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Mafia 6.0


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As for the confusion in the Mafia PM, the solution would naturally be to have both Mafia and host work it out as quickly and smoothly as possible.

or do what JL does and have deadlines for every role. 

Also as for a co-host Ledgend would do a great job since he is already dead AND in the Mafian PM. 


Another note is that me and TheSilverCenturion will be hosting Mafia 7.0(two hosts because TSC asked first, 7 is my favorite number, and so we dont have a pacing problem like in this one)

Expect a sign-up thread soon. I am not sure when we will start it, but me and him hope to make it the most diverse and biggest Mafian game yet.

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I'm also waiting for the Mafians to decide on their damn target! I do have a co-host but they've just vanished. It frustrates me how my computer has turned into a deathtrap which can barely do anything now, my co-host has left me and the Mafians can't decide on the target and that their PM has been dead for ages! You're not the only one suffering as I do have to wait as well, I can't just throw a bone and predict the minds of the Mafians through my computer since it struggles to even load up the forums as it is.


I wasn't talking about the murder scene coming up now, I meant previous scenes where we've had to wait several days. 2 days is fine, that's the normal length anyway. Less than 2 days is even better.


I understand you're looking for another co-host, if you can't find one by tonight we'll get things sorted out fairly. I'm sure there's someone out there who is free for this.





And a note to all innocents: Look at all people included in previous suspect lists. Someone who was in a previous list and was not a mafian is less likely to be a mafian. It's possible to have 2 mafians in one list, but unlikely. Someone in a list who was in one before (and wasn't a mafian) is less likely to be a mafian than someone who hasn't been in a list at all. Keep this in mind when voting, it may help us narrow down the mafian.

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The game so far 5.0

+ Pro-Town/Special Role
/ Unconfirmed
- Mafia
+/- Confirmed

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Synopsis so far:

Mafians: 3 dead, 2 remaining
- Ledgend1221
- WreckoningZebra1
- rrhuntington

Civilians: 3 dead, 1 confirmed, 7 remaining
+ Bnus

+ Ruby Rose
+ Axilus Prime
+ TheSilverCenturion

Special Roles: 3 dead, 0 remaining
+ Yoshi1176 (Detective)
+ Unease N3wsnut (Medic)
+ The Director (Jailkeeper)

Unconfirmed: 8 remaining
/ Tyrone King
/ Arachny
/ Caboose the Ace
/ Black Belladonna
/ Delpen9
/ Self Destruct
/ Rue
/ Mereel

Sum: 9 people dead, 9 remaining

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Original Attendee list:

1. Ledgend1221 (Mafia) Lynched - Round 5
2. Dexter Grif
3. Arachny
4. WreckoningZebra1 (Mafia) Lynched - Round 1
5. Caboose the Ace
6. Axilus Prime Executed - Round 4
7. Blake Belladonna
8. Unease N3wsnut (Medic) Lynched - Round 2
9. Delpen9
10. The Director (Jailkeeper) Executed - Round 2
11. Self Destruct
12. TheSilverCenturion Lynched - Round 3
13. rrhuntington (Mafia) Lynched - Round 4
14. Ruby Rose Executed - Round 5
15. Bnus (Confirmed: Scene deduction)
16. Yoshi1176 (Detective) Executed - Round 3


17. Rue
18. Mereel

SCENES: 1-2 Mafians, 2-3 Protowns max per Lynch.
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Scene 1: Ruby Rose protected by Medic

Scene 1 Suspects:
/ Caboose the Ace
- BeckoningZebra1
/ Delpen9
/ Arachny

BeckoningZebra1, Mafian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 2: The Director (Jailkeeper) executed by Mafia

Scene 2 Suspects:
+ Bnus
+ Unease N3wsnut
- rrhuntington
- Ledgend1221

Lynch: None

Final Lynch Smackdown: N3wsnut & rrhuntington

Unease N3wsnut (Medic) Lynched

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 3: Yoshi1176 (Detective) executed by Mafia

