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Mafia 5.0


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Okay, we'll even the vote between Caboose and Frank. 


1. The person who changes the vote to make it uneven is automatically a mafian and will die for their crimes. 

2. If neither are a mafian then Centurion is the indisputed mafian. 

3. Anyone who doesn't kill a person based on these conditions will be on a hitlist ordered by what reasons they had for doing it. Paradoxically, these people will be in the same boat as either 1 or 2. 

What if Caboose is winning 5-3 and it's minutes before the cancelling of the votes and I change my vote to Frank to even it out so they both die? Will I be Mafia for doing what you wanted?

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What if Caboose is winning 5-3 and it's minutes before the cancelling of the votes and I change my vote to Frank to even it out so they both die? Will I be Mafia for doing what you wanted?

You did it to even out the votes, but if another person continues to make the votes uneven then stop trying. If there's reasonable suspicion that you changed your vote for other purposes, then you should have played smarter.  

Edited by Delpen9
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Execution 3

Caboose saw the lynch mob dragging Frankenzer towards him. “Caboose! You’re coming with us!”, shouted a civilian. Caboose saw he had no chance of escape. “You’ll all pay for this.”, replied Caboose. Caboose was knocked out and dragged along with Frankenzer.
Caboose woke up next to Frankenzer. They both were forced to their feet and had a noose tied to both of their necks. “Once again we have two suspected Mafians. For this they will both hang!”, announced Butch Flowers.
The crowd cheered. Frankenzer stood looking at his feet. Caboose smirked as the executioner walked towards him. He summoned all his anger and snapped his noose. Caboose stamped his foot and a knife shot out of the sole of his shoe.
Caboose swung his leg and caught the executioner in his left leg. The executioner grunted and fell to one knee. Caboose swung again and hit the executioner in the stomach. The executioner fell on his side. 
“The Mafia will kill you all!”, shouted Caboose. The executioner threw a small item at Butch. “Push it!”, he shouted. Butch caught the item and pressed the button. Caboose fell to the ground and violently trashed around. “Failsafe…..shock collar.”, said the executioner before losing consciousness. Butch walked over and kicked the lever beside Frankenzer. Frankenzer fell through and trapdoor and a snap signalled his death.
Frankenzer, Civilian, Lynched and Caboose the Ace, Mafia, Lynched
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Well at least we killed a Mafian.


Also Rue investigated me and Delpen. She worked with Ledgend that is why she thought he was innocent. Does it confirm his innocence? Not 100% but the mafians wouldn't be dumb enough to kill off their own kind. 

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