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Mafia 5.0


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What... what is this?
Bread? Bread what is this? Pls?? Tell me bread??
This is absolute confirmation that the toast is Mafia. I mean look at that foil... no such creature besides a dastardly Mafian would use it to thwart Pro-Townian plans.  :ninja: 

If Ledgend is mafian then he is, but if Ledgend isn't, then Bnus is mafian (isnt* but that was a joke). Ledgend announced that the detective confirmed Bnus to be a civilian. Truth is, Ledgend and Yoshi know better than to blatantly ask for the detective to Pm them, and their very reasons for performing their actions contradict themselves.

The only person who should talk to the detective is Oar, BUT GUESS WHAT: he's primarily inactive! -yet another reason why voting the inactive players is dumb. Another reason would be that the inactive players are more than not civilians or furtive protown roles.



It's possible, but only I... can twerk for food. Edited by Delpen9
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If Ledgend is mafian then he is, but if Ledgend isn't, then Bnus is mafian (isnt* but that was a joke). Ledgend announced that the detective confirmed Bnus to be a civilian. Truth is, Ledgend and Yoshi know better than to blatantly ask for the detective to Pm them, and their very reasons for performing their actions contradict themselves.



Well... Legend could have the Detective pm him as he was saved in the first round... right? Heck, even I pm'd him. If Legend and Yoshi are again Mafians, then they really pulled a fast one... on me as well. o.O

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Wow, people really won't believe anything until someone dies.


Alright, so if I can't be trusted, that means I was part of a mafia plot to kill one of our one and hope, because that's all they could do, hope that the medic would protect the fellow mafian we wanted to kill. It has a 14/15 chance of failure and failure means you've been put at such a massive disadvantage from the outset, while success would maybe get you the names of the detective and medic.

Which still wouldn't make up for the fact that you lost a mafian so early on. I mean even in the last game where both the detective and medic died on the very first day, pro-town still won.


But for some reason, the above seems to make perfect sense for people.

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You said stuff. Read above plebs

Everyone really seems to be overthinking everything. This is exactly why Pro-Town fails sometimes


Rather then pointing figures in every radical direction how about we wait for the next scene to happen the start coming up with clues from there? It sounds a lot better then putting on your tinfoil hat and acting like the Illuminati are out to get us. 

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Everyone really seems to be overthinking everything. This is exactly why Pro-Town fails sometimes


Rather then pointing figures in every radical direction how about we wait for the next scene to happen the start coming up with clues from there? It sounds a lot better then putting on your tinfoil hat and acting like the Illuminati are out to get us. 

Pro-town lost because the mafian lured everyone in with textual evidence from the rounds. The people that overthank didnt make us lose - it was the people that didn't contemplate their vote. 


Ledgend's haste was an error on his part. The probability of him being mafian is slim.

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Pro-town lost because the mafian lured everyone in with textual evidence from the rounds. The people that overthank didnt make us lose - it was the people that didn't contemplate their vote. 


Ledgend's haste was an error on his part. The probability of him being mafian is slim.

No. Overthinking leads to non-logical speculation. Haven't you watched the original Star Trek?


We need to be logical in order to succeed. We need to be like Spock. 

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No. Overthinking leads to non-logical speculation. Haven't you watched the original Star Trek?


We need to be logical in order to succeed. We need to be like Spock. 

Nope, Ledgend being a spy is only a slight possiblity, but I didn't act on it because there was no way for the mafians to know that the medic would choose Ledgend. It was too much of a chance. 3 mafians just wouldn't be enough. For that reason, and the reason of supporting the detective, I decided that Ledgend was a protownian. His utilitarian actions with the detective were just plain dumb, while Yoshi and Mayhem did the same. That would make you think "hey, 3 guys are doing this... trying to get PMs from the detective or acting like they aren't the detective... but 3 guys, not 2."


Yoshi and Total are more likely to be mafians, yet we don't have enough evidence. Axilus on the otherhand...

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Yeah, there's an extremely low chance of such a convoluted plan actually being put together, let alone succeeding. Refusing to trust Ledgend is utterly foolish at this point.


And if the Detective still hasn't PM'd him, then the Detective isn't much help and we aren't much better off than the time the Detective was lynched.


A Detective who will not share his information through other players is almost entirely useless.

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Yeah, there's an extremely low chance of such a convoluted plan actually being put together, let alone succeeding. Refusing to trust Ledgend is utterly foolish at this point.


And if the Detective still hasn't PM'd him, then the Detective isn't much help and we aren't much better off than the time the Detective was lynched.


A Detective who will not share his information through other players is almost entirely useless.

If the detective dies then both you and Ledgend are mafians. I will not rest until your bones are scoured amongst a loomy burial ground. 

To help you guys out, I have been assured by command that Total Mayh3m is a member of the mafia. I am assured of this.

Because mods are an absolute source of evidence. 

Edited by Delpen9
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I've talked to the Detective, ( you probably won't believe me but oh well) Myself, Ledgend, Bnus, and Delpen are confirmed Protown.


Right now Axilus is the most probable of being Mafian. If Axilus appears on a suspect list again I say we vote him, unless the Detective confirms him safe.

Edited by Yoshi1176
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A Detective who will not share his information through other players is almost entirely useless.

He did. Ledgend is telling me he investigated well... me. Want to know the results? Then read back yourself :hrhr:




The detective confirmed I am Pro-Town. What role? Hmm I dunno better keep that secret. 



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I've talked to the Detective, ( you probably won't believe me but oh well) Myself, Ledgend, Bnus, and Delpen are confirmed Protown.


Right now Axilus is the most probable of being Mafian. If Axilus appears on a suspect list again I say we vote him, unless the Detective confirms him safe.

How the frack did the Detective get 4 people already???

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