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Voice Actor Advice from Ashly Burch


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You know I actually have an interest for doing this sort of thing sometime. I know I probably don't have the best of "voice", but it would be pretty kewl to do some voice work for some indie games or something.


Thanks for sharing! :)

Don't try to judge your voice so quickly you never know what role an indie game needs!


And you're welcome I knew people might find some interest in it. I hope some people find this helpful/motivational. 

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Wow, that's really cool that you got to go to Florida Supercon!


I'm not really interested in voice acting myself, but this was still

an interesting read and anyone who asks me about how to get

started voice acting (I don't know why they would ask me, but

you never know :lol:) I can point them in the right direction. Nicely done

for a pair of Bnus!

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