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Mafia Returns

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delpen is confirmed civilian


Can we please all just lynch Yoshi


There is literally no reason not to


He's basically revealed himself to be Mafia by now


And even if he is a stupid self-saving scumbag in this game, when he dies DarkAngel is confirmed Mafian and we will have 2 remaining players to finish him off.

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Since Connor is not on the list he is automatically civilian.


During Round 3 2 Mafians showed up. Since it's max 2, the other people are civilians. Caboose is dead, and SiberianHuskyY is now confirmed civvy.


Caboose the Ace +

Frankenzer -

therubyprincess -

SiberianHuskyY +


So, the only way to be absolute sure... Is to vote DarkAngel, Delpen9, and Yoshi1176 all at the same time. But we only have 5 people left, so it will be impossible to vote them all down... unless we agree to leave 2 people out of the vote, and 3 people vote 1 on Del, Yoshi, and Angel.


If we agree to this, the moment you switch the vote you are automatically Mafian. If you don't agree to this plan you are Mafian.


And if 1 civvy gets killed this round, and another gets assassinated, then the next lynch list will have 3 people. 1 Mafian, 2 civvies.


Either way if you agree to this plan, then the civilians will win and it'll be over with. Dying as a civilian is a good sacrifice to take out the Mafian and win.

Edited by Self Destruct
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Since Connor is not on the list he is automatically civilian.


During Round 3 2 Mafians showed up. Since it's max 2, the other people are civilians. Caboose is dead, and SiberianHuskyY is now confirmed civvy.


Caboose the Ace +

Frankenzer -

therubyprincess -

SiberianHuskyY +


So, the only way to be absolute sure... Is to vote DarkAngel, Delpen9, and Yoshi1176 all at the same time. But we only have 5 people left, so it will be impossible to vote them all down... unless we agree to leave 2 people out of the vote, and 3 people vote 1 on Del, Yoshi, and Angel.


If we agree to this, the moment you switch the vote you are automatically Mafian. If you don't agree to this plan you are Mafian.


And if 1 civvy gets killed this round, and another gets assassinated, then the next lynch list will have 3 people. 1 Mafian, 2 civvies.


Either way if you agree to this plan, then the civilians will win and it'll be over with. Dying as a civilian is a good sacrifice to take out the Mafian and win.


Those were my thoughts exactly. :3 

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The extra death is at Yoshi's request. Figured since it's the end of the game, I can agree to it.






Yoshi turned his head and grinned. Husky, DarkAngel, Connor, Delpen, and Axilus Prime stood together, walking towards him. Each one was armed. A bow and arrows, shotgun gauntlets, hidden blades, a dinner plate, and a sword and gunshield he recognized from the Mafia hideout. Oh, that's right. He stole those a while ago. Forgot about that...not that it matters.


A gray blur whooshed down in front of the group again, creating a shockwave and a thunderous noise when it landed. Yoshi jumped into the Atlas-class Titan, and it rose to its feet. All weapons systems active. "Guess you found me, pro-town! But you're all gonna die!" With a laugh, he brought his Titan's foot down on DarkAngel.


"Delpen, you were gonna kill me over this guy?" DarkAngel fired the shotgun gauntlets diagonally at the ground to launch back and get away from the Titan, then jumped on its foot and started punching its leg.


"Idiot!" The leg lurched upward, sending Dark Angel flying and crashing on the roof of a tall building. Yoshi then fired at the rest of them, forcing them to jump away from the rockets. "Pro-town, squabbling amongst yourselves over who to kill...that's why you get nothing done!"


"I have a feeling our weapons won't work," Connor said.


Husky got to his feet. "I have explosive arrows. With enough of them we can pierce the cockpit, then you get up there and stab him. Can you do that?"


A rocket flew straight at Husky, but was intercepted midair by a dinner plate. "I'll cover you!" Delpen pulled another dinner plate out and prepared to throw it.


"How many of those do you have?" Connor asked while Husky shot an explosive arrow.


"Nine. It's eight now."


