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Mafia 6.0


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lol Pro-Town is so bad.


I was Mafian and none of you managed to even get me lynched,


gg scrubs

I understand why you might think anyone who voted for Peanut is a mafian. Rhuuntingotn was the clear choice. You and The Director were ignored -- allowing you to posit that the mafians wanted to focus their votes on 1 person -- so they focused their votes on the pro-townian. This is a good predictor, but it doesn't take a couple things into account: enough pro-townians voted for Peanut that it wasn't needed, which would make more sense as to why you and TD were ignored; and the mafians eluded you by voting Rhuuntington. 

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In the jail cells below the coliseum the suspected victims were feeling as though they were rotting away. "Ugh." Moaned P34nut "When is the execution? I feel as though I've been down here for a lifetime." rrhuntington was sat staring at BZ1's drawings he made "No clue but hopefully soon. I don't care if I die or not it will be a lot better than sitting in here starving to death."


At that moment they both heard footsteps, the stood up and walked over to the bars to try and find out who was walking down to take them. The guards walked up to the prisoners. "About time!" Shouted hunt. "Quiet!" shouted the guard "Or we'll just kill you now instead of waiting." "Wait... What?" Asked P34nut "I thought you was going to let one of us go and kill the other, so what changed?"


"Another draw." Said the other guard "Now Move it!" The doors opened and they were dragged out. When they walked outside the crowd cheered, they knew that someone was going to die and they knew that they might feel safer knowing that someone has died. "Welcome everyone to the second lynching!" The crowd screamed in excitement. "Today we have another draw so we will have to go to a little creation I have invented for this very special moment!"


One of the guards pulled the cloth of the mysteriously large object. "BEHOLD! The wheel of fate!!" The crowd cheered louder "One of the guards will spin this wheel and when it stops spinning if your face is under the arrow. you will die!"


"I don't really like this..." hunt said to P34nut. "Nope." Replied P34nut. "And now.... SPIN THE WHEEL!" The wheel began to spin. As it started to slow down silence took over the entire crows, they all wanted to know who was going to get killed. Both hunt and P34nut looked away. They didn't want to see who was getting killed. "The arrow has stopped! It appears P34nut will be getting killed!"


All of the crowd cheers except Ruby, she felt betrayed and she started to push to the front of the crowd. as hunt is escorted out by a guard the other guards escorted P34nut to the execution platform. As P34nut had a potato sack stuck over his head and the guards checking their rifles Ruby was pushing people out of the way to get to the front of the crowd.


"Wait!" Shouted Ruby "He's the Me..." The loud gunshots cut out her voice and tears began to fall down her face "He was the Medic." Sobbed Ruby "He saved me on the first night." She turned around and walked off.


Unease N3wsnut - Medic: Killed Round Two


Sorry this is late. I was going to write it yesterday but school work ¬_¬ Also I was going to do this last night but I was a little distracted and I was tired after my school work so yet again I'm sorry this took quite a while to come out.

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Anyhow, you can put anyone who was so into killing me on your own personal suspect list. Go a few pages back and see what kind of wierd arguments they put up to get you all to kill me.

>.> Axilus, rrHuntington and Self Destruct

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Anyhow, you can put anyone who was so into killing me on your own personal suspect list. Go a few pages back and see what kind of wierd arguments they put up to get you all to kill me.

>.> Axilus, rrHuntington and Self Destruct

Axilus keeps things logical and keeps in mind a wide array of possibilites. While it's not optimal, it's more effective than what rrHuntington and Selfie did.    

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Silver is confirmed mafia. He kinda slipped on telling the director.


Hunt is mafia as well.


Those are two confirmed mafia, find the other two.


What? I never said I was mafia. I am certainly not. If you want, if i am on the next suspect list vote me out and you'll see you are dead wrong.

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I told you guys it was Ledgend! Grr! If only you'd listen. Oh and Silver is not Mafia.


You definitely told us alright... but from what I remember you didn't give evidence to prove your claim.



Axilus keeps things logical and keeps in mind a wide array of possibilites. While it's not optimal, it's more effective than what rrHuntington and Selfie did.


Wow thanks. I might as well not post any more logical walls of analysis text anymore if that is what the reception will be...


So if N3wsnut is the Medic... then that means rrhuntington is Mafia? Yang you did put a civvy and a Mafian in the last vote right?

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You definitely told us alright... but from what I remember you didn't give evidence to prove your claim.




Wow thanks. I might as well not post any more logical walls of analysis text anymore if that is what the reception will be...


So if N3wsnut is the Medic... then that means rrhuntington is Mafia? Yang you did put a civvy and a Mafian in the last vote right?


rrHuntington might be mafian, but I don't have any clear evidence that TD or Bnus are innocent; both Bnus and TD are busy. It's better to kill the least active players, but steamrolling through those two would be a mistake. 

Edited by Delpen9
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You definitely told us alright... but from what I remember you didn't give evidence to prove your claim.




Wow thanks. I might as well not post any more logical walls of analysis text anymore if that is what the reception will be...


So if N3wsnut is the Medic... then that means rrhuntington is Mafia? Yang you did put a civvy and a Mafian in the last vote right?


Yeah there's four Mafians left ^_^

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1. Ledgend1221- He's the medic.

2. Butch Flowers- Mafia

3. Arachny- Civilian

5. Caboose the Ace- Mafia

6. Axilus Prime- Civilian

7. Blake Belladonna- NOT the Jailkeeper

9. Delpen9- Civilian

11. Self Destruct- Civilian

12. TheSilverCenturion- Civilian

13. rrhuntington- Civilian

14. Ruby Rose- Civilian

15. Bnus- Civilian

16. Yoshi1176- Civilian

17. Rue- Civilian

18. Mereel- Mafia

So here's a list repost, minus the dead people, and with Blake labeled as not the jailkeeper instead of jailkeeper because we all know the real one is dead.


I don't know where to go from here, or even whether or not to check if this list holds any meaning. So...what do all of you think is the appropriate course of action regarding this?

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