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Apoc's Introduction

Apoc Video

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Hello everyone. I'm Apoc Video. I do a lot of things around Halo, and other games alike. (Although I'm not very successful with my projects.) I usually play the Xbox 360, but I do have a Xbox ONE. (But my brother always hogs it.) Once I play Halo, I usually play Grifball, SWAT, Heavies, and a little of Team Action Sack. If anybody wants to play a game with me, my gamertag is Apoc Video, just like my username. Bye!

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Welcome to the site, Apoc! If you've got any questions, feel free to ask.


I notice that the playlists you gravitate to tend to be more of the party-based gametypes, such as Action sack or Grifball which tends to add a certain twist to the FPS gameplay to turn it from a competitive shooter to something more of a unique gametype built more for people to muck around on, or Team Heavies, which basically tries to become the ultimate playlist for the maximum number of explosions (Although it for some reason doesn't try to hit max number of players - and if it did I'm sure it'll just lag).


If you enjoy those types of gamemodes you'll like it here. Many members, both on here and the affiliate site Halocustoms, enjoy to play custom games, many of which are player-made gametypes similar in vein to those in the playlists above - meant to add a unique twist and flavor to conventional Halo play. There are many custom games that I'm sure you haven't seen before that you can find being played on game nights hosted by members here as well as around. Within this forum, and it's network with other sites, there are quite a few prominent peope in the community who specialize in these things too.


So yeah. Just a note; it tends to be more of a self-service than a service in joining lobbies, so don't expect people to be sending you invites just because you put your gamertag up ^.^


Enjoy your stay.



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Welcome to our little piece of heaven on the internet.  We are a fun little community, join some events, talk to some people, make some friends, akwardly remember you had a science project due and completely lost track of time so holy taco's you are in a rush, but the community is so fun, maybe ten more minutes oh no its eight AM already and school starts in 30 minutes and no SCIENCE PROJECT!!!!! *wheeze* *Wheeze* 


*scratches throat* 

Um yeah..uuum... Me and Unease P34nut (Unease N3wsnut now) represent the bit of orange here as (I think)  we are the only dutch people on this forum (unless you count my brother but he is never on anyway.)


I see you like big team heavies and tbh so do I mostly because I am deadly with a turret. 


Have fun!


See you around on the battlefield!

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