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Hi, I am the leader of the newest clan entitled

The Spartan IV Project. The name is a little bit more involved than some would like considering it is ripped straight from the idea of the game but that's exactly how I want it to be.

I have enough skill and knowledge about the game to make this clan worth your while. We expect big things from each member.

We don't care how old you are, we just need good players. If you choose to follow me, I will ensure that we become the best and strongest clan in history, all you need to do is enlist.

We have a military based ranking system and divisions designed to cater toward how you love to play the game.

We have many divisions that focus on explosive combat, objectives and even stealth. This clan has to potential and resources to be one of the best clans you'll ever hear of and I will take it upon myself to make sure that happens. We are not strict, I do not expect to be called Sir or be treated as if I am better than you, I only expect to receive your best effort to make sure we win no matter who we are up against.

Here is the website: http://thespartanivprogram.weebly.com/

Gamertag: Coap

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/CoapXBL

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Coap


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