Scene 3 Suspects:
/ Self Destruct
+ TheSilverCenturion
/ Blake BellaMoMma
/ Tyrone King

TheSilverCenturion, Civilian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 4: Axilus Prime executed by Mafia

Scene 4 Suspects:
- rrhuntington
+ Bnus
/ Caboose the Ace
/ Mereel

rrhuntington, Mafia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 5: Ruby Rose executed by Mafia

Scene 5 Suspects:
- Ledgend1221
/ Hellpen9
/ Arachny
/ Shinya Kogami

Ledgend1221, Mafia


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Scene 6:



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As the nights become longer and colder people started to stay indoors more due to the outbreak of the Mafians, they realised that not a lot of people left in the town, they were all scared but it was becoming halloween and everyone wanted to start buying a carving out their pumpkins early since they had no clue if they were going to survive or not.


There was one person who caught the Mafians attention though, observing all the execution scenes they noticed one person out of the crowd who was unturned by all the events, who wasn't bothered who was executed and who was always boasting about a resistance to try and fight the Mafians. They have identified the person.


"Listen, there's only us two left so there will be a lot less of a commotion of who we'll be killing," The Leader took a sip of his tea "Only us two left, that means I made the right decision on who I kidnapped and forced to join our cult of murderers." The rookie looked up from his 3DS "Hmm, what did you say? I was busy playing Super Smash Bros for the 3DS I nicked from my friends list of games..."


The Leader just looked at the rookie blank before sitting down in a chair with a few biscuits and his tea "I said that I chose the right person to carry us to victory, according to my predictions ten people are alive, two die each night. We're part of that 10." The rookie paused the game and put the 3DS down. "Sorry but you're being rather dense, explain what you mean by 'we're part of that 10."


"According to the calculations we could do two murders each and if we make it out twice then we can kill everyone in this dump hole that call a town. Doesn't this surprise you? Doesn't this get you excited? We could kill an ENTIRE town and walk away clean!" The leader was very happy at this point "Okay, so who are we going to kill next?" Asked the rookie.


Bnus was in the centre of town preaching and trying to reassure everyone that they're safe "If we fight back then they cannot hurt us! If we run and stay out of sight then they cannot hurt us! Join me and the resistance if you want to survive the outbreak!" All the civilians were scared, thinking it was a trick to draw more people into a pile so they could all be taken out at once.


As the winds changed and darkness flooded the town Bnus was walking home posting leaflets through the door. 'Join the Offbeat Syndicate' said the leaflets 'The only way you will survive!' 


As he reached his house he noticed a figure standing on the roof behind him. "It's not worth it." Spoke the Mafian "It's not working, you wanted it to be picture perfect." The Mafian jumped off the rooftop and drew his sword, "But now look at where we are, your actions made us root you out as some sort of hero in this town, thanks to you we can strike even more fear into this god forsaken town." 


"Finally, time to prove to everyone that I can be trusted!" Bnus drew his sword which had a few pieces of bread and butter calved into the hilt and charged at the Mafian, this became an intense battle, the sound of clashing steel echoed throughout the darkened town. Bnus was relentless but the Mafian was using this to his advantage, trying to ware out his opponent before unleashing a frenzy of attacks against Bnus.


Eventually Bnus was caught off guard and became tired, the strength he was putting into every swing was wearing him out and causing strain on his arms. The Mafian simply smiled and took his chance to unleash an incredibly dangerous flurry of attacks against Bnus, Bnus' ability of deflecting the attacks was very good but he simply didn't have the strength to keep up against the speed and ferocity of the attacks and was sliced in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground in a puddle of blood.


"Look at you, thinking you was some sort of fierce leader yet you don't even have the simple skill of self control. How could you even lead the rest of these worthless, brain-dead idiots when you couldn't even keep yourself in order!" The Mafian stopped smiling "In fact you know what? Don't even tell me, I don't really care anyway because you're dead and that's all that matters!" The Mafian decapitated Bnus and impaled his head to Bnus' wooden door, using Bnus' sword as the nail.


