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Mafia Returns

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Are there hints hidden in the text? Please say yes!

Quote: Still, it wasn't much surprise to him that that guy was the Mafian. 




It couldn't be more blatantly obvious. 

Edited by Delpen9
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Guys. I'm in a tight spot, being a cmod I cant exactly show you all of my pms because of some moderator things. I can show you the messages I have had from the past few days to show that I've not had any pms about the mafia. I am about to pm butch flowers here in a little bit with evidence. I messaged Bnus my situation and he recommended I just explain it.

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Guys. I'm in a tight spot, being a cmod I cant exactly show you all of my pms because of some moderator things. I can show you the messages I have had from the past few days to show that I've not had any pms about the mafia. I am about to pm butch flowers here in a little bit with evidence. I messaged Bnus my situation and he recommended I just explain it.

Well why don't you use photo edit and make black smudges over it all?

Edited by DarkAngel
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Delpen9 put Twinreaper in red text. That means he is on the red team which means he is GDR.


I vote Twinreaper to be beheaded. 


I didn't even read the story. Delpen9 is mafia. 

I read the story. It was good. Delpen9 is mafia.


In other news a tip from a previous Mafia member is that all the Mafians will start jumping onto other peoples votes or vote in bulk themselves. When you see multiple people voting for the same person or you see multiple people agreeing to vote on the same person after someone else has voted and if you see this pattern repeat among a group of similar people there is a very high chance they are Mafian. This is the tactic I used the previous two games.


It should also be worth mentioning that Mafia members tend to vote before the voting ends or right when voting begins. This is to reduce the chance they can be suspected. 


Now for the detective and Butch. Find out the people who follow the patterns mentioned above and find out who isn't posting much or is posting too much. That should help narrow down your choices for mafia. 

It would help if that actually worked. Hey Mafians, you better do the opposite! You'll mix in with everyone else. 

Edited by Delpen9
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Because then people won't believe him because he can't show ANY detail about Private PMs with members including the date so he would have to black out the whole column and then people would suspect he is lying. He has to respect a members privacy.


Plus if Total Mayh3m is Mafia he is doing a bad job at it :hrhr:

All the advice I just gave you are tactics I used in the previous two mafia games and they worked fairly well and no one suspected anything. 


Of course you would doubt me because you are mafia and you don't want Pro-Town getting a grain of advice from an expert ex-Mafian. I was already leaked the information you are mafia so quit making it so obvious and let me act crazy. Delpen9 is mafia. 

So you're assuming that since I'm not doing what I did the last 2 games... that I'm a mafian? I have no one to accuse because it won't work this game. Axilus is working things differently.  

You had Connor and Silent Alpha in the mafia last game. They will always post in close proximity to one another. 

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There is no null option because fiery death, Caboose.


Fiery death.


And no, Delpen, there are not. The reason for deciding against that idea was balance. I'm not very subtle half the time I try to be, and naturally some hints would be easier than others regardless of my intentions. So, to keep the game balanced properly, I decided not to put hints like that.

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Guys. I'm in a tight spot, being a cmod I cant exactly show you all of my pms because of some moderator things. I can show you the messages I have had from the past few days to show that I've not had any pms about the mafia. I am about to pm butch flowers here in a little bit with evidence. I messaged Bnus my situation and he recommended I just explain it.

Don't you mods have mod folders

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