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No midship halo 2 remastered?


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Im sorry. I have been a competitive halo player since halo 1. Everyone I know who plays competitive halo, Knows thats midship is just as important as lockout to the fun of the game.







are the top 4 MLG/team hardcore maps for halo 2. So what is the problem here? ask any MLG setting player, they will repeat the same maps... You are effecting the longevity of the Halo 2 remastered by not adding such an important map to the diverse and skilled players of the game halo 2. Its hard to believe you actually care to be honest. Everyone is pumped for Midship that i know, across the world, that I play with. Is there any hope for Midship???

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Sadly I don't think Midship will be along the remastered maps. Warlock, Ascension, Coagulation, Sanctuary, Lockout and Zanzibar are all the maps that are going to get a new look.

The problem is that they don't have time to remake ALL the maps, they chose these ones as they were community favourite. You might not like them all, but other might. It's very hard to get everyone what they want. Be glad the did this for us in the first place!


Also you'll be able to play those maps just fine without the new look.



I think they did this because Halo 3 already has a Midship remake: Heretic. It's made exactly the same with a modified skin to fit the game's graphics. 



And this ^

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