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Proving Tyrone/Butch wrong.


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So, Tyrone/ Butch thinks Glasnevin Cemetery is boring. I think otherwise.



Important dudes and dudettes buried at Glasnevin Cemetery:


  • Kevin Barry- Executed for his part in the Easter 1916 Rising
  • Brendan Behan- Poet, playwright, novelist.
  • Christy Brown- Irish writer and painter (if any of you have seen My Left Foot; that's him)
  • Cathal Brugha: Importan leader in the 1916 Uprising and also the Irish Civil War. Also the first chairman of the Dail(Irish Parliament)
  • Erskine Childers: Author and an important nationalist. Smuggled German guns to Ireland aboard the Asgard
  • Michael Collins: Probaby the most important and influential revolutionary of the early 20th Century. Played pivotal roles after the 1916 Rising, particularly in the War of Independence and the resulting Civil War.
  • Eamon de Valera: One of the dominant political figures in twentieth-century Ireland. Leader of Ireland's struggle for independence. Also served as Taoiseach (head of Parliament) for multiple terms.
  • James Fitzmaurice: Aviation pioneer. Member of the crew of the Bremen, which made the first successful Trans-Atlantic aircraft flight.
  • Maud Gonne: Revolutionary, feminist and played a key role in influencing many of W.B Yeats works.
  • Arthur Griffith: Founded SInn Fein; the most controversial poltical of the 20th Century. Also played key roles in the Uprising and resulting events.
  • Luke Kelly: One of the most famous Irish folksingers of the 20th Century. Also widely regarded as the best.
  • James Larkin: Basically established the first Irish trade union and campaigned for better worker rights.
  • Dermot Morgan: "Father Ted" simple as.
  • Daniel O'Connell: Most important political leader of the 19th Century. Campaigned for Catholic Emmancipation   and also a repeal of the Act of Union.
  • Charles Stewart Parnell: Achieved Home Rule for Ireland; the stepping stone eventually leading to full independence from Britain.
  • Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington: Suffragette and Irish nationalist. Founded the Irish Women's Franchise League in 1908 with the aim of obtaining women's voting rights.
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