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Mafia 6.0


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The Silver Centurion waited in silence. He knew what was going to happen to him. He knew how, when, where. But while he waited, he continued going over and over in his mind "Why?".

The detective had trusted him and he had relayed the info on who was mafian, which was later confirmed after the detective's death, to the rest of his pro-town "allies". What do they do then? Blamed him, voted for him to die. It just didn't make any sense! He had revealed a mafian to them? Surely even they wouldn't be so bloodthirsty to get one of their own executed? Would they.


While these thoughts raced back and forth through his mind, an uneasy silence had fallen everywhere. It seems like the whole world had come to a standstill and many wondered why TSC was not executed earlier. Even the mafians were stalled, unable to act. While there were some discussions, little progress was being made in the way of...well anything really. Everything had slowed down to an utter crawl. Such an odd time makes it difficult for the mafians to operate effectively. Ledgend had had enough. The deadlock must be broken, the show must go on. Leaving the mafia hideout in the middle of night, hooded and cloaked, he made his way to an old abandoned building's rooftop, which provided a clear line of sight to TSC's apartment. Opening a briefcase and assembling a sniper rifle, he was about to deliver the so called "justice" of pro-town.


It was during this time that Axilus, who was one of the few trustworthy folk left alive, came to TSC's apartment. He was going to question him further, to see if he made the right choice in executing him. He knocked at the door. No answer. Testing the handle, he found it unlocked. He wondered if he had been carted away secretly and decided to investigate. He found TSC sitting in a corner, silently.


"Are you alright?" Axilus asked, studying TSC.


He was met with only a glare, intense and full of anger. Time seemed to stop altogether, until finally TSC asked "Why?"


"Why we voted you, is that what you're asking?" Axilus asked, though he was distracted half-way through the question noticing a small toy on the floor. The seriousness of the situation escaped him as he realised what he was looking at. It was a bionicle, one of the rarest models too. He nearly broke out into a smile, but the crashing of glass and a loud, sharp hiss followed by a distinct gunshot seconds later snapped him back to reality. TSC was sitting in his chair, silent. Axilus rushed over and checked his pulse. Nothing. TSC's eyes were lifeless. Pro-town's will had been carried out. Axilus tried to see if he could do anything to help, but the bullet had gone straight through the heart.


It was just then that he noticed something had fallen from TSC's pocket. He picked it up and wiped away the blood. He froze upon reading it. It was TSC's ID.

Ledgend, confirming the kill, left the area quickly and found a safe spot to hide. He took no delight in this kill, as he knew it was likely him to be executed next. Still, it was a comforting fact to know that another innocent had bit the dust.




Executed by the will of pro-town.

Edited by Ledgend1221
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Well now that all the parties are dead, can I just ask why the detective ever trusted you in the first place? Without you being investigated or killed I mean.

That's pretty much what gave away the identity of the detective.

Edited by Ledgend1221
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Damn it!

Yeah...sorry. But the lists are contradictory. Director, did you do that just to get another mod killed?

No, the investigation results I posted are legit. I didn't have to alter them to convince you that TSC was mafia, he did that part all by himself by being all "I wanna be friendz with da detective"

Here's screenshots of the investigation results PM for proof. Now without IP addresses! :D






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