The arrow was smacked aside by the Titan's arm, sending it at a building. It detonated, breaking down the wall and getting the attention of the ghosts within.


"Husky! Shoot him now!" Axilus ran sideways while firing at the cockpit. As the Titan turned to face him, it was wide open for an attack.


Husky shot the arrow at the Titan's cockpit. An explosion followed, blocking Yoshi's view and causing him to miss his shot at Axilus. When the smoke cleared, however, the blast barely left a dent.


Delpen threw all his dinner plates straight at the cockpit, achieving absolutely nothing. He jumped away when Yoshi fired, only to realize the aim wasn't at him. A rocket landed near Husky, sending him flying with some shrapnel embedded in his arms. "Husky! Get up--ARGH!"


Yoshi kicked Delpen at Connor, knocking them both down. When they both rolled in opposite directions, he grinned and shot repeatedly at the assassin. The rockets oddly bounced back, breaking small portions of his armor. "PRIME!"


Axilus got out of Armor Lock, then continued to fire his gunshield. "Connor! Get away! He's going to fire!" The next rocket was blocked by the gunshield, but its force and splash damage sent Axilus flying. His Spartan armor protected him from the building he crashed through, but no one saw him return.


"So," JL's ghost asked, "Who's your money on?"


"I spent all my money on cookies," Caboose replied.


Delpen got up just as the barrel of Yoshi's gun swung towards him. "Oh cra--"


"And because I don't like you," Yoshi said with a dark laugh, "I'M GONNA BLOW YOU UP AND KILL YOU TO THE DEATH...UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD!" The rockets incinerated every trace of Delpen, leaving only a smoking crater and a pencil.


Husky shot several arrows in a succession so rapid Connor could hardly believe it was possible. They landed on the Titan's legs and exploded, bringing it down on its knees. "Connor! Jump on it!"


Connor leapt on the gun, swinging around to avoid the barrel, then flipped and landed on it. He jumped up to the shoulder and grabbed it, then flipped while spinning to end up on the head. Drawing a sword, he stabbed down into the crack where the cockpit closed. "I'm gonna pry it open!" Before he could do anything, a giant metal arm knocked him off. The cracked blade of his sword remained in the cockpit for a second before falling to the ground.


Yoshi got to his feet, revealing that the Titan's legs were barely damaged, and fired at Husky. His target rolled away from every shot, so he shot the buildings with enough of a lead that some rubble fell on his legs. Finally, he turned to stomp on Connor, so full of satisfaction at being about to kill him and Husky that he didn't notice the truck drive in from behind and ram the one leg he had on the ground. "Wha--"


There was a slam of metal against metal, and the Titan fell on its back. A red and blue flame patterned truck was now in front of him, with Axilus driving it. He stuck his arm, gunshield strapped to it, out the window, and started firing. "Connor! Get Husky free!"


The Titan struggled to get up, constantly being knocked down by the gunshield's fire. Finally, he flipped the truck with a rocket, causing Axilus to drop his gunshield. "I'll kill you first!" Suddenly, he heard shotgun fire again.


DarkAngel punched with the gauntlets, activating their shotgun components with each punch. The rocket launcher fell from the Titan's hand. "You're the only one who's gonna die!"


Yoshi's cockpit was pummeled with the shotgun gauntlets, and DarkAngel kept firing downward to stay at a great enough height to reach the cockpit. Those are some interesting shotguns....it doesn't matter! With a slap, he sent DarkAngel flying into the building formerly inhabited by the ghosts. "I'm gonna execute the executioner! From this moment, this city belongs to me!"


"Enough of this." Peanut's ghost flew over to the flipped truck and Axilus, then entered Axilus' body. He couldn't possess him, but there was something ghosts could do. He extended his wispy form around the sword, then the gunshield, then the truck. "If this doesn't work you're all screwed."


Connor finished getting Husky out of the rubble. "Are your legs broken?"


