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Mafia 6.0


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I changed my vote from Ledgend to rrhuntington. Just so we are clear. :3


So here is the update as it stands but I have no clue @Delpen9 and @TheSilverCentuion who you changed your votes from but this is as it stands right now


? - Bnus


? - P34nut
4 - rrhuntington
5 - Ledgend
1 - Null
In the future please say who you're changing your votes from if you do change votes. It can save a lot of time so I can tell you who dies


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I vote P34nut, I have no evidence but if it isn't rrhuntington I want to make we at least reveal one other player's position. If they are both innocent then we have a mafian narrowed down.

We are gonna have to wait another day before it goes to RNG. Two people cant be lynched this game.

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The game so far 1.0...

+ Pro-Town
/ Unconfirmed
- Mafia

There's another accidentally-confirmed Civvy, but I'm not going to name them do to the fact it was not supposed to happen in the first place, and would give the Mafia an unfair advantage (at least so long as they don't remember who it was). If Yang, or the person in question gives the approval then I will change the list accordingly.

I'm also working this list off of my own analysis. Not including Detective Investigations, and other variables (since I'm not in the official Pro-Town PM, or since the Detective has not contacted me).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Synopsis so far:

Mafians: 1 dead, 4 remaining
Civilians: 1 confirmed, 12 remaining
Special Roles: 1 dead, 2 remaining

Sum: 2 people dead, 16 remaining

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1. Ledgend1221
2. Butch Flowers
3. Arachny
4. WreckoningZebra1 (Mafia) Lynched - Round 1
5. Caboose the Ace
6. Axilus Prime
7. Blake Belladonna
8. Unease N3wsnut
9. Delpen9
10. The Director (Jailkeeper) Executed - Round 2
11. Self Destruct
12. TheSilverCenturion
13. rrhuntington
14. Ruby Rose
15. Bnus
16. Yoshi1176


17. Rue
18. Mereel

Due to the newcomers, a new Mafian was chosen to make the playing field even. ANY one person already in the game, or just getting into it (disregarding people who are dead) may now be a Mafian (it's not me if that's what you're thinking... ._. )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 1: Ruby Rose protected by Medic

Scene 1 Suspects:
/ Caboose the Ace
- BeckoningZebra1
/ Delpen9
/ Arachny

BeckoningZebra1, Mafian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 2: The Director (Jailkeeper) executed by Mafia

Scene 2 Suspects:

/ Bnus
/ Unease N3wsnut
/ rrhuntington
/ Ledgend1221


I'm loving this logic: "Let's vote for rrhuntington when absoultely 0 evidence is shown to prove he's Mafia!".


Safest bet: Vote either N3wsnut or Ledgend, or better yet vote them both out.

Edited by Self Destruct
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So there is a tie...


rrhuntington and N3wsnut. Who do you love more?


All votes are reset and the other two have been removed


rrhuntington - 0


N3wsnut - 0


Instead of 48 hours you ALL have 24 hours so you might want to make a little speech saying that you're innocent

Edited by Yang Xiao Long
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In a previous game, ledgend was mafia and voted for himself


As you can see he prefers being dead so he could help more (as in a dead civvy is immediately trustworthy). But like you said he could be using the same tactic as before. I think it's extremely cheesy though, and I don't think Ledgend would want to die that easy if he was Mafia. Everything is for a reason.


If Ledgend does get the brunt of the votes and is Mafia, then kudos to the guys who nabbed him.


Can we double lynch this game?

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As you can see he prefers being dead so he could help more (as in a dead civvy is immediately trustworthy). But like you said he could be using the same tactic as before. I think it's extremely cheesy though, and I don't think Ledgend would want to die that easy if he was Mafia. Everything is for a reason.


If Ledgend does get the brunt of the votes and is Mafia, then kudos to the guys who nabbed him.


Can we double lynch this game?

Nope. It goes to a 24 hour voting session like now then RNG if it is still a tie.

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Peanut hasn't done anything yet that we don't have much to use against him, Ledgend ion the other hand, does.


As a matter of fact, P34nut does (if you actually read I've said).


I asked N3wsnut some questions, and he did not reply to me at all. You can fill in the dots why he wouldn't.



So another typo due to me being confused :-/


It's actually hunt... Read it wrong


Sorry :( I'll change all the votes from Ledgend to hunt


Wait... what?


OK who are we voting for now?

Edited by Self Destruct
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