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No matchmaking for Raids in Destiny.

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Bungie recently confirmed that unlike strikes of the Crucible there shall be no matchmaking in Raids.
Raids are Destiny's endgame content, and are extremely difficult, six-player, missions that may take hours to complete.
Bungie defended this decision saying they want raids to be a difficult but fun, sociable experience and wants to get player together

So what do you think of this?
Should Destiny have matchmaking for Raids or not ?
My thoughts :
I am finding it really difficult to put my thoughts into words and explain them so here is a post on Bungie.net I saw that sums up what I was going to post and improves it. :)


This is a Wow player posting about why matchmaking is bad for raids

The complaint back then was that more time was spent looking for a raid group than actual raiding. To be fair, a part of that was because the raid group was up to 40 players in the beginning, now it's 25.
After a few years, Blizzard eventually introduced LFG (which, like I said, is just like MatchMaking).

The initial result was what we expected, faster setup times pre-raid... but that had an undesirable effect that a big portion of the community did not anticipate.

You see, raids used to be a HUGE deal. They took hours and hours to setup, and even longer to progress. It was a grueling trial of not only skill, but leadership. You could have the talent and gear necessary in your group to complete the raid, but without some level headed leaders directing the group you would be destined to fail.

Finishing that hours/days/weeks long raid? That was the ultimate feeling. Finally, after all that time spent forming a group, training a group, making all those friends and enemies after nights of failure... you down that last boss. Nothing beats that feeling in gaming, nothing.

Now? The raids feel watered down. You log on, click that "find a group" button. Wait 10 minutes. Teleport to the raid, no words are spoken, just throwing 25 random players at a raid that most of the group has done 100 times already. No friends, no enemies. Just a sea of nameless, empty players grinding away at this now trivial Raid. Failure no longer means waiting a day to regroup because half the team had to go to sleep. Failure now means waiting another 10 minutes for another tank to queue up for the raid.

What used to feel massive and utterly rewarding has now become a chore. A chore that you must perform over and over again until you can find no enjoyment short of getting that occasional gear upgrade.

Blizzard addressed this by lowering the difficulty of "LFG" raids, and made "Normal" and "Heroic" modes that you HAD to group up for. But still, the damage has been done. You never enter a raid with your friends anymore. LFG has become mandatory to gear properly for the "Normal" and "Heroic" modes, but by then you've done these fights dozens of times. There's no thrill of exploring, no thrill of learning the fights and the map. Just a different type of grind that has already lost its appeal days/weeks before you even needed to find a real group to do it with.

Look, I know I said was going to try to remain unbiased, but the truth is MatchMaking ruins raiding. Raiding SHOULD NOT be something you do easily. Raiding is a test of your skill against PvE as much as it is a test of your communication skills. But when you allow for a "fast track" method to access the raids, you turn it into a chore that you simply throw yourself at until you arbitrarily find a group that has the DPS/HP numbers on their side.



Back to Caboose....



So overall I am on Bungies side on this one I want to raids to be a difficult and challenging experiences that stay that, that take so long to even begin but when you are finished you are given tons of rewards, and you don't get that kind of stuff in games anymore.

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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But, I'm a loner on XBox and I don't like making new friends. Where with a Matchmaking feature I could find some nubs to help me rekt the raid Kinda like in GTA: Online with them annoying Contracts.. #ForeverAlone #ForeverRaidsAreNotFinished  


And no, This comment isn't a troll or joke. It's the truth. Sadly most of my good friends wont get the XBONE till Halo: MCC. nubs.

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I am actually proud of you for posting this Caboose. Raids should not have the stupid matchmaking component to them. Part of the deal with raids is getting a group that you can work with. That takes time and effort. Doing the raid itself is only just part of its experience. The complex situation of creating the group to begin with is a major component of raids.


I was, at one time, a major WoW player and I truly miss the old days of raiding. Not just the 40 man runs through Nox but gettting a group of 40 and being total dicks and raiding a major city of the opposing faction. Those kinds of things were epic and the experience priceless.


Now days raiding feels more like the PvP crap that multiplayer games have and even then that doesnt quite describe it. At least in PvP settings you have a random factor of idiot players you are facing or the uber geared players which OHK you by glancing your general direction. It is boring and there is little sense of accomplishment. Just like completing your run of the mill multiplayer match from any game out there really. They just become another notch on the belt already full of notches. Been there and done that, not particularly excited to do it again.


When PvE guilds in WoW finished the uber raids they didnt just quit though. After all that time spent to get one group through now you have dozens of other guild mates to guide though it. More importantly you go back to smaller guilds and help build them up so they can accomplish wonders. You teach them and network further. I still remember trying to get though Nox way back in the day and a top PvE guild dude showed up and asked to party up with us. Gave us pointers and even invited us to be sponsered by their guild. Even days later when we hadnt finished yet they still networked with us and gave us help to finish Nox and beyond. That was the experience I saw in Destiny with its missions and even in the free roaming. I hope that stays with the raids.

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But, I'm a loner on XBox and I don't like making new friends. Where with a Matchmaking feature I could find some nubs to help me rekt the raid Kinda like in GTA: Online with them annoying Contracts.. #ForeverAlone #ForeverRaidsAreNotFinished  


And no, This comment isn't a troll or joke. It's the truth. Sadly most of my good friends wont get the XBONE till Halo: MCC. nubs.

While I see where you are coming from (#singleplayer4lyf), I am going to say that Raids aren't for you. The intention behind them is to get people to come together and work as a team. When you add matchmaking to that, you then have the ability to play with... well everyone using the matchmaking. This feature discourages adding friends because you don't constantly play with them, and it's awkward enough making friends as it is. If you don't add friends, then eventually you're going to get troll lobbies or newbs on your team, which detract from your enjoyment of the game.


If I know Bungie, they did the pros/cons thing and it came out more in favor of the cons.

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But, I'm a loner on XBox and I don't like making new friends. Where with a Matchmaking feature I could find some nubs to help me rekt the raid Kinda like in GTA: Online with them annoying Contracts.. #ForeverAlone #ForeverRaidsAreNotFinished  


And no, This comment isn't a troll or joke. It's the truth. Sadly most of my good friends wont get the XBONE till Halo: MCC. nubs.


The 343i Community Forum has an official Destiny Clan on Bungie.net if you want to join. :)


It's called Twamble Before Us :D


The Clan does not require that you change any form of Character Customization as far as I know of. There is an option to put the Clan name in your Player Card in Destiny, if you want to put it there. I think Bnus is in charge of it, so if you have questions you can ask him.


Unfortunately I can't retrieve the URL to the Clan page right now due to slow internet. In the meantime you can try to search Twamble Before Us, or just look up my Profile ID: Self Destruct/SelfDestruct217 (or maybe DexterousSolid5. I'm not sure which one is correct).




Regarding the OP, I do not think Matchmaking should be put into the Raids. It ruins the experience.

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Matchmaking should be implemented but, not forced. If you have a fire team ready then you go with those people and if you don't have a full team than MM will fill in the empty slots. Some people won't have friends that play the game and won't be able to form a team together. It would be to difficult for that person to message what 5 other people in the tower willing to join up with someone they don't even know or how they play and do an raid with them an take hours to complete. Like I said it should be implemented but, not forced.

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I'm a huge Rift Raider, and yes, gathering enough people is part of the experience.


In my Guild we have raids every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


Sometimes we have enough people, sometimes we don't.


There is not LFR (Looking for Raid) feature which I am happy about.


So no, matchmaking shouldn't be in Destiny Raiding.

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