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Mafia 5.0


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Even when I take it at face value I still either think Axilus is hiding by voting Peanut or he's actually pro-town. The only way to tell if he really is a mafian is by determining if mafians would have been discovered if they voted MoM Destruct. I think Axilus is the poignant type that can be a pretty crafty game, so don't stay at 'ease'.  Besides, by voting Peanut he may have tried to convince everyone that MoM Destruct was a mafian, which worked. (Against me sadly) 

Edited by Delpen9
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The executioner stepped onto the platform wielding an enormous axe.  The executioner walked over to MoM Destruct and lifted the axe before bringing it down and severing MoM Destruct's head from his body.


I feel as if there should be more hanging in a lynching. At least most of the lynches should be hanging in my opinion.

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Well, this executioner's certainly portrayed as more...invincible...than the last one. Obviously that isn't a problem though.


Oh, and Director, in the last game, most lynchings resulted in the Mafian breaking free and starting a battle with the executioner. I don't think there was even one hanging. There was an impalement though.


I did bloody tell you people he was Mafia.

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Scene 3

The Mafian watched as their target passed the alleyway they had used to hide. They saw their target was carrying a baseball bat. "Funny thing for a civilian to carry.", muttered the Mafian before beginning to follow their target.
The Mafian walked quickly to catch up to their target. They gripped their knife and began to jog. Stinky turned and saw the Mafian. "Crumbs.", said Stinky before drawing his baseball bat.
The Mafian drew their knife and ducked as Stinky swung his bat. The Mafian slashed at Stinky and cut deep into his left arm. Stinky swung the bat again and hit the Mafian on the side of their head. The Mafian fell to the ground.
"Enough!", shouted the Mafian before jumping up and bringing the knife straight down at Stinky's head. Stinky brought up the bat to protect himself. The bat was cut in two.
Stinky lunged at the Mafian. "AHHH", screamed Stinky. The Mafian had driven the knife through Stinky's stomach. "Nice try.", said the Mafian before pulling the knife out of Stinky and running.
Stinky, Civilian, Killed by Mafia
Suspect List
Caboose The Ace
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Bnus, I need you to tell me about all the PMs regarding mafia you were in and what type of reasoning you gave in them. They killed you for a reason, mainly because they thought of you as the biggest threat. 


You made me giggle

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The mafians are trying to martyr Caboose because he's absent from the game. TheSilverCenturion's misinformed because they can do that. 


Earlier in the game everyone was using activity as a method of determining someone to kill. Caboose might well have died in Oar's place if he had been chosen. The mafians waited till now and allowed his inactivity to become known before choosing to have him in the suspect list. 


Also, for the first time we have a good chance (33%) that there are 2 mafians in the suspect list, but we could let this slide for now. For these reasons, my vote stays. 

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