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The Master Chief Collection (All the stuff)

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There's also the Piñata Skull from Amazon, and the Bonded Pair Skull from ShopTo.


Also the Terminals in H2A (and probably Halo 4) will need internet to view.


OH and all the Preorder Skulls will be unlocked for everyone a little while after launch.

Edited by Self Destruct
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  On 7/31/2014 at 1:09 AM, BeckoningZebra1 said:

Love it Marine! It's great to have a thread to look to for all the details, be sure to keep it updated!


P.S. Can we get this pinned? ^_^


Sure thing. :)

Good stuff Marine. As BZ already said, I do hope you keep this updated.

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I'm going to post more info. Don't take my info as fact as some of it is unconfirmed or misinformation.


- Original Glitches from Halo 2 should all be in the main game, and there is apparently some text to either A: Help with obtaining these glitches, B: Information on why these glitches are still there in the first place, and why they are important, or maybe both A & B. I have not clarified this. - Comic Con: the Nightfall panel I think.


- Then of course the Achievements... 4000 GS.... some of the achievements are getting slight fixes, and alterations while new achievements are being created. - Comic Con: MCC Panel.


- Over 30 game modifying Skulls (not including the original hidden ones in Halo 2 I think... maybe it is including it... they will still be there because of the Glitch Reinforcement though). - Comic Con: MCC Panel.


- H2A Is apparently getting it's Cutscenes extended from the original H2 cutscenes. I don't know where this is covered.


I'm in the middle of gathering information from Comic Con, so I'll update this post, or maybe just make another post if someone posts after this post... post.

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Blur doing cut scenes? This'll look amazing, especially after how incredible Halo Wars cut scenes were for a game of it's age. 


$60 for four games? Might as well stop before you get the other games and get an Xbox One with this game. Because we all know it's better price wise. Let's look at them from original release prices.


Halo CE: $55

Halo 2: $55

Halo 2 PC: $55

Halo 3: $60

Halo 4: $60


That's just $285, for just the games. Now, let's add the DLC:


Halo CE: None

Halo 2: $20

Halo 3: $45

Halo 4: $60


Add that onto the game price and it comes out:



Incredible deal. I highly suggest you just get an Xbox One and buy the game for $60 (That's a $350 difference)

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  On 7/31/2014 at 7:48 AM, Self Destruct said:

I'm in the middle of gathering information from Comic Con, so I'll update this post, or maybe just make another post if someone posts after this post... post.

I recommend updating the post. This way depending on how many comments there are I don't have to go thread surfing, and also just to keep it a little neater. :3

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There is ALLOT of information that has been revealed at Gamescom, but I'll go ahead and highlight a particular tidbit.


In the Halo Channel video it seems by watching the Nightfall episodes you unlock awards: one of these being a MCC Single-Player Skull "Swarm".


"Hunters do double damage, and have triple health."


Source: Halo Channel Release video, Gamescom. 1:07


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Does anyone else get the whole pix-elated text in halo 3 and 4 ? I have been getting it allot and its not my display and the fact it gets all pix-elated because the writing is small. I know that because at the main menu I can see smaller text and its much more sharper and clearer, the resolution of my display is 1080p so I dp not see what the problem maybe ?? anyone else having same problem or had same problem and know solution ? I have increased sharpness on display but that doesn't do anything :( 


Thanks if you can help and reply for suggestions :D


#Playing SWAT on Lockdown :thumbsup:

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