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You Ate All The Chips Achievement


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When?: 10:00 am EST 

Where? Halo Reach

To all those who are having a problem with this achievement, I am inviting you to earn it with me. We will play 2 games and let everyone get it. We need at least 10 people. I already have 3 players and I need 7 more. Sign up with your gamer tag if you're interested. I hope to see you there :D

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I have that one already. ;)


But I do need 2 more achievements and I'll get 100% in Reach... well if you're up to doing other achievements besides The Chips.

Oh and I can help you out with the Chips achievement if you want, but 10:00 AM is like waaay too early for me. It would have to be like idk 2-4pm EST.

Edited by Self Destruct
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