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  On 9/22/2014 at 3:19 PM, Blake BellaMoMa said:

Hmm, interesting. There aren't many authors that come to mind for me, but I think that Eric Nylund was the best author out of the Halo books I've read (the first five).

Hi Blake :D And I own his books. You may like The Cole Protocol, I liked it's author.

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I'd love to have seen what Philip K. **** could have done with the Halo universe. Blade Runner is one of my favourite films of all time, and a lot of the themes it explores - what it means to be alive, what makes us human, what the purpose of your life is when you've literally been created for a single job, only to have that taken away from you - seem like they'd be the kind of questions the Master Chief would be asking himself after the events of Halo 4, especially as he himself is basically half-machine (and possibly less than half-human thanks to the librarian).


One of the things that I loved about Halo 4 was the fact that 343i put so much effort into trying to flesh him out as an actual character, rather than just treating him as an emotionless weapon. And what made that so interesting to explore is the fact that, he's supposed to be an emotionless weapon! As far as the Chief knows, pretty much everyone he's ever formed a relationship with, from the other Spartans, to Halsey, to Johnson, to the Keyes, and ultimately even Cortana, is now dead: worse, with the creation of the Spartan-IVs in their next-generation armour, he's been replaced. He no longer has any close friends, no chance of living a normal life or integrating with the new Spartan program, and even as a weapon he's redundant. That's some incredibly interesting stuff to explore, and the kind of stuff that Philip K. **** was a master of, so I would definitely have loved to see him around either as a writer for Halo 5, or to work on some of the expanded-universe stuff.

Edited by RedStarRocket91
Oh come on, THAT'S censored? Really?
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Greg Bear(author of the Forerunner trilogy) did an amazing job in my opinion and I would love to see more Halo stories by him,


But as for another Author? I think Robert Zurbin(author of "How To Live On Mars") could make an interesting manual on how to live life in the outer colonies. 

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