Husky got to his feet with shredded pants, but with only gray visible under them. "No, I got leg armor from Siberia. Help me out here!" He ran to the rocket cannon as Yoshi reached for it and pushed it to face the Titan with all his strength. "PULL. THE. TRIGGER!"


Connor charged at the gun's handle and pulled the trigger, firing off a continuous blast of rockets. Though they were inaccurate, the Titan was large enough that it was hit anyway, and it fell once again.


Yoshi drew back his leg and slammed it on the gun's barrel, sending the gun flying away and forcing those using it to let go. "Enough playing around, then." He leapt up with shocking speed and came down at them. They jumped away immediately, but he turned, spun on his hand, and kicked them both in one move before landing on his feet. Next, he ran for his gun.


"That's no...ordinary...Titan." Connor coughed blood.


Yoshi picked the gun back up. "Who's first?! None of you are getting out alive!" Before he could fire, the truck rammed his leg again and sent him down on one knee. He rolled aside while getting up to face the truck as it swung around behind him for another ramming charge. "Bad move, Axilus!" A stream of rockets, perfectly aimed, flew at the truck.


"That remains," he said while the truck's parts shifted around, "to be seen!" A robot formed from the truck's parts was now before Yoshi, holding an enlarged version of the gunshield up to block all the rockets. He drew his sword and charged with his shield up, then swung at the Titan.


"What the hell?!" Yoshi jumped back to avoid the sword slash, then blocked the next one with the side of his gun. "How did this happen?!"


Peanut's ghost left the robot, which stayed in its form. "I can't possess things and make them do my bidding, but I can fuse them together. I've been trying to find a use for this ghost form since you killed me, Yoshi, and now I've fused Axilus with the truck and created this. Consider this my revenge."


Yoshi swung his gun at Axilus' sword, knocking it aside, then shot him in the face and knocked him down. "It doesn't matter. There is only one way any of you will live." He picked the sword up off the ground. "In the afterlife!"


Axilus got up with a fierce yell and blocked the stab, then jumped up while shoving the sword out of the way and shot Yoshi in the shoulder to make him drop it. He landed with a spin, sweeping his hand across the ground to grab his sword's handle, and sliced Yoshi's gun in half. "It's you and me!" With a shot to the cockpit, he sent Yoshi crashing down.


Yoshi grabbed a car and threw it at Axilus' feet hard enough to knock him down, then got up and pulled the sword from his hand. He stabbed down at him, but he rolled aside, causing the blade to impale him in the shoulder and pin him to the ground. "Damn it!"


An explosive arrow landed on Yoshi's cracked cockpit, blowing it open. "We're not done yet! Connor, he's open! Kill him now!"


Connor charged at Yoshi, who promptly grabbed the gunshield from Axilus and fired at him. He jumped, causing the shot to launch him away. "Argh!" He suddenly felt an arrow shaft land on his face. "What's this for?"


"Shoot it near the pilot! Do it!" Husky fired an explosive arrow at Yoshi, but it simply landed on the gunshield and detonated there, doing absolutely nothing.


DarkAngel jumped down from the building and landed near Axilus, then pointed the shotgun gauntlets up at the sword's handguards and started firing.


"What are you doing?! He'll kill you! Get out of here!" Axilus tried to pull the sword out of his shoulder, only to realize that the shotgun blasts were knocking it up.


Connor shot the arrow at the cockpit from the side, causing it to land near Yoshi, inside the Titan. Attached to it was a cable, which pulled him quickly into the cockpit. He faced Yoshi and thrust his blade at his neck.


Yoshi pulled a pistol from his hip and shot Connor in the hand, knocking his arm up. "Big mistake! You die!" He pointed the pistol at his head. His aim was suddenly thrown off by the entire Titan turning around. "What?! I didn't--" He saw Axilus' arm on his Titan's shoulder, and was pulled forcibly from his mech by the other arm.




Axilus' left hand was on the ground, pressed flat, with crushed bone, torn flesh, and blood splattered out all around it. "We have won."


Yoshi1176, Mafia, Lynched.


Congratulations, pro-town. This game is over. You are all winners now.

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