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Mafia 6.0


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I got in contact with Yang on XBL and asked him about Sparky and who will be host. I quote his message: "Hmm... Well I did tell him in a Pm a day or two in advance but if he doesn't want to then that's fine. Well it'll have to be a dead Mafian or a dead Pro-town who wont leak out any info on who the Mafians are"

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I got in contact with Yang on XBL and asked him about Sparky and who will be host. I quote his message: "Hmm... Well I did tell him in a Pm a day or two in advance but if he doesn't want to then that's fine. Well it'll have to be a dead Mafian or a dead Pro-town who wont leak out any info on who the Mafians are"



That leaves Ledgend1221 or BecknoningZebra1 and honestly Ledgend1221 seems like the better candidate due to him being more active.


All the special Pro-Town roles are dead so that means Ledge can't take advantage of anything + He is already in the Mafian PM and won't leak anything


But if Ledge switches over to Host that means he is no longer in the game and to make things even we really should have another Civie convert over because now its just getting unfair(Pro-Town has a higher chance of winning each game regardless but this is up for the host to decide)


Anyways I am 100% in favor of Ledgend being host. 

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That leaves Ledgend1221 or BecknoningZebra1 and honestly Ledgend1221 seems like the better candidate due to him being more active.


All the special Pro-Town roles are dead so that means Ledge can't take advantage of anything + He is already in the Mafian PM and won't leak anything


But if Ledge switches over to Host that means he is no longer in the game and to make things even we really should have another Civie convert over because now its just getting unfair(Pro-Town has a higher chance of winning each game regardless but this is up for the host to decide)


Anyways I am 100% in favor of Ledgend being host.


Why? One of the Mafians will be dead so wouldn't we NOT need another Civvy? We have like 10 or 14 left anyway, and there will be only 3 Mafians left. That seems fair to me.


Not to mention they've been thrashing Protown this whole game with only 4 people compared to 14 Protowns.

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Adding another Mafian would actually tip the balance since Ledgend was confirmed Mafia, and whoever is added, we will not know the identity of. Ledgend was practically dead already once his Mafia-ness was announced, so this isn't a problem.


We don't even have the slightest clue who the other Mafians are. How are we supposed to cope with a new guy?


That would make for 6 Mafians this entire game.

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"and then... pro-town just sat there. For the first time in their life they had no direction. So they just sat in their houses, and didn't move a muscle, waiting until 'The VOICE' reappeared. The voice that would allow them to continue their world. The mafians were doing the same thing, except that they seemed more bored than the civilians. Due to the fact of their killings being unable to happen"

"Life itself, for the moment, was at a standstill..."

Edited by rrhuntington
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Adding another Mafian would actually tip the balance since Ledgend was confirmed Mafia, and whoever is added, we will not know the identity of. Ledgend was practically dead already once his Mafia-ness was announced, so this isn't a problem.

What are you even saying? You've played this game, so you know that's unfair; any gains made by pro-town need to be kept. Trying to sound logical to decieve us won't work. 

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Like I said, I can at least do the execution scene for now. Then we can worry about a more permanent host.


What happens when Yang comes back? You go back to being Mafia hombre? Or are you disqualified from the game altogether? Do you come back to the game as a dead Gangbanger?


Cause even though we don't have the special roles anymore you could tell the Mafians what the Protowns (who trust you to keep secrets) were up to when you were host. So that would give an advantage to the Mafians (if you choose to reveal what they've said).


I don't want to go apecrazy with this, but I believe if you're going to be host then you have to either be banned from the current game when Yang comes back, or stay as a Mafian corpse and not talk about what was said when you were Host.


I doubt anyone would actually contact you with Protown plans or anything... but still.

Edited by Self Destruct
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I meant adding another Mafian would tip the balance against us, not for us! :wallbash:


I am AGAINST adding another one! And I'm confirmed pro-town by the detective! How the hell you guys thought I meant the opposite, I will never understand.


Ledgend is confirmed Mafia. That means he's as good as dead. If he were replaced by a new Mafian, we would not know who it was, and so it would undo the Detective's work. That is why it's a bad idea!


(shakes head in frustration)


Anyway, Ledgend knows who is Mafia and who isn't, since he's a Mafian. He can write the execution scene. After that, as he said, we'll need to find someone entirely outside of the game to do other scenes.

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