an either/or thing, and doesn't matter too much. 


@Unease Peanut: Hmmmm... I though Sikslik allowed this. I'm sorry if my first comment came off brashly.


~good stories... I won't be resigning because I want to see how I die. 

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