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Mafia Returns

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1. Caboose the Ace

2. DarkAngel Possible Mafia

3. SiberianHuskyY

4. Bnus Civilian, Killed by Mafia as extra kill due to leaving game, Round 2

5. Connor Kenway

6. Frankenzer Confirmed Mafia

7. Yoshi1176 Possible Mafia according to Self Destruct

8. Unease P34nut Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 2

9. Delpen9

10. Twinreaper Detective, Lynched, Round 1

11. Self Destruct Civilian, Killed by Mafia Round 4

12. Ledgend 1221 Mafia, Lynched, Round 2.

13. therubyprincess Mafia, Lynched, Round 3

14. Butch Flowers Medic, Killed by Mafia, Round 1

15. JL Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 3


If DarkAngel is on the list I say we try to vote Frank and him off. We may be able to take the last two out this round in a tie, finish the game right here.

Edited by Yoshi1176
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Aww I feel bullied in all these things :(



1. Caboose the Ace

2. DarkAngel Possible Mafia



If DarkAngel is on the list I say we try to vote Frank and him off. We may be able to take the last two out this round in a tie, finish the game right here.


Bro why man? :cry: I helped you become president :cray:

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Okey people. Here's the game plan:


Yoshi and Frank must die.


They are most likely to retaliate by constantly switching votes, so we'll need to be vigilant and try to keep the votes as even as possible to take them both out. If either of you want to show evidence proving you're not Mafia, then go ahead and try to sway me.


+ Plus I'm not forcing you people to vote for them. That's your cue, not mine. I'm just trying to give you reason to vote for both of them.


Here's the Evidence:


1. Frankenzer made strange comments throughout the Mafia game, like "You will all fail..." and what-not. Plus when the votes switched from Frankenzer to Twinreaper during that voting process Axilus made the comment of "Ohh the irony", and we found that we voted for an Innocent: the Detective at that, instead of the Mafian.


2. Yoshi made a scene by derailing the previous voting process to take out 2 mafians. The result of that was Ruby died, and Frank got away. THEN he tried to cover it up by saying he was bored, and doing it for fun AND/OR that Caboose was the one screwing it up when he was the one trying to make the votes even in the first place. Not to mention I TOLD Yoshi to stop voting, but he didn't listen...


Anyway that's my take. Believe it or don't.

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There are 2 unconfirmed mafians. The suspect list must have 1 mafian and has a maximum of 2. Frankenzer is on this list (but he's confirmed), and so is Yoshi & DarkAngel.  Both Yoshi & DarkAngel can't be mafians, so one person outside of this list is a mafian. There must be two mafians in this suspect list because the past suspect lists have confirmed everyone EXCEPT Connor & I to be pro-town.  I know I'm pro-town, and I wouldn't have put the effort I have into this if I were a mafian. 


Ergo Connor MUST be a mafian. 

Frankenzer is a mafian. 


We don't KNOW whether DarkAngel or Yoshi are mafians, but we do know that Yoshi will be tampering with the votes.  I suggest we kill him first since it doesn't really matter if he's pro-town or not. Once this is done, we should all be able to agree on who the mafians are. 

Okey people. Here's the game plan:


Yoshi and Frank must die.


They are most likely to retaliate by constantly switching votes, so we'll need to be vigilant and try to keep the votes as even as possible to take them both out. If either of you want to show evidence proving you're not Mafia, then go ahead and try to sway me.


+ Plus I'm not forcing you people to vote for them. That's your cue, not mine. I'm just trying to give you reason to vote for both of them.


Here's the Evidence:


1. Frankenzer made strange comments throughout the Mafia game, like "You will all fail..." and what-not. Plus when the votes switched from Frankenzer to Twinreaper during that voting process Axilus made the comment of "Ohh the irony", and we found that we voted for an Innocent: the Detective at that, instead of the Mafian.


2. Yoshi made a scene by derailing the previous voting process to take out 2 mafians. The result of that was Ruby died, and Frank got away. THEN he tried to cover it up by saying he was bored, and doing it for fun AND/OR that Caboose was the one screwing it up when he was the one trying to make the votes even in the first place. Not to mention I TOLD Yoshi to stop voting, but he didn't listen...


Anyway that's my take. Believe it or don't.

I doubt that evening the votes will work. Anyone can slip in a vote at the last minute and ruin the plan, no matter how 'vigilant' we are. 

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There are 2 unconfirmed mafians. The suspect list must have 1 mafian and has a maximum of 2. Frankenzer is on this list (but he's confirmed), and so is Yoshi & DarkAngel.  Both Yoshi & DarkAngel can't be mafians, so one person outside of this list is a mafian. There must be two mafians in this suspect list because the past suspect lists have confirmed everyone EXCEPT Connor & I to be pro-town.  I know I'm pro-town, and I wouldn't have put the effort I have into this if I were a mafian. 


Ergo Connor MUST be a mafian. 

Frankenzer is a mafian. 


We don't KNOW whether DarkAngel or Yoshi are mafians, but we do know that Yoshi will be tampering with the votes.  I suggest we kill him first since it doesn't really matter if he's pro-town or not. Once this is done, we should all be able to agree on who the mafians are. 

I doubt that evening the votes will work. Anyone can slip in a vote at the last minute and ruin the plan, no matter how 'vigilant' we are. 


It can still work if we can manage to keep the votes even when Axilus shows up. As hair-brained as that sounds.


Either way we'll eventually get someone to die, but it would be a bonus if can knock them both out in one voting session. If not there's always next round, but we have to remember that they may not be on the list that round.

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