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They are not kids toys!


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Why do people still think video games are children's toys? Today's games have themes to appeal to adults. I think it is unethical to relegate entire mediums to children's entertainment. When comic first came out they were held to a strict code. Is there still a stigma against people who play them? I know a fighter pilot who plays World of Warcraft.

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Some are made for young Children, the unfortunate truth is that Parents don't care enough to check the game ratings before they allow their child to play. Kinect is a Family Friendly addition to Xbox 360/Xbox One, but it is also a tool for media/console use. 

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I agree gaming should not be a hobby looked down on by most of the adult world as a stupid kids time passer. It should be looked at as a big respectable community not men/women that never grew up. And video games in general shouldn't be counted as kids toys. I mean age ratings were invented for a reason because some video games, just like films are aimed at adults, notable examples being: Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row, CoD and Battlefield. The reason adults see it as a kids hobby though is that they themselves buy their kids games like CoD (hence how the community is made up of screaming 11 year olds who claim they can mod). However if they took the care to sit down and watch what the game contains they'd probably be quite suprised at just how adult orientated the gaming industry is nowadays! I also forgot to note that it is up to the parents to buy their kids games, so it doesn't really matter just as long as they're aware they're not kids toys. I mean I'm still a kid and I think that it should be up to the parents.

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Actually the only people who consider them kids toys are people who never even seen a videogame, but these days those cases are rare. Videogames are actually recognized as E-sports and some of those as art, Skyrims musical score has been added to the classical music hall of fame and the world view about videogames is changing. The kids who grew up in the 80's are now adults with children and they still play games.


The industry is already focused on the adults and there is actually a lack of good games for children, besides nintendo games, which in all their innocence can still be ridiculously hard.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 12:22 PM, Mr.Biggles said:

Not all videogames are recognized as E-sports.


Only the competitive ones really.


I think it was obvious that when I said that, I didn't mean Skyrim, but multiplayer games. If gamers can get a Sports visum for E-sports, I think the world has moved on from the childish view of games.

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Well like others have said it's up to the parents. You can't prevent what kids play. Parents usually decide if the kid is mature enough to play the game, most parents are careless. So you have 7 year olds playing violent games....I wouldn't want my kid wanting to kill people...but wutever

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I'm with you. It's even worse with the Pokemon and Animal Crossing Titles. Even though those titles are directed at children, there are plenty of adult themes and ways to play people don't realize if they don't play the games. It just makes me mad. 

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  On 8/24/2014 at 6:57 PM, тυcкєя said:

Well like others have said it's up to the parents. You can't prevent what kids play. Parents usually decide if the kid is mature enough to play the game, most parents are careless. So you have 7 year olds playing violent games....I wouldn't want my kid wanting to kill people...but wutever

Why not on a video game? He's going to find out about killing people in some other way, you can then educate them that this isn't right and doing it IRL will lead them into deep probles and big trouble.


You can argue now with a lot of the adult tendencies in TV now as well, TV isn't suitable as well. But no one is complaining about that, even stuff in Disney with the image of the perfect woman etc, wouldn't you agree that is wrong?

Edited by Mr Biggles
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