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Watch_Dogs shipments hit 8 million

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Watch_Dogs has been shipped a whopping 8 million times



("Look at those numbers Aiden, there are so many")


With Watch_Dogs already being the most popular next-gen title with 4 million sales a month ago, Ubisoft just released an update stating they have shipped 8 million copies to retailers across the world.

This means Ubisoft has hit their target of selling 6 million copies.


"The succes of Watch_Dogs and the quality of our gameportefolio at E3 shows our strategic positioning just like our ongoing push towards innovation and our long term investments", thus Yves Guillemot, boss of Ubisoft.


This succes screams for a sequel, and maybe... just maybe... a yearly release.


Do you think this succes was earned? And would you buy a sequel to this game?

Let me know down below!

Thank you for reading!



Edited by Unease P34nut
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Succes was not earned, the games lifted on the hype, not the game. the sales only ruled the charts the month of release and fastly declined afterwards.


The game has potential, but if the second one becomes a thrown together heap of different parts again, I see no hope for a game like this

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This succes screams for a sequel, and maybe... just maybe... a yearly release.

No. As Coldfreeze said, this game might've had a highly unique singleplayer context to it but as to whether or not it's a good enough game to support a yearly release, that we don't know of. Games like Call of Duty have 3 developers working on it's dev cycle to churn out games yearly, and its a multiplayer game that has enough brand recognition out there that it has a healthy influx of players. Games like Assassins Creed have a secured niche of SP-wanting players, it has gameplay that isn't available anywhere else (Parkour stealth action-rpg + it's great stories and unique settings) and it has like, a few thousands devs working on each game.


Watch_Dogs? Highly doubt it'd work for a yearly release cycle.

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gooby plz no.


Not saying this guarantees better quality, but time makes games. I didn't even get this game, I'm just saying that.

I think a development time of around two years is enough to make a good game, now AC is the exception on this rule, just look at Unity. that game looks epic.

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Ubisoft just released an update stating they have shipped 8 million copies to retailers across the world....


That is units shipped... not units sold. :)



Anyway, Watch Dogs was a hype train with nothing to back it up. It was okayish.... nothing amazing like the 2012 E3 demo was. by I have high hopes the second will be better.

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Ubisoft just released an update stating they have shipped 8 million copies to retailers across the world....


That is units shipped... not units sold. :)



Anyway, Watch Dogs was a hype train with nothing to back it up. It was okayish.... nothing amazing like the 2012 E3 demo was. by I have high hopes the second will be better.


Technically Ubisoft themselves have sold the copies. Now it's up to the retailers to sell the copies to customers.


Also stop with :) this behind every sentence

Edited by Unease P34nut
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