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Weird Ban


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So I just had a really weird 60 min ban happen to me.  I'm not sure if i deserve it or not, but here's the story.  


I play Team Heavies a lot, and I like to use the Wraith when I can.  I grab the Wraith first thing out of the gate on Exile, but one of my teammates is right next to it, so i wait, thinking maybe he wants to get in the turret.  Nope, he plasma pistols me.  And then his friend in the rocket hog next to me shoots with with the rockets.  Thats a big NO-NO in my book, so I plaster the crap out of them with the Wraith and subsequently get the boot.  Not a problem, I completely agree with getting booted.  Next game, TH on Longbow.  No Wraiths here so i go for the Incinerator cannon on the middle base ceilings.  Got one, and then out of no where, out teams Scorpion blasts me half the map away when there wasn't even any opponents around me.  Again, a big no-no in my book, so my next spawn i track him down and kill him.  I get booted again.  Not sure if i deserve the boot on that one, but w/e.  So 2 games in a row i get the boot.  No big deal.  I start my third game, things go great, we crush, no betraying at all, and i have top score with 32 kills and 9 deaths. YAY.  But I get out of the game, leave match making, and decide to watch my favorite TV show that just came on.  FIrst commercial break comes, I realize that it's a rerun, and i decide to go back to playing Halo when a "60 ban" message comes up saying I have "quit too many games".  my last game i played until the end and even won..... and i know i quit out of match making before switching to the tv channels.  What happened??

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I think it's just because you were banned so much, maybe it let you play that last match because the bans hadn't registered yet? And did you leave the lobby before you were locked into a match before turning off the Xbox? If not that may be the match that got you the 60 minute ban.

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I did leave before they had chosen the next map, so it wasn't that i was kicked for inactivity.  Do you know how many times you can get booted before they ban you? I've never been banned on Halo 4 before, only once in Reach, so i had some idea of the temp bans, but not that they were 60 min long, they used to only be like 15.  

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