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Mafia 6.0


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I'm fairly convinced you're not exactly acting in the best interests of pro-town now.


1. You're not dead, detective has no reason to trust you.

2. It's funny how two of three people investigated just happen to be dead and have their roles revealed to all...

3. It's also funny how this one person just happened to be on the suspect list that's still unconfirmed.

4. This evidence is only coming to light now after the person I believe to be mafian(rrhunt) narrowly escapes from death.

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I'm fairly convinced you're not exactly acting in the best interests of pro-town now.


1. You're not dead, detective has no reason to trust you.

2. It's funny how two of three people investigated just happen to be dead and have their roles revealed to all...

3. It's also funny how this one person just happened to be on the suspect list that's still unconfirmed.

4. This evidence is only coming to light now after the person I believe to be mafian(rrhunt) narrowly escapes from death.


I will happily die for pro town if that is what it takes for them to believe me.


Would you?

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At this point, while I would prefer them to just relay their findings to us, there is a method to the madness. They don't want to reveal any names, because that would eliminate names from the "Who is the detective list" which the mafians would no doubt be interested in. Now there is no reason they shouldn't relay who they've discovered is mafian however. But if they haven't discovered any mafians, they may be hiding for a very good reason.

While I see your point, the benefits of relaying their findings far outweigh the detriments. The risk of being discovered is only marginally increased, while every single name they give us is a saved protown or a dead Mafian. Only near the end does the list become narrow enough that the Mafia might guess his identity, and if we've had investigation data from round 1 up until that point, we'll already know so much that the Mafia will lose even if they do kill him.


Meanwhile, if the Detective does not relay his findings, then he is useless and may as well be dead already. A Detective who does not relay his findings is worth nothing more than a dead one.


As for Centurion, I agree with the others. He could be lying. Only a ghost is fit to relay these messages.

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Meanwhile, if the Detective does not relay his findings, then he is useless and may as well be dead already. A Detective who does not relay his findings is worth nothing more than a dead one.


As for Centurion, I agree with the others. He could be lying. Only a ghost is fit to relay these messages.

Why not make the smart choice and allow the detective ONLY during suspect lists that way we have a harder time figuring which individual is the detective between rounds. 

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Hey guys I am Mafian.


Funny how Prime ignores me once I agree with his prediction about my role? :hrhr:


actually now all of you ignore me :(


Mafian will win and you will regret not believing me.


Since you're pretty much asking to die I'll go ahead and vote for you in every Lynch list for the foreseeable future. That's what you want, right?


+ The reason no one is paying attention is due to them either thinking you're trolling or just blatantly announcing your role (which the people don't want to start making noise about it since they could be killed by the Mafia next).


That'll be 1 Mafian down so all we need is 3 more.


rrhuntington is now under consideration after he escaped the Lynch with N3wsnut BUT Yang did say he could have put two Pro-Towns in that Lynch... so he may be innocent.


Oh and I'll do a Recap in a bit.

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Bnus' suggestion would be sound if not for the fact that we need this information not only for lynchings, but for coordination. Those who are confirmed innocent will not only be immune to being lynched, but also can be trusted with the full store of information and theories that we as pro-town gather.


In addition, we will know that everything they say is said with the intention of helping the pro-town. That means we will know who is never trying to deceive us, and so real unity, trust, and cooperation can safely begin.


This is why I am so infuriated that the Detective is not relaying his findings. It means he is willingly passing these excellent advantages up, and the only redemption from such stupidity is to fix this mistake ASAP.

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