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ranking system

Chopstix ll

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put in a 1-50 ranking system. it will save this dying game. i can't even play a full game anymore because some scrub always quits out. add a ranking system = save reach

Reach will never have the 1-50 ranking system, sorry. :( We can, however, hope that the ranking system will be better in H4. :)

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it is there BTW

haha no it's not. I play Team Snipers so much, and sometimes I am put against people my own level, but then teamed with the worst people you can imagine, and they have guests!


And then quite a few times, I'm put against noobs, which is good, but must be annoying for them.


P.S. You may think i'm stuck up and think very highly of myself by saying the above, but I am good at snipers. #31 in NZ says it all.

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