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[Halo 4 - 8-9/July - 9PM EST] VARIETY (Casual/Minigame/Competitive) LOBBY!

Is not JL

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Hello! So it's summer now for most people in the upper hemisphere, so a lot of people should be a bit more free'd up in what they're able to do. With that in mind, here's a lobby that's basically for teh funzies.

We'll be playing casual, competitive, minigames, yade-yadah anything, really, so long as it's fun. If people want to test a map they can PM me during the lobby.

1. Don't be a ****
2. Don't be a ****
3. Don't be an *******
4. If you have a kinect mic, please mute yourself because we really don't like all the weird noises.
5. Please listen to other people and be considerate.
6. Speak nicely, in a civilized manner, and don't shout. Unless you got a 720 no scope or something.

Please do's:
1. Know how to play CLUE
2. Don't hijack the lobby if I pass host so you can put up a map or something (I'm serious. There was this one time when this squeaker asked me in a very sly manner that he wanted to put up a map. It was very obvious what his intentions were, and I passed it just to see what would happen. Honest to god, he literally took host, then said nothing, except for 'No!' when people asked to give me back host. He didn't even put a map on. Lol)
3. Have fun!

Please dont's:
1. Invite your friends without asking me. There are people who could've RSVP'd, who's spot your friends take. I don't expect the number of people who play in the lobby to be massive, but if for some reason it is, well, yeah. This would be in violation of rule 1, 2 and 3. clear.png

How to join: 
> RSVP by pressing the big green button posting below. If you don't have your Gamertag listed within your profile, post that as well.
> 15 minutes before the lobby begins, send me a message
>> Please do not misinterpret the timezone and ask for an invite at the wrong time. You won't get to play, and I won't get to have an extra player in the lobby. :3

So, yeah! Hope to see you guys there! clear.png

Edited by Meteor Storm
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