Bnus - Civilian - Decapitated


Suspect list:




Hextar Grief

Bonus points if you guess the band, song and lyrics that's an easter egg in this scene ;)

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I'm not sure on who to vote, but I'm confident that it's not Rue.


If someone can give some good, clear evidence as to who the mafian is/could be, then you have my vote.

Hexter Grief. He was in my scene (tyrone) where no one was executed except me. Rue and Delpen were not in that scene.


That makes me want to vote Grif...


I'm scared... and lol RUE!!! I'll vote her for the kicks. 


...but this makes me want to vote Delpen.

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The game so far 6.0


Bnus is deaded.


2 - Hexter Grief (Dexter Grif)

1 - Rue

0 - Hellpen9 (Delpen9)

0 - Mereel



+ Pro-Town/Special Role
/ Unconfirmed
- Mafia
+/- Confirmed

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Synopsis so far:

Mafians: 3 dead, 2 remaining
- Ledgend1221
- BeckoningZebra1
- rrhuntington

Civilians: 4 dead, 6 remaining
+ Bnus

+ Ruby Rose
+ Axilus Prime
+ TheSilverCenturion

Special Roles: 3 dead, 0 remaining
+ Yoshi1176 (Detective)
+ Unease N3wsnut (Medic)
+ The Director (Jailkeeper)

Unconfirmed: 8 remaining
/ Dexter Grif
/ Arachny
/ Caboose the Ace
/ Shinya Kogami
/ Delpen9
/ Self Destruct
/ Rue
/ Mereel

Sum: 10 people dead, 8 remaining

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Original Attendee list:

1. Ledgend1221 (Mafia) Lynched - Round 5
2. Dexter Grif
3. Arachny
4. BeckoningZebra1 (Mafia) Lynched - Round 1
5. Caboose the Ace
6. Axilus Prime Executed - Round 4
7. Shinya Kogami
8. Unease N3wsnut (Medic) Lynched - Round 2
9. Delpen9
10. The Director (Jailkeeper) Executed - Round 2
11. Self Destruct
12. TheSilverCenturion Lynched - Round 3
13. rrhuntington (Mafia) Lynched - Round 4
14. Ruby Rose Executed - Round 5
15. Bnus Executed - Round 6
16. Yoshi1176 (Detective) Executed - Round 3


17. Rue
18. Mereel

SCENES: 1-2 Mafians, 2-3 Protowns max per Lynch.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 1: Ruby Rose protected by Medic

Scene 1 Suspects:
/ Caboose the Ace
- BeckoningZebra1
/ Delpen9
/ Arachny

BeckoningZebra1, Mafian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 2: The Director (Jailkeeper) executed by Mafia

Scene 2 Suspects:
+ Bnus
+ Unease N3wsnut
- rrhuntington
- Ledgend1221

Lynch: None

Final Lynch Smackdown: N3wsnut & rrhuntington

Unease N3wsnut (Medic) Lynched

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 3: Yoshi1176 (Detective) executed by Mafia

Scene 3 Suspects:
/ Self Destruct
+ TheSilverCenturion
/ Shinya Kogami
/ Dexter Grif

TheSilverCenturion, Civilian

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 4: Axilus Prime executed by Mafia

Scene 4 Suspects:
- rrhuntington
+ Bnus
/ Caboose the Ace
/ Mereel

rrhuntington, Mafia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scene 5: Ruby Rose executed by Mafia

Scene 5 Suspects:
- Ledgend1221
/ Delpen9
/ Arachny
/ Shinya Kogami

Ledgend1221, Mafia


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Scene 6: Bnus executed by Mafia


Scene 6 suspects:

/ Delpen9

/ Rue

/ Mereel

/ Dexter Grif





Edited by Hell Verruckt
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I'm not sure on who to vote, but I'm confident that it's not Rue.


If someone can give some good, clear evidence as to who the mafian is/could be, then you have my vote.


