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Mafia 6.0


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  On 9/7/2014 at 10:14 PM, Arachny said:

According to the suspect list, I'm a survivor and BZ1 was the Mafian. Which makes me civilian. Unless, as I stated earlier, Yang put two mafia on the suspect list.

Still a Scummy Mafian.


Like I said


We're all Mafian.

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  On 9/8/2014 at 5:46 AM, Arachny said:

Meanwhile in other news, the Mafia nuked Yoshi's island. All the eggs became hardboiled and all the Shy Guy's became fat.


Yoshi-Jailkeeper, killed by mafia.


Round Two Suspect List:

The Director

Axilus Prime

Unease P34nut


Y u suspect meh? D':

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After their failed attempt to kill Ruby Rose the Mafians were distressed. "We cannot allow such simple mistakes again!" Shouted one of the Mafians "I told you not to go for the shop owner at her home since she lives so close to the medic but nooooooo. We let his egomania take over him and now look at where we are! He's dead AND we failed to kill our target! If you want to do something right then let me handle this!" The Mafian grabbed a knife and a silenced pistol, left the hideout and slammed the door behind him before heading to the rooftops to try and find another target.


The Director wearing his uniform and a hoodie to conceal his bright blue shirt left his house. "I hate my job." He mutters under his breath as he walks down to the cells. Despite all of his black clothing and alleys that he was taking to stay out of the street lamps he was still spotted by the Mafian who was still angry about the death of his friend and fellow companion BZ1.


"Hmm... What is an unarmed civilian doing on a dark night in the time of the rising?" The Mafian thought to himself "Doesn't matter, he's my victim!" The Mafian muttered as he abandoned the rooftops and headed for the alleyway to pursue his target.


The Director heard the sound of someone running and the footsteps were becoming louder and louder every step. "Great..." Said The Director "Looks like they found me and it looks like I'm next on their list." The Director took off running taking every turn that he could to try and lose the Mafia but he knew the streets too well and The Director took a wrong turn which lead him to a dead end.


"Well well... Looks like it's you and me. Alone. At last!" Shouted the Mafian "Wait... You look like that guy... At the execution... YOU KILLED MY PARTNER!!!" The Mafian's rage started to spout up again "What's that saying? An eye for an eye? A life for a life." The Mafian charged at The Director but he dodged the attack and tried to run away but it was no use.


The Mafian pulled out his gun and shot his leg causing The Director to fall over "Aargh!" Cried The Director who was in a lot of pain, he tried to crawl away but the Mafian shot him again causing him to stop in his tracks. The Mafian walked over to The Director and knelt down beside him "I'm not like my friend you know. I'll make sure that the medic will not save you!" The Mafian stabbed The Director causing the blood to spray over the brick walls.


"Heh, first kill from the Mafians is mine." The Mafian smiled at the dead body. "Ooooohhh he's the Jailkeeper, guess I struck silver since I haven't killed the detective yet... But he'll die soon."


The Mafia fled the crime scene after seeing a shadowy figure looking around the corner.


The Director (Jailkeeper) has been killed


Suspect list



Unease N3wsnut




You have 48 hours to cast your vote!

Primary update for Mafians: The latecomers have arrived so you can now target and kill them


Secondary update: If you want to catch up on everyone who has died then go back to the beginning. I'll be updating the list as the game advances :)

Edited by Yang Xiao Long
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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:07 PM, Blake BellaMoMa said:

Nooo! Jailkeeper!


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that it's not rrhuntington. I just feel like he's innocent. No idea about the other three suspects, so I won't vote for now. But I feel as if rrhuntington is innocent.

I know who did it :troll:

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:07 PM, Blake BellaMoMa said:

Nooo! Jailkeeper!


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that it's not rrhuntington. I just feel like he's innocent. No idea about the other three suspects, so I won't vote for now. But I feel as if rrhuntington is innocent.



I change my vote from Ledgend1221 to rrhuntington.

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