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My name is THE GRuBiS,  and i have no idea what i'm doing.  I've never been a per se blogger/chatter/etc... no pun or insult meant.  I do love me some Halo though.  OOH RAH!!!   Been loyal since the birth of this great game just haven't been really involved with the community.  Hope to have a great time with this whether it be educational or nonsense.  


Semper Fi,



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Welcome to the forums!


Don't worry I was a newbie to forums back when I joined too, and now look at me. I'm part of staff!


We are a very nice and friendly community you will be just fine. I highly encourage that you participate in some of the many events and activities constantly going on. 


If you ever have any questions never hesitate to ask. 


Have a fantastic time on the forums. Hope to see you around!

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You found yourself the right forum!


We have people from all over the place on the site, so I am sure than you will find someone to talk to and maybe even play some Halo.


Anywho welcome to forums, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

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Welcome to the forums man!

Don't worry about being new here..we get new members all the time :D

I'm sure you will fit in just fine. There are a lot of helpful & friendly members out there so they will help you with any   concerns that  you have on the forums.


:) Once again welcome and enjoy your stay.



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damn that display picture


its just so dumb lol


Welcome to the site! This isn't exactly the premier forum on the internet; the community, while sustainable, isn't massive; the capabilities offered by IP.Board aren't utilised fully, and there are quite a few restrictive rules that you won't see a lot in other forums (For example, web link regulations).


If you've got any questions as to the forum, feel free to ask. I would suggest you take a look at the BBCode list and memorize the basics such as the bbcode for image, color and text formatting, as those are the ones you'll probably use the most. I'd also suggest you play around in the text editor for the site just to get to know what each button does.


Enjoy your stay.



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