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Goodbye (for a week or so)


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Yang, I honestly hope to see you return soon. You've been an outstanding member and a great overall presence throughout the forum.

I do hope and pray that things settle down for you and you figure things out. It's not easy being stressed... trust me, I know. I have stress gradually building up for me here recently. Trying to figure it all out is not easy. Good luck my friend!

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To do list:

-Take a break

-Sort life stuffs out

-Have a good time

-Come back


Don't rush it, take your time ;)

Good luck!

See you in a week or two!


(Mixed feelings about liking this....)

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Well goodbye Yang. You are a great role model of the community forums, a shame to see you go but as long as it's the best option for you to take time to chill and devote time to schoolwork-

as I believe it  may well be beneficial for you before you prepare to go back onto the Shoutbox.


I hope you took my advice about handling stress at school, I would love to read your next upcoming Mafia in the future.





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Dude!!!!  I can't be with my Ying without my Yang!!!!  I understand why you feel as though leaving would alleviate some of your personal issues.  Just remember that you have friends here, and my door is ALWAYS open if you ever need to talk.  Take care man, and good luck!




Well this isn't goodbye. I know you've been stressed recently and all, so just relax and take it easy. Hope to see you soon buddy.


I'll just leave this here...


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I know the feeling had it two years ago, I was a cartoon I would have had steam coming out of my ear. Got a week off and didn't turn on my computer or tv, I ran, 4 km or 5 km, just clearing my head every day off the week.


I am anxious for your return, but do not rush things, chill out, do stuff you like and let go of all the stress.

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