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Buck in Halo 5?

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Over at HaloFanForLife (and other places), it is stated that apparently there is a voice-over easter egg in the Halo 5: Guardians Beta Trailer, as said by Frank O'Connor (which I can't retrieve the original post by him now).


At around 10 seconds in the trailer, a Spartan yells, "Ready? Let's move!" and the shenanigans continue afterwards... but that initial voice-over is speculated to be Nathon Fillion, aka Buck from ODST and Reach.



Due to his long career in the Human-Covenant War, it would make sense to be chosen by Jun (I'm not sure who chooses the S-IVs) for his extensive service record. As the saying goes, "If he were any better, he’d be a Spartan”.


To further reinforce this Nathon was attending E3 this year, but he could just be doing a double wammy for Destiny and Halo (since he's a big Halo fan). He's seen here monkeying around with Dan Ayoub of 343i:






Watcha think? Yay, or Nay for a side of  Buck in Halo 5? :)


Source: http://halofanforlife.com/?p=15255


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I personally wouldn't want him to return in the main story-line. 


If he was added in through terminals to explain what has been happening to him, sure. If he's returned in Spartan Ops (If there is one) then that would be fine with me a well. 


I just don't generally think he had a major role to fit in with the main story-line. 

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