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Would you be interested in a Halo Rp ?

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I know..... So many Rps have died here..... But I have nothing better to do so why not try again. :)



A simple question,  Would you be interested in a Halo rp and if so,what would you like to see in a Halo rp ?


For example


What time period ?


I am thinking it would be good to have it set around the great schism

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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Not here, anyway. Rp's made here are doomed to die; the population isn't exactly large to begin with; the number of people who understand what an rp is is much, much smaller.As for what I WANT to see, that has always been a sandbox text based rpg, rather than one where you are forced into the storyline and plot that the creator decides, and one which is excruciatingly linear and one-sided. 


(And correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Considering this is a text based game, it'd help if people wrote correctly, and consistently at that.)

Edited by Meteor Storm
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I really hate to the point this out.... :D

Spot the error.


.As for what I WANT to see, that has always been a sandbox text based rpg, rather than one where you are forced into the storyline and plot that the creator decides,


(And correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Considering this is a text based game, it'd help if people wrote correctly, and consistently at that.)


Now for a question,You think linear Rps are better than Sandbox ?


the number of people who understand what an rp is is much, much smaller.


Can you explain what a rp is ?

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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I enjoy a good RP, but like JL said, they tend to die here.


Most of the main RPer's have left, or are no longer active.


As for sandbox, that falls to preference. I prefer a solid story line. What you call linear, I call structured. Most people don't know what to do with the freedom involved in a sandbox RP.


Personally, I think a series of RPs would be better.


Persistent Characters, different missions.

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Just throwing out there that I have joined multiple RP

forums before and if one was started about something I'm

familiar with (and my fellow RPers had appropriate grammar,

spelling, and punctuation) I would join.

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A role play. In this situation I would say it is apt to call it a TBRPG, or Text-Based (Since we are typing, and not acting it out with sticks and robes in real life) role playing game.


This is where you give yourself the reins of a character, whether it is one that you create yourself, or one that has been previously established, and play as them.



I enjoy a good RP, but like JL said, they tend to die here.


Most of the main RPer's have left, or are no longer active.


As for sandbox, that falls to preference. I prefer a solid story line. What you call linear, I call structured. Most people don't know what to do with the freedom involved in a sandbox RP.


Personally, I think a series of RPs would be better.


Persistent Characters, different missions.

The problem I find with linear RP's is that usually they are limited in number. Ignoring the chance that the person who creates the linear rp is dumb and has thought out a story where Master Chief destroys the universe because the chip with cortana in it amplifies his human emotions into the rainbow death beam that is the real weapon that destroyed the organon, there is a tendency for, once the roles have filled up, to generally be forcefully ignorant of new characters, as they would join out of either the most contrived circumstances, or outright not be able to join themselves.


An RP being run has a set quality to it. The staff and players of the RP both affect the quality, but I've always found that it is within a sandbox RP that people can create linear plots, yet ones that are open for others to freely impact, rather than having been enforced by the creator from the start.


In short, with the previous RP's I've played on the site, most of which are linear, I've found that there is simply no point in playing them because at the end the protagonists win, and there basically isn't much you can do to change that.


We also don't have the number of people who can actively support even a small and simple linear RP. An attempt to create a sandbox one usually requires a much larger number of players. 

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One I think could be fun is something I did with Fallout a while back. Basically your character ends up becoming a mercenary and moves to a base where they can talk to the other people and generally live their life there, so no real plot or anything happens in the base. There was also a the lead guy who would give out contracts and jobs which would give you details on stuff, how many people 'should' attempt it, a couple of tips, and the reward. The players could then join with others to go do the job or do it by themselves. Then if they succeeded they got back and could buy more armor or weapons or just keep the money. In this there was a plot that ran behind the scenes, but we never really got to experience that since the guy running it had to deal with real life stuff. It was a shame too since he put a ton of work into the rp.


Anyways I think being rogue elites at some point in time could work for this concept.

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D-38 and Meteor (Or whatever the hell JL is calling himself now. I wish he'd settle on something consistent.) hit it on the head. I can count the members here who I considered decent on one hand, and bar one or two, have all left/ aren't active enough to keep it going.

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