That makes me want to vote Grif...



...but this makes me want to vote Delpen.


Here is my case against Hexter Grief.


1. He was the first person I messaged in this game with my evidence of who had roles. He knew I suspected Ledgend and Yoshi had roles, as well as rrhuntington.


2. He was in my scene where I was voted out as a civilian. There still remains 1 mafian in that scene and he is the only person in this round that was in my elimination vote. 


3.There are only two mafians. The odds of two mafians being in one vote is now slim.

Scene 3 Suspects:


/ Self Destruct




Blake BellaMoMma


/ Tyrone King


1 - Rue

0 - Hellpen9

0 - Mereel

0 - Hexter Grief

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Here is my case against Hexter Grief.



1. He was the first person I messaged in this game with my evidence of who had roles. He knew I suspected Ledgend and Yoshi had roles, as well as rrhuntington.


2. He was in my scene where I was voted out as a civilian. There still remains 1 mafian in that scene and he is the only person in this round that was in my elimination vote. 


3.There are only two mafians. The odds of two mafians being in one vote is now slim.

Scene 3 Suspects:


/ Self Destruct




Blake BellaMoMma


/ Tyrone King


1 - Rue

0 - Hellpen9

0 - Mereel

0 - Hexter Grief


I vote Grif.

Edited by Shinya Kogami
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Here is my case against Hexter Grief.


1. He was the first person I messaged in this game with my evidence of who had roles. He knew I suspected Ledgend and Yoshi had roles, as well as rrhuntington.


2. He was in my scene where I was voted out as a civilian. There still remains 1 mafian in that scene and he is the only person in this round that was in my elimination vote. 


3.There are only two mafians. The odds of two mafians being in one vote is now slim.


As much as I want to abstain again... I REALLY want to get this over with. At this point I don't really care if I vote another Civvy out. We've only got 2 Mafians anyway. That doesn't seem to be much trouble in contrast to how many Civvies there are.


So I vote Hexter Grief. No hard feelings.


If Hex does turn out to be Civvy then I don't blame Centurion for speculating him as Mafian. He is only doing what any logical person would do in this type of situation: making sense of the jumbled information. That's what I would do. I admit I maay have gotten a few civvies killed by my speculation... but I believe without them dead we wouldn't have caught the Mafians we have now.

EDIT: I reaaaally need to make the alternate names for the Players to be the same, hold on I'll edit the "Game So Far" thing.

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At this point I don't really care if I vote another Civvy out. We've only got 2 Mafians anyway. That doesn't seem to be much trouble in contrast to how many Civvies there are.


You made some good points in your post, but I strongly disagree with this. It's always good to minimise the number of casualties. The more innocents we save, the better the end-game results. Glad to see you are voting Grif. TCS gave us the solid evidence we need to find the mafian, looking forward to seeing if we're correct.

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I'm looking forward to the results for when I come back :)


So Ledgend said he'd do the execution scene and possibly the next night scene but after that I'll be back by then however I may take Friday off since it'll be my Birthday and I'll probably be out on that day but I'll give you all a scene either Friday or Saturday

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I'm looking forward to the results for when I come back :)


So Ledgend said he'd do the execution scene and possibly the next night scene but after that I'll be back by then however I may take Friday off since it'll be my Birthday and I'll probably be out on that day but I'll give you all a scene either Friday or Saturday


We shall wait for your return, Thane.

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I'm looking forward to the results for when I come back :)


So Ledgend said he'd do the execution scene and possibly the next night scene but after that I'll be back by then however I may take Friday off since it'll be my Birthday and I'll probably be out on that day but I'll give you all a scene either Friday or Saturday





We shall wait for your return, Thane.







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That scene was well done.


As for who to vote for...well, the case against Grif is strong enough. If not him, then almost certainly Delpen. Delpen is in the PM we know has a mole in it. And "losing interest" would be a perfect cover for his illogical, whim-based statements.


We could split the vote.

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